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    Call of Duty: Black Ops

    Game » consists of 19 releases. Released Nov 09, 2010

    The seventh installment of the long-running action franchise, Call of Duty: Black Ops puts players into the early era of the Cold War (including the Vietnam War) as a member of the United States black operations unit known as the SOG.

    Japan censors Black Ops: Revisionists are douchebags

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    #51  Edited By RsistncE
    @BrickRoad said:
    " The original meaning of that symbol was not of Nazi-ism. You'll see it everywhere in parts of the world, before WWII happened. I'm sure the Pokemon Company wasn't referencing 1930's Germany. "
    It's origins are in india and it's most prominently displayed in Hinduism as a symbol of good luck, although it's present in many asian and eastern european cultures.
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    #52  Edited By Diamond
    @Ragdrazi:  Manji, not swastika.  Either way it has no reference to Nazism whatsoever.
    @RsistncE said:
    " @Diamond said:
    " @RsistncE:  Your complaints are idiotic and ignorant.  They're censoring the game for violence so the game can be sold prominently in stores.  Lots of games get this treatment in Japan, including Japanese developed games.  Japanese ratings have gotten harsher in recent years so games with lots of violence that would only have a M in the US have the Japanese equivalent of an AO rating.  You should do some research before you go on another bigoted rant again. "
    Incredible. Some people here say it has nothing to do with the violence, you say it has everything to do with the violence. Yet I have a hard time figuring out how a Swastika is violent. Either way you've just called many people in this thread (along with myself) idiots. Good job on not discussing the topic in the civil manner as everyone else here is doing. Well done. Personal insults are awesome. "
    I called your complaints idiotic.  I did discuss the topic, I told you why you are wrong and ignorant.  If you still refuse to enlighten yourself, you may be an idiot after all.
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    #53  Edited By meteora

    Censorship pretty much sucks when the government thinks its better for the people, when its not. 
    Educating your population that something horrible happened in the past is the way to make sure it never happens again; not pretend that it never existed.

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    #54  Edited By Vorbis

    For a country that's banning Happy Meals you sure are whiney about other countries standards.

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    #55  Edited By Vinny_Says
    @RsistncE: This sort of editing has been going on forever in videogames in Germany and Japan, and you're only bringing it up now?
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    #56  Edited By Ragdrazi
    @Diamond:  Knew that, thanks. As I said the symbol has a long history both east and west.  A manji is simply the Japanese version of the swastika. The symbol itself is associated to Nazism. Nintendo should have known better. Thank you for replying.
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    #57  Edited By RsistncE
    @blacklabeldomm: Oh no, I know it's been going on forever, I just brought this up since it's another big release coming up that is yet again being cut. It has to stop eventually, this topic is kinda of a "WOW they're STILL doing this?" topic.
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    #58  Edited By Diamond
    @RsistncE:  I'm sorry, but if someone makes idiotic racist bigoted comments on Giant Bomb and I can tell that person why they're being an idiot, I'm going to tell them.  Go ahead and wallow in your offensive ignorance.  And here I thought you were just a trolling nitwit, and turns out you're a real piece of work.
    It's not even a matter of opinion.  If you misinterpret the reasons for something happening and then blame it on cultural deficiencies and you're wrong, you're just wrong.  There is nothing to discuss.
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    #59  Edited By RsistncE
    @Diamond: Yeah, because saying that a government may be censoring media to some extent because it doesn't want anyone to talk about the material they censored is racist and bigoted. I'm totally the real piece of work here. Please oh wise one, quote my racist and bigoted comments. The only thing that I said that in any way approached racism or bigotry was when I said that the Japanese have a superiority complex; that was wrong of me to say, especially considering, as one user pointed out, that most people in their countries have a superiority complex.
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    #61  Edited By Diamond
    @RsistncE said:

    " @Diamond: Yeah, because saying that a government may be censoring media to some extent because it doesn't want anyone to talk about the material they censored is racist and bigoted. I'm totally the real piece of work here. "

