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Width vs. Depth: Nintendo's New Interest in Fans

If you're to believe Satoru Iwata's rhetoric, Wii U will be for the core. Mostly.

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There were plenty of terrific consoles games released for Wii I’m guessing most people never played. I accept that.

Zach & Wiki. LostWinds. Bit.Trip. Sin & Punishment: Star Successor. Kirby's Epic Yarn. No More Heroes. Donkey Kong Country Returns. Rhythm Heaven Fever. World of Goo. Xenoblade Chronicles. Little King's Story. Nyx Quest. And Yet It Moves. Swords & Soldiers. Cave Story. Fluidity. Many came to other platforms, but they were on Wii first.

Once Wii became known as a console for the masses, it was tough for Nintendo to shake that perception. Of course, Nintendo didn’t do enough to push back against it, either.

If you believe Nintendo president Satoru Iwata, that lesson has been learned, as Wii U's launch unveiling looms. Iwata outlined his feelings on the future of Nintendo in a Q&A session with investors, published today in English.

With Microsoft and Sony's next hardware likely set for 2013, all eyes are on Iwata at E3.
With Microsoft and Sony's next hardware likely set for 2013, all eyes are on Iwata at E3.

“Regrettably, what we prioritized [on Wii] in order to reach out to the new audience was a bit too far from what we prioritized for those who play games as their hobby,” said Iwata.

Nintendo announced Wii U at E3 last year, and while I found the machine promising, the overall reception was muted. It wasn’t a technological showcase, there wasn’t much more than demos (albeit interesting ones), and it seemed to have a little too much in common with an iPad. It will be introduced again at E3 next month.

If we’re to assume the overall industry tide is turning against Nintendo, one way Nintendo can hang on is by doubling down on its fans. That wasn’t Nintendo’s strategy when 3DS launched, a symptom of the company’s arrogance with the platform. When 3DS experienced a slow start, who did it appeal to? The fans. And that’s going to be the same strategy with Wii U, except it’s going to happen much faster this time.

It will be a balancing act, though.

While Iwata admitted it lost devoted fans over the last few years, expanding the games to a wider audience is important to Nintendo. 3DS' launch lineup consisted mostly of a gimmick, and it created momentum through placating to the hardcore. It has not, however, found itself the same mainstream gold that was Brain Age or Wii Fit.

“We are making efforts so that we will be able to make several proposals even from the launch period that can eventually become evergreen titles for the Wii U,” said Iwata. “We have learned the lesson that we have to make that kind of preparation for the Wii U, or the Wii U will not gain enough momentum to expand its sales.”

Iwata explained this balancing act as width and depth. Width represents the expansion of possible consumers, the kinds of users who wouldn’t call themselves “gamers.” Depth is the realm of the gaming hobbyist, the player who will happily spend dozens of hours engrossed in game worlds. There wasn't enough depth on Wii, he argued.

“With the Nintendo DS and the Wii,” said Iwata, “the approach of ‘width’ was well accepted by many people; however, what we did in terms of ‘depth’ was not satisfactory for some consumers.”

Nintendo has not produced a Wii Sports or Brain Age equivalent since, but Iwata says it's on it.
Nintendo has not produced a Wii Sports or Brain Age equivalent since, but Iwata says it's on it.

Nintendo reached more customers with DS and Wii, but that came at a price, especially when it came to perception with the devoted.

“Once consumers have a notion that ‘this system is not for us,’ we have learned that it is extremely difficult to change their perceptions later,” he said.

Many of those players never came back, and allowed their Wii to collect dust. But it's safe to assume they remain Nintendo fans.

Cue the hyperbole, right? Wii U will launch with a new Mario, Zelda, Metroid, and Super Smash Bros simultaneously! Probably not, and Iwata cautioned against expecting too much right out of the gate.

“There is always a limit to our internal resources,” he said. “The company now has to develop software for the Nintendo 3DS, has to prepare for the Wii U launch and has to finalize the hardware functionalities. With these circumstances in mind, if I said that an overwhelmingly rich software lineup would be prepared from day one, it would be too much of a promise to make.”

