Video game logic that annoys you.

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It doesn't necessarily annoy me, but I find it strange that you can get shot several times while playing the game and be fine, but in cutscenes if you (or another character) gets shot one time they're dead or really fucked up.

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#52  Edited By kalmis

I hate it when you die in a game and you need to restart a mission, but your bullet count wont get reset. IE. GTA

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#53  Edited By Driadon
@Tebbit said:
" @GetEveryone said:
" @jtman54179 said:

" Doodle God: Fire + Water = Alcohol ?!?!?!?!?!?!     "

Firewater is a euphemism for alcohol, so that one is more a play on words than messed-up logic. 
@BeachThunder: What game is that in the first picture? It looks a lot like Deus Ex... "
System Shock 2: for if you enjoy pooing your pants consistently for 15-35 hours. 
So the thing that has always weirded me out (although it didn't especially frustrate me) is the crouch jump. When I first saw it in Half-Life, I thought: Here's a game that tries to ground itself in conceivable physics at all times, EXCEPT when you are expected to get into a pipe that is at chest-height or above, at which point you jump up, duck in mid-air, and enter the pipe. 
Not to nitpick, but the animation isn't Gordon Freeman doing some badass slide-tackle into the pipe. The animation is him jumping up, then while in the air performing the crouch animation, then wafting forward like a nerdy spectre into whatever god-forsaken heck-tube he's trying to enter. It's appeared in plenty of other games too, and each time it is completely unexplained, and most of the time it goes against the realism that those games are striving for. In Quake, I can handle it, in Half-Life, I cannot. I will not!  But as I said I'm not too bothered by it. "
Oh man, the first time I played CS and saw people doing that I literally screamed "WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON?!". While I was 12 at the time and the only FPS's I had played before hand were Marathon, Doom and Goldeneye 64, it doesn't quite cause the same reaction now, but it still looks all kinds of fucked up.
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#54  Edited By jacksukeru

Every RPG where you are only allowed a limited number of party members in your party (so pretty much all of them). Hey! I've got eight dudes here ready to rumble, why would only four of them come into battle with me? Bullshit. I don't care if it's made to give me a "tactical choice" in who to bring into battle, then it should also let me bring all of them with me. Scale the difficulty up or something. 
Also, that it's never adressed that heroes get stronger in RPGs. Suddenly I can cut down dinosaurs in a single motion that took my entire party a good few minutes earlier, how frikking strong have I become and why is no one acknowledging it?

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#55  Edited By JoyfullOFrockets

If it doesn't glow in some way, you don't need it.

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#56  Edited By bravetoaster

Enemies with unlimited Ammunition.

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#57  Edited By Fenrisulfr

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This.  Just...  This.  /facepalm
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#58  Edited By iam3green

invisible walls that look like they can be climbed. they should put something there instead of an object that looks like it can be climbed onto. black ops there are a couple of broken cars that are the walls. you can climb on walls just you can't because it's an invisible wall. i think they should start putting things that are bigger and look like you can't be climbed on.

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#59  Edited By Geno

Get hit with 20 assault rifle shells.  
Hide behind wall for 5 seconds, fully recover.

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#60  Edited By MooseyMcMan
@jtman54179 said:
" Doodle God: Fire + Water = Alcohol ?!?!?!?!?!?!     "
You clearly aren't up to date on Native American stereotypes.  
I know this isn't really a game logic thing, but I have to bring up run buttons. Man, I hate those SO MUCH!
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#61  Edited By FesteringNeon

 I agree with the rings. It's weird. It would be more of a compromise to have armbands or something. 2 to each arm. 
Mine would be invisible walls. If I can see it, and could jump over it in real life.. why do I hit a sky wall? When I climb a mountain or hill.. only to get shafted into not being able to keep going.. what the fuck. If you are going to place barriers... please for the love of god.. put up a slight warning before I buy the game "MAY CONTAIN INVISIBLE BARRIERS THAT WILL PROBABLY SUCK"  
I've always admired Rockstar for this.. you know they have barriers at some point, but I don't get the feeling that they're there.. because they're so far away / or are implemented with me knowing I'm not going to be able to climb a 80 degree angle.. so why try?  Dragon Age is ridiculous for barriers.. GT5 just pisses me off... Bethesda games almost get it right until you scale a 15 degree hill, only to find out you can't go over it. ARRRGGHHH. frustrating and retarded.  
Games that do it right-
Rallycross 2 (xbox)
Unreal Tournament games (for the most part)
etc etc.. 
If I want to scale a hill / mountain and you find a way of controlling your car/character up it.. you should be able to cross, not get douched into having to slide down because of invisible game design.