    It's not government censorship, it's censorship by Square Enix so the game can be sold in stores where people will actually see the games instead of in back rooms.  Period.
    You want to do a thread about Japanese war crimes, go ahead.  Don't try to tack that on to this business decision, it's foolish.
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    #62  Edited By mazik765
    @RsistncE said:
    " @BrickRoad: Exactly. At the end of the day people need to be held accountable for their actions and I think the fact that Germany and Japan want to essentially wipe their massive mistakes from peoples minds just means they didn't fucking learn their lesson. Hell Japanese people still have a superiority complex, you'd think after being fucking nuked, TWICE, that they'd realize they really aren't much better than any other meatbag on this planet. "
    Most of the German military didn't have any idea concerning the concentration camps and the holocaust, they were simply trying to reclaim their nations standing after the absurd restrictions put on it after WW1 sent the nation into extreme poverty. I can't imagine the vast majority of Japanese soldiers had any idea about the holocaust. They are not trying to forget it, but they also don't need to be associated with something they didn't do (e.g. the holocaust).
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    #63  Edited By BrickRoad

    This thread has got pretty crazy. So my parting statement will be me reiterating my opinion that: Japan does acknowledge it's history, and it is not attempting to cover it up. And that I wish my username didn't keep popping up next to a paragraph I disagree with.

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    #64  Edited By RsistncE
    @Diamond said:

    " @RsistncE said:

    " @Diamond: Yeah, because saying that a government may be censoring media to some extent because it doesn't want anyone to talk about the material they censored is racist and bigoted. I'm totally the real piece of work here. "
    It's not government censorship, it's censorship by Square Enix so the game can be sold in stores where people will actually see the games instead of in back rooms.  Period. "
    The game would not be sold if the game was not censored under government regulations that prevent the stuff they censored from being in the media. Activision was FORCED to censor by the government, otherwise the product would be banned. Period. 
    @mazik765 said:
    " @RsistncE said:
    " @BrickRoad: Exactly. At the end of the day people need to be held accountable for their actions and I think the fact that Germany and Japan want to essentially wipe their massive mistakes from peoples minds just means they didn't fucking learn their lesson. Hell Japanese people still have a superiority complex, you'd think after being fucking nuked, TWICE, that they'd realize they really aren't much better than any other meatbag on this planet. "
    Most of the German military didn't have any idea concerning the concentration camps and the holocaust, they were simply trying to reclaim their nations standing after the absurd restrictions put on it after WW1 sent the nation into extreme poverty. I can't imagine the vast majority of Japanese soldiers had any idea about the holocaust. They are not trying to forget it, but they also don't need to be associated with something they didn't do (e.g. the holocaust). "
    Most of my criticism has been leveled at the governments. I'm sure the people themselves get it (and hell I know personally that germans hate this censorship nonsense) and they know and understand their own history (and are very critical of it). The point I'm getting at is the governments seem to not want anyone to talk about or discuss this past history, why the fuck else would they go to the ludicrous lengths of banning "Sympathy for the Devil"? That's incredibly way over the top, and the only people that are going to even know that that song is referencing WW2 is going to be Rolling Stones fans. It's nitpicky to the extent where it just screams denial.
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    #65  Edited By TheBlindChessman

    In Modern Warfare 2 they let you shoot up hundreds of Russian civilians and watch as they pile up on the floor.
    Yet as soon as you get to America for some reason, even though a huge war is going on, you don't see any dead American civilians.
    Kojima Productions gutted the end of MGS2 (so much that it makes no sense) because they were really worried that showing a destroyed New York would offend American's after 9/11.
    Let's not make generalisations here. Stuff gets cut for a lot of complex reasons.

     Hell Japanese people still have a superiority complex, you'd think after being fucking nuked, TWICE, that they'd realize they really aren't much better than any other meatbag on this planet.   

    I don't even know where to start with a statement like that.

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    #66  Edited By Starklight

    I fail to see why it's such a big deal that Japan don't want to be portrayed in a negative light when they've spent the last 50+ years trying to fix those mistakes.