Hopefully, he's just tempering buzz. Nintendo needs a thunderous, excited fan base coming out of E3.

3DS has become a bit of a rolling thunder, especially if you’re paying attention to the eShop. In short: quality software on a regular basis. Whether Nintendo can find phenomenon-level repeat success with Wii U won’t be known for months, but we do know Nintendo can still make terrific software, and it appears prepared to unleash that weapon.

E3 is just a few weeks away.

Patrick Klepek on Google+


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Edited By Enigma_2099

It's finally a HD console, with more under the hood. Maybe now developers won't be so d***** scared to put better games on it. Instead of the hand-me-down shovelware they seem content with throwing on the console, they could act like they give a d*** and do the most with what they have. Since we all know HD makes all games better. [/sarcasm]

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@Zero_Dude said:
Youve pretty much sold me on the controller, nintendo, now i just need games, support for a marketplace like the 3ds apparently has, and a way to talk with friends like xbox has, and youve got a day 1 sale.
Nintendo will never have support for a headset chat function, which has become notorious for being a feature filled with stupid children shouting profanities and epithets for the sake of being edgy. It would be neat and maybe fun or funny, but Nintendo is too  worried about its appearance, and being sued.
I think the WiiU will be interesting, at least.
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Edited By monkeyking1969

What Nintendo needs to learn is how to embrace, encourage, and foster support from 3rd party developers. Not pay lip service, not start out with some support and walk away, but actually go out there to the other publishers and get titles over a five or six year cycle of hardware. Also, just as Sony and Microsoft will have to have similar hardware Nintendo NEEDS to do the same thing...the controller they can keep their own... but CPU, GPU, RAM speed, and storage all need to be in-line with 'the' standard. They need to get day & date ports that measure up. First party titles are great, but if you cannot provide the balance of other titles - who cares.

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Edited By SnowyPliskin

Nintendo need to realise they have too distinct hardcore bases.

Kids who love Mario etc and people who used to love Mario etc but would like something a bit different.

It cant always be a rehashing of the same characters, I say nuke them all.

All Im asking for really is a new Eternal Darkness and a controller to play it with. Dont give me a fucking interactive chopping board to use. Another useless peripheral which detracts from what I thought Nintendo were all about, the gameplay?

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Edited By viking_funeral

You know what would bring back us gamers raised on Nintendo? Games. Some damn good games. Talk about hardware and market focus and all that, but they're going to have to pull a N64 with some legendary exclusive games for me to even consider getting a Wii U.

Also, a name change.

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Edited By feargalr

@Shaanyboi said:

@feargalr said:

@Shaanyboi said:

@feargalr said:

@alanm26v5 said:

They'll eventually put out a Zelda game and I'll buy one like a sucker.

After playing Twilight Princess I swore a blood oath to not buy another zelda game until they really switch things up.

I've also been waiting about 14 years for a full console pokemon RPG a la blue/red/black/white etc. Dude seriously, a proper 3D pokemon game, like colosseum but you can catch wild pokemon and none of the shadow nonsense.... essentially a remake of red/blue (OR ANY OF THEM) for Wii U... it'd make a bagillion dollars...

The nature of asset development will guarantee that you will NEVER see a full 3D Pokemon adventure...

There's like what, 600 pokemon now? Plus these variants on trainers, etc. Having to model and animate ALL of that? Not going to happen.

Why couldn't they do a game with just the original 150? Pokemon colosseum wasn't too far off a full pokemon adventure, surely with all of todays modern smartphones they could make it.

Because "just the original 150" isn't how they handle Pokemon anymore. Yeah, Pikachu is still their fucking poster-child, but they're always going to push their new Pokemon more and more.