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#62  Edited By Agent47
@Psykhophear: Yes!I am right there with you friend.When ever I see I am a floating pair of arms I just think to myself "Wow lazy developers couldn't put in a model?"
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#63  Edited By B0nd07
@Geno said:

" Get hit with 20 assault rifle shells.   Hide behind wall for 5 seconds, fully recover. "

This.  Bring back health packs; at least they made more sense than your health magically regenerating over a couple seconds.
@MordeaniisChaos said:

" Wearing more than two rings is uncomfortable, not to mention ridiculous looking if your not a creepy, gaunt evil dude. Plus rings are pretty much always enchanted, so I like to think that it has to do with the amount of magic interacting with other magic, and the amount of magic you are exposing your self to. There is a game somewhere that actually explains it away with that logic. "

It also dates back to the D&D roots of a lot of fantasy RPGs.  In D&D you are limited to two ring slots by the rules.  It's a game-balance thing.
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#64  Edited By Siphillis

Getting shot in the head does not guarantee death.

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#65  Edited By jtman54179
@kingzetta: (@GetEveryone @ MooseyMcMan @MurderByDeath) Getting a lot of replies about the Fire and Water 
I know Firewater is called alcohol... but for a game that seemed to rely heavily on the GREEK four classical elements that seemed really dumb..... Everyone is trying to one up someone else's knowledge no one stops to think 
Sorry it the response seems hostile, just wanted to get out the fact that a game that went out of its way to be that scientific shouldn't have copped out that early on 
Fire +  Water makes Steam, Alcohol can come later 
And now I just got way too serious over a flash game
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#66  Edited By LordAssinhiemr
@bukkookkub said:

"  I agree with the rings. It's weird. It would be more of a compromise to have armbands or something. 2 to each arm.   Mine would be invisible walls. If I can see it, and could jump over it in real life.. why do I hit a sky wall? When I climb a mountain or hill.. only to get shafted into not being able to keep going.. what the fuck. If you are going to place barriers... please for the love of god.. put up a slight warning before I buy the game "MAY CONTAIN INVISIBLE BARRIERS THAT WILL PROBABLY SUCK"    I've always admired Rockstar for this.. you know they have barriers at some point, but I don't get the feeling that they're there.. because they're so far away / or are implemented with me knowing I'm not going to be able to climb a 80 degree angle.. so why try?  Dragon Age is ridiculous for barriers.. GT5 just pisses me off... Bethesda games almost get it right until you scale a 15 degree hill, only to find out you can't go over it. ARRRGGHHH. frustrating and retarded.    Games that do it right- GTA IV RDR DiRT  Rallycross 2 (xbox) Warhawk Unreal Tournament games (for the most part) etc etc..   If I want to scale a hill / mountain and you find a way of controlling your car/character up it.. you should be able to cross, not get douched into having to slide down because of invisible game design. "

Yeah, nothing drives me crazier in driving games than my car going off the road only to fade and respawn. I want to see that thing crumble into pieces. 
Good call on the invisible walls.
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Forest mazes that have you leave the screen on one end and appear in the same room on the other end, like in Pac-Man and other such games. I hate any maze like this, and forests do it a lot. Plenty of these forest mazes don't even have the excuse that they're magical.