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    #67  Edited By Vorbis
    @RsistncE: It was a joke, see Point being every country has its own stupid set of standards, I'm sure you remember MoH being banned from Gamestop because it let you kill American Soldiers.
    I can't speak for Japan but I've been to Germany and if there's one thing they don't do, it's run away from their past. They are very upfront about it. Yes the censoring is silly, but don't make baseless assumptions about a whole country.
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    #68  Edited By RsistncE
    @Vorbis: No I just figured you thought I lived in the US haha. I heard about that a while back. Yeah all countries have stupid forms of censorship; I am critical of everyone of them. 
    I wasn't making assumptions about a whole country, I'm being critical of the state or government here, not the people. They're not the ones that made this decision. 
    @TheBlindChessman: I already said that I was wrong for saying that.
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    #69  Edited By thehexeditor

    World War 2 kind of plays a role in Black Ops' plot..
    not gonna say anymore, but I hope SE doesn't change the actual story by censoring
    Also the interrogation scene I could have done without, it was very cringe worthy to me bleh

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    Are you a US citizen? If not, don't bother reading this. If so, you'll be delighted to know that censorship is much more rampant in your country than Germany (possibly Japan as well, don't really know). I'm not talking about something as trivial as video games here, but things like banning books from schools that mention evolution for example. You also had the audacity to alter the lyrics of John Lennon's greatest song, Imagine, from "no religion too" to "one religion too". So while Germany and Japan might not like to expose its citizens to swastikas, your country is filling the minds of its youth with lies and misconceptions. Sorry, but you don't have the right to point fingers. 
    I don't hate the US or anything, but sometimes I feel like we need to hold a giant mirror up to the faces of the American people and give them a good reality check. 

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    #71  Edited By RsistncE
    @S0ndor said:
    " Are you a US citizen? If not, don't bother reading this. If so, you'll be delighted to know that censorship is much more rampant in your country than Germany (possibly Japan as well, don't really know). I'm not talking about something as trivial as video games here, but things like banning books from schools that mention evolution for example. You also had the audacity to alter the lyrics of John Lennon's greatest song, Imagine, from "no religion too" to "one religion too". So while Germany and Japan might not like to expose its citizens to swastikas, your country is filling the minds of its youth with lies and misconceptions. Sorry, but you don't have the right to point fingers.  I don't hate the US or anything, but sometimes I feel like we need to hold a giant mirror up to the faces of the American people and give them a good reality check.  "
    Nope, I'm not. As I said before though I'm pretty critical of all censorship, including the censorship that my own country may decide to impose on anything. I fully agree that Japan isn't alone, it just so happens that this was the topic of the day since Black Ops is coming out and this was in a bunch of the feeds. Some people have taken everything I said though as an attack on Japan, which it wasn't.
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    #72  Edited By Meowayne

     Activisions hand is kinda forced when Germany or Japan would outright ban the game if it wasn't heavily cut and censored.  

    This has everything to do with an unwillingness to put video games and comics / graphic novels on the same level as movies, books or plays (where swastikas are fine even in trivialized contexts) and nothing with 'coming to terms with your past'. 
    Hardly a day goes by in German television where you can not find a channel that shows some sort of "oh my god this can never happen again terrible terrible crimes" WWII documentary. Schools organize trips to Auschwitz or Buchenwald. Denying of the past just doesn't take place, period. It is in fact (as was mentioned in this thread) a criminal offense to do so.
    But yes, I do agree that Germany's (comparably rare) practice of banning the sale of 'unconstitutional' video games is complete rubbish and pathetic nonsense.
    I also agree that Japan might not be as eager to talk about this whole issue.
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    #73  Edited By joeybagad0nutz

    Yo, are you serious? Germany has been owning up to everything they did in both WW1 (They recently just finished paying all their debts from WW1 too) and WW2. It's fucking Japan who is going: "What? What the fuck is WW2?". Germany deserves credit for trying to make up for all the shit it has done. 

    Edit: You know what? I'm wrong. Japan doesn't really say that. But, they don't put as much effort as the Germans do when it comes to dealing with their past. My fault for reacting like that. Sorry.

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    #74  Edited By Alexander
    Thread backfire; I love it. 
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    #75  Edited By Kierkegaard

    Is censorship of any kind dumb? Yes. Do I trust Activision to handle controversial topics with poise and grace? No.  
    But, whether it's narrative is poignant or pedantic, every country and every (adult) citizen should be able to see it as intended and judge for themselves. No government needs to limit that power for its citizens and, if you as a developer have any moral core, you should either release your product as is and accept the ban, or petition the government to change their standards. The Japanese sales do not justify bowing to censors. 