Then they can stick in the newer pokemon from black and white, whatever I don't care, I just want it to happen. People made skyrim happen, people made mass effect happen, people made WoW happen. People can make a full 3D Pokemon adventure happen. BTW there really isn't much point arguing with me about this, I made up my mind a few years back that I wanted this more then a fat guy wants sex... but just like the fat guy, it would appear I'm doomed to never get it :/

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Edited By Bladefire

I think I've come to the realization that I haven't really given a shit about Nintendo since the N64 outside of Mario games. I didn't like or had no interest in almost every single game Patrick listed (aside from Rhythm Heaven, World of Goo, and I thought Muramasa was quite good even though Patrick left it out). The Mario games have always been stellar (and I've always been able to just borrow a friend's console and grind those out in a few days) but I was tired of the Zelda formula years ago and haven't like a single modern Metroid game. At this point I'd rather just save my money and get both Sony and Microsoft's next things. I can't see how you recapture the "old fans" by putting out a under powered console whose most potentially interesting applications have already been crippled by only having one of the new controllers per console.

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Edited By Shaanyboi

@feargalr said:

@Shaanyboi said:

@feargalr said:

@alanm26v5 said:

They'll eventually put out a Zelda game and I'll buy one like a sucker.

After playing Twilight Princess I swore a blood oath to not buy another zelda game until they really switch things up.

I've also been waiting about 14 years for a full console pokemon RPG a la blue/red/black/white etc. Dude seriously, a proper 3D pokemon game, like colosseum but you can catch wild pokemon and none of the shadow nonsense.... essentially a remake of red/blue (OR ANY OF THEM) for Wii U... it'd make a bagillion dollars...

The nature of asset development will guarantee that you will NEVER see a full 3D Pokemon adventure...

There's like what, 600 pokemon now? Plus these variants on trainers, etc. Having to model and animate ALL of that? Not going to happen.

Why couldn't they do a game with just the original 150? Pokemon colosseum wasn't too far off a full pokemon adventure, surely with all of todays modern smartphones they could make it.

Because "just the original 150" isn't how they handle Pokemon anymore. Yeah, Pikachu is still their fucking poster-child, but they're always going to push their new Pokemon more and more.

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Edited By feargalr

@Shaanyboi said:

@feargalr said:

@alanm26v5 said:

They'll eventually put out a Zelda game and I'll buy one like a sucker.

After playing Twilight Princess I swore a blood oath to not buy another zelda game until they really switch things up.

I've also been waiting about 14 years for a full console pokemon RPG a la blue/red/black/white etc. Dude seriously, a proper 3D pokemon game, like colosseum but you can catch wild pokemon and none of the shadow nonsense.... essentially a remake of red/blue (OR ANY OF THEM) for Wii U... it'd make a bagillion dollars...

The nature of asset development will guarantee that you will NEVER see a full 3D Pokemon adventure...

There's like what, 600 pokemon now? Plus these variants on trainers, etc. Having to model and animate ALL of that? Not going to happen.

Why couldn't they do a game with just the original 150? Pokemon colosseum wasn't too far off a full pokemon adventure, surely with all of todays modern smartphones they could make it.

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Edited By Icaria

As I recall, they appealed to their base in both the N64 and GCN years too - to increasingly diminishing returns. If it hadn't been for their relative monopoly on handhelds during those years, it's hard to see Nintendo having survived.

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Edited By spacetrogg

What I'm concerned about is that Nintendo talks of a focus on core gaming in the early days of the Wii U and then broadening out to the casual audience. Does this mean that after the initial two or three years of decent games that we'll enter a drought where ninty is only interested in shilling the"Vitality Sensor 2.0" and the like?

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Edited By Alex_Carrillo

All is forgiven if Nintendo would translate and drop Mother 3 on the god damn eShop.

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Edited By EXTomar

Part of the problem seems to be that the development side hasn't caught up with modern trends either. To start working on an iOS or Android or PC game is quite low: A PC or Mac, the target hardware and "off the shelf software". As far as I know, starting to work on a DS title or Wii title is still somewhat restrictive where you need to contact Nintendo, vetted as a developer, and then buy/gain access to the development hardware. It is in this environment it is easy to see why Angry Birds and Tiny Towers and Minecraft started on those systems instead of any Nintendo ones.

Nintendo could completely revamp their online store strategy (and I'm not saying that this current 'new idea' is any good) and still wouldn't see a bunch of the small and indie games that catch on like wildfire because their developer system is still not cheap and readily available enough.

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Edited By offsprnvid24

Everyone turns there back on Nintendo and to be honest you all should be ashamed of yourselves. The only reason we can even play games like we do is because Nintendo innovates and starts new gamming trends. Where would we be for without them to revolutionize the industry.