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#68  Edited By crusader8463
@PenguinDust said:
" It's not something I want to see changed, but in most shooters when you reload your weapon you get to keep all the bullets even though you've switched magazines.  In reality, you should be running around with a bunch of partially full weapon magazines.  I think it'd be kind of cool if games had an option to switch that element on and off.  If you picked up fresh ammo on the field of battle, it would automatically discard the clips with the lowest ammo count.   "
I believe Metro 2033 does this as well. I like the idea of it as well, but it takes a fuck ton of effort to retrain yourself not to do it after so many years of it being common sense. I'm a habitual reloader. Every time there is a lul in combat, or I fire 1-2 bullets, I'm always hitting the R button.
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#69  Edited By Sinkwater

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#70  Edited By blackbird415
@jtman54179: vodka of course 
the name is derived from  "voda" meaning water. The alcoholic content creates the sensation of fire in ones mouth and throat if ingested straight. 
therefore fire and water make vodka. Now you know how to make alcohol :P
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#71  Edited By ShaggE

"Oh hey, the boss is sending his minions at me while sitting in an unprotected control room. I have a clear shot, so let's do this thing." 
Nothing happens.  
I know it would be awful if you could kill the boss three hours earlier than intended, but talk about an immersion-breaker. Don't let me have a shot at the big bad before I can kill him! 
Runner-up:  "Ooh, a chandelier! If I bring it down, everybody dies! Go me!" 
Nothing happens. 
There should be a game design rule that ensures all dangling objects to be destructible. If you put a damn chandelier in the middle of an enemy-filled room, LET ME SHOOT IT DOWN. I'm pretty sure chandeliers were invented for this exact purpose. Some forward-thinking engineer predicted the advent of action films and video games, and said "Hey! Knoweth what would be bad-ass?"

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#72  Edited By deinos
Can't remember, but didn't Metal Gear 3: Snake Eater handle that well... 

If I remember right, can't you snipe that boss, The End, before you ever get to him earlier in the game. You kill him and his guard, and instead, when you get to him later, you end up fighting a bunch of guards.
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#73  Edited By pegasuswinks

In games like Oblivion and The Witcher, you play as some sort of powerful hero that is tasked with saving the world from monsters and rid it of its evils. Yet some random douchebag of a guard comes up to you with an iron sword and demolishes your face. Why the fuck are you not out there, slaying the damn dragon that's been bothering you for apparently forever? Because CLEARLY you're more suited for the job than I.

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#74  Edited By Toryss
@nintendoeats said:
" @PenguinDust:  The one game that I can think of that does this is the PC version of GRAW (and the sequel of course). I don't know if the other Ghost Recon games did this, but I thought it was really cool. I tend to get jumped because I reload more then I should, so it was nice to have an incentive to leave the damn gun alone.  I know that I have played at least one other game with a realistic approach to clips, but I can't remember what it was. "
The Darkness did this too, I kept running out of ammo until I finally figured out was happening.
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#75  Edited By crusader8463
@Sinkwater: Ya that's one of my other things too. Finding an entire suit of armour inside some animal you kill. I would half rather just see every thing in the game wearing a bookbag so at least it made some sense.
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#76  Edited By Slaker117
  • All game inventories. Where exactly am I holding my 4 guns, 6 health packs and hundreds of shots?
  • Picking up ammo from a dropped gun. Not only would most of the ammo be on the dude, not his gun, but I absorb it through my feet.
  • Reloading a half spent mag without losing the unused ammo. To entirely false, as you can keep the spare shots, but that would take a lot more effort.
  • Not being able to step over knee high obstacles. Look, I get that you have to limit the world somehow, but make it something more believable. There is no reason I would take to long way around when I know that there are monsters there and all I would have to do to avoid it is get over those boxes.
  • AI in stealth games. They can't make it too good or the game would be impossibly hard, but try to make them less obviously stupid.
  • Gaining health. I'm fine with it most sci-fi style games as long as they try to explain it, but regenerating health by not being shot at or even by picking up health packs is pretty silly, especially in all the military shooters that are pretending to be realistic.
  • Needing a rouge to open locks. I have this battle hammer I use to smash skulls, but that wooden chest is unbreakable. What about the mage? Couldn't she set it on fire at least?
I still love a lot of games that contain some of the "logic" that I listed, but those specific ones always bother me. I wouldn't complain if I didn't care. :P
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#77  Edited By Sambambo
It's not something I want to see changed, but in most shooters when you reload your weapon you get to keep all the bullets even though you've switched magazines.  In reality, you should be running around with a bunch of partially full weapon magazines.  I think it'd be kind of cool if games had an option to switch that element on and off.  If you picked up fresh ammo on the field of battle, it would automatically discard the clips with the lowest ammo count.  
Not sure if you've played the rainbow six series, but Vegas 1 and 2 had this as a feature (maybe also the rest but I'm not certain on that).