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    #76  Edited By HitmanAgent47

    Yeah, how hypocritical from their own history in terms of invading other countries and killing ppl. Well japan has an adversion to violence, just as germany does too after what they were viewed as from the world. Americans has an adversion to sex though and not to violence.

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    #77  Edited By HandsomeDead

    While I agree that people should know their history, nothing good comes from passing guilt down generation to generation.

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    #78  Edited By Brendan

    This is unrelated to the controversy at hand, but I would like to see a Japanese history textbook of the 20th century.  Any Japanese users on the site with particular knowledge about how and what kind of things that book talks about? 
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    #79  Edited By RsistncE
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    #80  Edited By Lautaro
    @HandsomeDead said:
    " While I agree that people should know their history, nothing good comes from passing guilt down generation to generation. "
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    #81  Edited By captain_clayman

    its funny how they think people in japan play call of duty.

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    #82  Edited By vitor
    @RsistncE said:
    " @BrickRoad: Exactly. At the end of the day people need to be held accountable for their actions and I think the fact that Germany and Japan want to essentially wipe their massive mistakes from peoples minds just means they didn't fucking learn their lesson. Hell Japanese people still have a superiority complex, you'd think after being fucking nuked, TWICE, that they'd realize they really aren't much better than any other meatbag on this planet. "
    And nuking a country twice, in large residential areas as opposed to the empty countryside or some other high visibility target when you already knew that the country was close to surrender makes America and the people involved every bit of a monster as those in charge of the Japanese concentration camps in the east.  Hold them accountable - there was no need for such a huge loss of life when the US high command had already intercepted Japanese transmissions hinting at an early surrender. The nukes were dropped to keep the USSR from seizing too much Japanese territory and fell a few days after Stalin announced their involvement in the pacific theatre. There is no moral high ground that can be used to defend that decision, just as the British commander who ordered the fire bombing of Dresden towards the end of the war is vilified and treated as a monster, not a war Hero, back in the UK.
    Also, Germany is far from tying to forget their past - almost every other movie coming out of their is based on WW2. They're acutely aware of their role in history and have come to terms with it in a way that I don't think Britain ever did with the atrocities committed during the course of their empire. 
    You can't generalise a whole nation to the massive degree you're doing based on the actions of a few in their past, don't be so fucking ignorant. If that was the case, I'd view every American as a white extremist hillbilly half-wit.
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    #83  Edited By Hailinel
    @RsistncE said:
    " @Brendan:  This is a good general summary of the textbook situation. "
    Because Wikipedia is always right and never biased.
    Japan has enough reminders of their atrocities.  Removing symbols or references from a single game is not akin to media-wide censorship.  Americans were adamant about removing any and all images of the World Trade Center from certain media after 9/11.  Skip to a few years later, and it became widely acceptable to not only depict them, but to depict their destruction.
    Or what about the depictions of the wild west and the colonial era?  How many movies have there been that completely glossed over the fact that the settlers invaded an indigenous people's land, decimated their populations with disease, waged war with them and ultimately shuttled them off to reservations that still exist today?  Many, many movies and other forms of media depicted the Native American population as savages fighting the noble white man.  Such caricatures still exist today, even if they aren't as prevalent.
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    #84  Edited By jeffgoldblum

    Sometimes I wish people would stop yelling AMERICA FUCK YEAH so loud and just open their eyes, if only for a second.