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After the last two zelda games im finally done with my favourite franchise, theres no more reason to deal with Nintendo

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Edited By WinterSnowblind

@Shaanyboi: "Fully animated" may not have been the right term, but it's not like the sprites in Black and White are just squashed and stretched, like they were in some of the previous games, they're actually animated, and so they have to be redrawn for each frame. 3D models are very easy to animate once they're created and that's ignoring the fact they already have more animations in the Pokedex App than they ever did in the Stadium/Colosseum games.

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Edited By Shaanyboi

@WinterSnowblind said:

@Shaanyboi: They already have 3D models for all the Pokemon, as is evidenced by the 3DS Pokedex app. Animating 3D models is also much easier than fully animated 600 2D sprites and then re-doing those for every subsequent game!

They'd just rather keep it as a handheld game, there's no other reason.

Umm.... when have Pokemon games EVER featured full animation? Flash cartoons require more work than what it takes to make those Pokemon animations. They were, for a long time, literally just portraits that they shifted back and forth to signify they were attacking. Now, there's like... 2 poses to show them breathing, and a quick 'attack' pose. But this is hardly A Boy and His Blob....

They have those 3DS models doing like... one, at most two animations of them like growling or some crap. Not attacking, summoning a goddamn flood, or shooting lightning, or anything like that. And considering very few of these Pokemon can get away with reskinning animations onto another character, there's that much more custom work they'll have to do.

And yeah, of course they're going to keep it on a handheld.

1) They essentially get to double-down on a single game by selling multiple versions, and it's even more bulletproof of a strategy if you consider there'll be some siblings that'll both wanna play this, but will each want their own copy.

2) The inherent nature of the game is to go out and trade with people. Hence, portable.

3) It's WAY cheaper to make.

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Edited By WinterSnowblind

@Shaanyboi: They already have 3D models for all the Pokemon, as is evidenced by the 3DS Pokedex app. Animating 3D models is also much easier than fully animated 600 2D sprites and then re-doing those for every subsequent game!

They'd just rather keep it as a handheld game, there's no other reason.

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Edited By Grillbar

@lokilaufey said:

@stalefishies said:

World of Goo...And Yet It Moves...Cave Story...they were on Wii first.

Uhh, no?

I want to think that he said that about CS because that was the first release of the Cave Story remake, and WoG was confusion because it was released the same day as PC... but there's really no excuse for And Yet It Moves.

It even says this on the GB Wiki

NameAnd Yet It Moves
RegionUnited States
Release DateApril 2, 2009

NameAnd Yet It Moves
PlatformWii Shop
RegionUnited States
Release DateAug. 23, 2010

Now Patrick, do you mean they came to Wii as their first console/handheld/mobile release? I don't mean to nitpick or come off as rude (I love ya Pat) but I just can't help but chime in xD

no matter how much you want to you cant ague with this

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Edited By geirr

My best experiences this generation of consoles came from the Wii; playing idiotic games with friends (adding beer made it even better). I could even have fun with family and kids. Gaps were bridged!

I don't think WiiU will do any of this, but I'm hoping to be surprised.

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Edited By fjor

i love nintendo for games like : mario galaxy 1, 2 , donkey kong returns , paper mario , metroid...........but i dont think the hate for that awful 2008 e3 will ever go for me (they were not in their right minds)

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Edited By Dylabaloo

If they are really dedicated to turning a new leaf, prove it. Call it a different name than the "WiiU", severing the brand recognition ties for the average consumer and showing that this is actually a new console I should be interested in and not just a reactionary half-step.

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Edited By StingingVelvet

I just don't have time to play everything anyway and if there's one console whose exclusives are easier to pass on it's the Wii. I have Nintendo nostalgia like any other 30-something, but honestly their modern games are all just rehashes, no matter what reviews say.

So meh.

