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    Dead Rising

    Game » consists of 12 releases. Released Aug 08, 2006

    Freelance photojournalist Frank West struggles to survive a zombie outbreak after being trapped inside the Willamette Parkview Mall. Frank has seventy-two hours to get the scoop of his life while dispatching the undead hordes with anything he can grab.

    killerfly's Dead Rising (Xbox 360) review

    Avatar image for killerfly

    A game to love, despite a few flaws.

    Dead Rising came to the 360 at a time when gamers needed a reason to love their new next generation console, and it delivered.  The simple pleasure of killing zombies was given to gamers in a way that was never seen or possible before, thanks for countless weapons as well the 360's ability to process hundreds of zombies on screen at a time. If you ever had the urge to take crappy CDs and chuck them at brain-eaters or to mow over the undead, this game is for you!   The narrative was also compelling in a satrical manner, and boss encounters were thrilling.

    The game did have some flaws.  The save system that only let you keep one save at a time, as well as the game's frustrating need to make you fail the game's story if you didn't get to a mission on time are troubling a could be dealbreakers for some.  But if you can get over these pains, Dead Rising is an amazingly fun experience.


    Other reviews for Dead Rising (Xbox 360)

      Killing zombies would be more fun if it wasn't so frustrating... 0

      Dead Rising objective is quite simple; kill zombies in a mall, find out what the heck is going on, and saving people all within a time limit. Sounds quite interesting in that perspective considering that its a great homage to Dawn of the Dead. However while it is fun, it ends as you progress in the game.Another obvious thing about the game is the best part is killing the zombies with...well...EVERYTHING! It can be quite entertaining to see zombies get killed with Katanas, Shopping Carts, Lawnmow...

      3 out of 3 found this review helpful.

      A feast of zombie mayham spoiled by some bad design 0

       I’m not sure I’ve ever shouted so much at a game as I have at Dead Rising. In some ways it’s quite exceptional and, in others, rage-quit inducing. It’s a game with as many flaws as it has strengths and is difficult to recommend for that very reason. If, however, you can look your way past the instances of awkward and perverse design, you’ll enjoy a game which is not only engaging, but also interesting and unique in a lot of respects. You play as Frank West, a photojournalist, caught smack-ban...

      2 out of 2 found this review helpful.

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