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    #85  Edited By vitor
    @Hailinel said:
    " @RsistncE said:
    " @Brendan:  This is a good general summary of the textbook situation. "
    Because Wikipedia is always right and never biased.  Japan has enough reminders of their atrocities.  Removing symbols or references from a single game is not akin to media-wide censorship.  Americans were adamant about removing any and all images of the World Trade Center from certain media after 9/11.  Skip to a few years later, and it became widely acceptable to not only depict them, but to depict their destruction.  Or what about the depictions of the wild west and the colonial era?  How many movies have there been that completely glossed over the fact that the settlers invaded an indigenous people's land, decimated their populations with disease, waged war with them and ultimately shuttled them off to reservations that still exist today?  Many, many movies and other forms of media depicted the Native American population as savages fighting the noble white man.  Such caricatures still exist today, even if they aren't as prevalent. "
    Or the fact that every US war movie/video game depicts the defeat of the Nazi's as a solely US affair. Rarely are the actions of the USSR afforded the recognition they deserve for turning the tide of war. The US chose not to get involved until Pearl Harbour forced their hand - war would have been over far sooner if America had actually been willing to fight for their beliefs instead of having their chambers of office filled with Nazi sympathisers and other right-wing fanatics. Civil rights prejudices were already deeply embedded within US culture at that time and look what that led to. Their history hardly makes the US any better as a national entity than Japan and you can't judge an entire people based on the actions of their ancestors. 
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    #86  Edited By LiquidPrince
    @RsistncE said:
    " @BrickRoad: Exactly. At the end of the day people need to be held accountable for their actions and I think the fact that Germany and Japan want to essentially wipe their massive mistakes from peoples minds just means they didn't fucking learn their lesson. Hell Japanese people still have a superiority complex, you'd think after being fucking nuked, TWICE, that they'd realize they really aren't much better than any other meatbag on this planet. "
    Why are you speaking as though Germany and Japan are people? If you're grandfather did something heinous, would you want to be blamed for it and reminded of it just because you're a descendant of someone who did something terrible. The newer generation of people have nothing to be held accountable for...
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    #87  Edited By RsistncE
    @Hailinel said:

    " @RsistncE said:

    " @Brendan:  This is a good general summary of the textbook situation. "
    Because Wikipedia is always right and never biased.  Japan has enough reminders of their atrocities.  Removing symbols or references from a single game is not akin to media-wide censorship.  Americans were adamant about removing any and all images of the World Trade Center from certain media after 9/11.  Skip to a few years later, and it became widely acceptable to not only depict them, but to depict their destruction.  Or what about the depictions of the wild west and the colonial era?  How many movies have there been that completely glossed over the fact that the settlers invaded an indigenous people's land, decimated their populations with disease, waged war with them and ultimately shuttled them off to reservations that still exist today?  Many, many movies and other forms of media depicted the Native American population as savages fighting the noble white man.  Such caricatures still exist today, even if they aren't as prevalent. "
    Oh come on. Wikipedia has thousands upon thousands of editors and hundreds more that monitor editing. Non-verifiable claims don't last on Wikipedia for more than a few seconds on high traffic pages, a bit longer on low traffic pages. Japan has a history of revisionism and I'm surprised that so many people are trying to deny this. And for the last fucking time: I'm against all forms of censorship in all countries, it just so happens that Japan came up on my feed under Black Ops and I made a thread. For fucks sake people. 
     Not even going to bother replying to this because I've said several times that I was wrong in regards to that statement and I shouldn't have said it. That and I'm talking about the government, NOT the people. And by the way, all the Call of Duty games have done a good job of portraying all sides of the Allies...for the most part. Hell in WaW you win the war as a Russian, it's even the final level. 
    @LiquidPrince: Read my reply to Vitor above. 
    @JeffGoldblum: I'm not American. 
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    #88  Edited By RE_Player1

    After reading the back and forth in the previous pages I have one conclusion, I don't really like RsistncE. I think HandsomeDead sums it up perfectly 

    " While I agree that people should know their history, nothing good comes from passing guilt down generation to generation. "
    The equivalent would be  releasing a game here in the states that had you drop atomic bombs on Hiroshima. Ya it happened and it's a part of history but no one really wants to play it, it's not fun and just brings back an ugly side of America. 
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    #89  Edited By vitor
    @RsistncE: It has attempts at revisionism by the more ultra-nationalist elements of the political strata - yet none of those revisions actually ever went through and most of the issues raised by China are often mute points already. Japan does not have a history of revisionism in any way, shape or form - even my Japanese politics tutor at Oxford university, an expert on human rights issues in Japan and a raging liberal, while happy to critique the country on it's treatment of minorities/women/climate issues amongst other things, is sick of hearing people talk about the text books 'controversies'. I'll take his word over a wiki article any day of the week.
    There's a false notion that Japan never apologised for the atrocities it committed, this is also a flagrant fabrication (one of those apologise is even quoted in the wiki article you linked). 
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    #90  Edited By Hailinel
    @RsistncE:   Wikipedia is not infallible.  Also, you're trying to turn a molehill into Mt. Everest.
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    #91  Edited By finstern