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Edited By chazzi27

Eh, I'm definitely someone who grew up on Nintendo but was spurned aside by the Wii. I own one...and the last time I booted it up was about a year ago to play Mario Kart 64 for a fun night of Don't Drink and Drive. I just can't see a reason to pick up a Wii U when I have a PS3 and an X360...maybe when there's finally a price break I'll pick it up to finally try out the first party games but it's been years since I cared when I heard the name Link and Samus in rumors of future games.

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Edited By Kael

"Once consumers have a notion that ‘this system is not for us,’ we have learned that it is extremely difficult to change their perceptions later," he says. Very true. Unfortunately for them, I've already gotten that notion, so they have an extremely difficult challenge ahead of them if they want me back on board; I hope their showing at E3 is amazing.

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Edited By selbie

@DesertDog said:

@selbie said:

I hope they ditch the Wii U name. I don't want to have to say "pass the Wii pad please".

It could be worse imagine if they partnered with Apple. it would be the iWiiU or if Apple bought both the OnLive service and Nintendo it would be called the iWiiOnU. Nevermind, actually that would be great...

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Edited By awadnin

Pikmin 3 at launch. Sold.

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Edited By DesertDog

@selbie said:

I hope they ditch the Wii U name. I don't want to have to say "pass the Wii pad please".

It could be worse imagine if they partnered with Apple. it would be the iWiiU or if Apple bought both the OnLive service and Nintendo it would be called the iWiiOnU. Nevermind, actually that would be great...

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Edited By DesertDog

@Trilogy said:

I felt a great disturbance in the if millions of nerds cried out, "I TOLD YOU SO!"...and were suddenly silenced.

You are my new favorite person. How about...

"The accumulated Nintendo filth of all their WiiFit and Brain Age will foam up about their waists and all the corporate suits and CEOs will look up and shout 'Save us!'... and I'll look down and whisper 'No.' "

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Edited By Little_Socrates

Ah, Nyx Quest brings back great memories of NoobToob.

Anyways, happy to hear it, though we'll see if it holds true.

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Edited By me3639 interest in anything Nintendo.

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Edited By Shaanyboi

@feargalr said:

@alanm26v5 said:

They'll eventually put out a Zelda game and I'll buy one like a sucker.

After playing Twilight Princess I swore a blood oath to not buy another zelda game until they really switch things up.

I've also been waiting about 14 years for a full console pokemon RPG a la blue/red/black/white etc. Dude seriously, a proper 3D pokemon game, like colosseum but you can catch wild pokemon and none of the shadow nonsense.... essentially a remake of red/blue (OR ANY OF THEM) for Wii U... it'd make a bagillion dollars...

The nature of asset development will guarantee that you will NEVER see a full 3D Pokemon adventure...

There's like what, 600 pokemon now? Plus these variants on trainers, etc. Having to model and animate ALL of that? Not going to happen.

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Edited By csl316

I like Nintendo games and want more. So sure, a more steady trickle of quality stuff would convince me to get this new thing. Though I hate gimmicks and just want solid core mechanics.

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Edited By Trilogy

I felt a great disturbance in the if millions of nerds cried out, "I TOLD YOU SO!"...and were suddenly silenced.

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Edited By GValo

@Peanut said:

So the casual bubble bursts and they're going to rely on us for survival? Big surprise.

Here's my first hint they still kinda don't give a damn about us - it's called the Wii U. I wonder which audience they're trying to pull in with that awful shit?

Don't forget that it also still uses the Wii controllers and last time they spoke about it, only one pad could be used per system

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Edited By fox01313

After hearing the dog & pony metaphorical show enough from Nintendo, it's going to depend somewhat on the games that come out within a month of the launch of the new console from them but expecting this attention from Nintendo will last for about 6 months in press releases before it devolves to a mass of stupid peripherals & 3rd party junky games.

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Edited By Peanut

So the casual bubble bursts and they're going to rely on us for survival? Big surprise.

Here's my first hint they still kinda don't give a damn about us - it's called the Wii U. I wonder which audience they're trying to pull in with that awful shit?

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Edited By Hunter5024

So by "Terrific Console Games" you mean half a dozen downloadable 2d platformers... convincing argument Klepek.

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Edited By umdesch4

I dunno, I've had some fun times with the Wii. Sure, they were all first party titles, and sure they were more suited to kids, or groups of drunk adults, but what the heck. If I had to choose one console to own, the Wii would not have been it, but as a secondary console, it was worth owning, and I don't regret having one.

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Edited By SpudBug

I just hope they can find a space for themselves between this generation and the next. It has not traditionally been a good spot for a hardware manufacturer to find themselves in.

If Microsoft and Sony hold off until 2013 or 2014 for new hardware, i think they will do very well. If new hardware arrives and makes it near obsolete a year into its life, I think it'll be in big trouble without 3rd party development focus at its hardware level and with the casual market having been distracted by apple's shiny new thing and shitty 99 cent games.

Either way i'll be in and love the games nintendo makes for it. They have never disappointed me with a hardware platform. ( never bought virtual boy)

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Edited By selbie

I hope they ditch the Wii U name. I don't want to have to say "pass the Wii pad please".

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Edited By Senate4242

I have been a huge Nintendo fan ever since opening my NES one Christmas morning as a child, all the way up through the Game Cube. They lost me with the Wii though with the lack of HD, the Wiimotes, subpar online service etc. Really was a shame.

I'm ready to give you another chance Nintendo. Just do something about that damn controller/tablet atrocity.

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Edited By sirdesmond

After years of shit shovel-ware I am super skeptical of anything nintendo

Nintendo has never really put out any shovel ware I can think of. There is a lot on their system but there is a lot on anything popular (take a look at the iOS App Store).
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Edited By linkster7

I'll feel kinda stupid sometimes for it, but my blind faith in Nintendo still holds. So I believe it.

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Edited By JCGamer

The Wii U will be like every other Nintendo console since the Nintendo 64-some great first party games and a dearth of 3rd party games.

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Edited By tim_the_corsair

Hey girl, Iwata wants to introduce you to the width and deprh of his Wii U, ifyouknowwhatimean

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Edited By Drebin_893

Great article, really interesting read.

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Edited By 0xDEADBEEF

If Wii remotes will work in the thing, then so will Classic Controllers connected to those remotes, so there's your REAL controller right there.

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Edited By DoctorWelch

@believer258 said:

I think they could do it. Nintendo have dug themselves out of ditches before, and I don't think this time is any different.

As for the nutty controller? I hated the idea of the Wii mote from the time I first touched one. I don't hate it as much as I hate the idea of complete motion control a la Kinect, but I hate it nonetheless, and not in the cheap sense that overuse of the word "hate" brings. However, aside from concerns with the weight, their new controller has me far more intrigued. There's a possibility of mapping many things to the touch screen or using it in ways that help gameplay and not hurt it like the Wii mote did. And then remember that the Wii U's controller is set up so that traditional games look perfectly feasible - you could port an Xbox game to it, for instance, without a ton of control changes. If the Wii had had enough power and you did that, you would have to remap and reconfigure everything.

Oh no, I completely agree that they have the ability to make some cool shit with that screen, in fact, I'd bet on it. Nintendo is known for having crazy ideas that people hate and then coming through with good ideas in their first party games that no one expected. I'm just saying that it seems like a long shot for them to regain any "depth" Iwata was talking about. Basically, I don't see the next game like Mass Effect, Call of Duty, or Assassins Creed selling more on the Wii U than on the other systems, especially when they are going to be in another giant technological disadvantage when the next Xbox and Playstation come out. We will see what they announce at E3, but I would be much more into this system as a default platform for everything I'm playing if they decided to go in a few directions 1. Make the system on par (or at least closer) to what the next systems from their competitors will be and 2. Give the system REAL controllers along side the new touch screen thing, but also make the Wii remotes compatible with the system. I really think if they did those two things I think they would be much closer to reacher their "more depth" goal than they are now. It's basically a given that Nintendo is going to make some good, probably great, games with this thing, but the third party support is a big deal in trying to determine whether or not people like you and me decide that the Wii U is sufficient to be the main system we use from the get go. As it stands right now, I don't see that happening. I feel it's much more likely that me, my friends, and people that play games a lot buy the new Microsoft or Sony console before we buy the next Nintendo console.

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@HerbieBug: Haven't they been pretty clear on both of those they that are fixing those problems.