    "God damn Japanese and Germans are so fuckin evil, they did things a while back that were bad. My country has never done such awful things, wasn't founded by war and certainly never approved of slavery or any other bad things in the past. Patriotism! Fuck yeah! We're number 1! We're number 1!" 
    Who gives a fuck, countries do things because a minority who have power want more and then proceed to use force. I certainly hold no ill will towards any British person for stuff some corpses decided would be an awesome couple of hundred years. 
    Edit: I've revised this post a few times too :D 



    " While I agree that people should know their history, nothing good comes from passing guilt down generation to generation. "

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    #92  Edited By skadbob

    Hm... just read the short article and it specifically says "all swastikas in zombie mode will be replaced with the Iron Cross in the Windows and dubbed home console versions of the game. Only in the subtitled console editions will the Nazi symbol remain intact." It seems like is also specifically listing subtitled and dubbed versions of the game separately. Also worth noting is that the MSRP for the subtitled version is slightly lower than that of the dubbed. So, the version with Swastikas are still going to be abundantly available... at least on consoles.
    To me it sounds like the censoring of the swastikas wasn't politically motivated on Square Enix or Activision's part at all. Activision doesn't have a very impressive history with localization in the Asian territory, and this just sounds like a stupid localization problem.

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    #93  Edited By jmrwacko

    It's okay, so long as Americans remember that the former Axis powers were all fascists and imperialists. They can forget all they want, but we'll keep them accountable. Like how native americans keep the white man accountable for the fact that we committed a horrible, horrible genocide against them over the course of three centuries, and thus acquire tax-free casinos.

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    #94  Edited By 2HeadedNinja

    wow ... as a german some of the stuff I read here really angers me. Trust me, we are VERY well aware of our past. To be honest: Im pretty sure we are MORE aware of our past and what we as a nation did wrong than most other countrys in the world, especially the USA. That nazi-symbolism is not allowed in some forms of media has nothing to do with us trying to make the world forget about the 3rd reich (what kind of bullshit argument is that anyways?). 
    Is the censorship stupid? Yeah, sometimes. But the same argument can be made about the "fear" of even remotely sexual content in the US.
    And back to the whole guilt-thing ... how guilty do the US citizens among us feel about invating one country after another without any real reason, killing vast numbers of civilians in the process? Did you find those weapons of mass destruction yet? ... How is the situation in Vietnam going? Sure is peacefull down there now. And I'm pretty sure all the native americans are really happy about the way they were treated by the white settlers. So are probably all the africans that had the luck to work in the US . And being pretty much the only nation that used a nuclear weapon in a war must be amazing too ...
    Stupid comments? Yeah, probably, but not worse than most comments in this thread about germany.

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    #95  Edited By jmrwacko
    @2HeadedNinja:  I have a special sort of hatred for Germany because they tortured and gassed 8 million of my people, then shoveled melted fat atop their burning bodies in mass graves. But that's just me.
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    #96  Edited By ShinjiEx

    Wait a minute... your fighting douche bags in Zombie mode?

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    #97  Edited By toowalrus

    Whatev's. If they want their swastika's bad enough, they'll import a copy. The majority of them probably don't care.

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    #98  Edited By mrfizzy
    @yakov456 said:
    " @RsistncE
    @BrickRoad: Exactly. At the end of the day people need to be held accountable for their actions and I think the fact that Germany and Japan want to essentially wipe their massive mistakes from peoples minds just means they didn't fucking learn their lesson. Hell Japanese people still have a superiority complex, you'd think after being fucking nuked, TWICE, that they'd realize they really aren't much better than any other meatbag on this planet.
    You sir, piss me the fuck off. I'm glad how one company censoring a game allows you to generalize a whole fucking country. Somehow some of the most humble people on earth have a superiority complex??? "
    cannot agree with this more. All i'll add is exactly why the people of Japan today be held accountable for what their grandparents did? Im not saying they should be allowed to forget it, they shouldnt, but there is a difference between remembering it and having it shoved down your throat every day.  

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