Lost...I'll be Lost without you.

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#51  Edited By Bandit_Fox
@ElegantRuby: I totally agree with you about episode 4 - Walkabout was the episode where I was hooked. The second half of season 2/first half of season 3 seems to be where people get hung up and abandon the series... but it's worth it to push through. The only show I watch live any more is Lost. I saw that Damon Lindelof posted a tweet that the final episode was finished last night. So sad, but... C'est La Vie.
I'll miss explaining what happened in last nights episode and and what it meant in the grand scheme of things to my boss on Wednesday mornings.
Maybe it's time I give FlashForward a try.
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#52  Edited By AhmadMetallic
@ElegantRuby:  Tuesday nights arent gonna be the same when the show ends.
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#53  Edited By Kohe321

The show is allright. It really stumbled from season 3, and though they have done a decent job of making it interesting again in season 5, it's still a lot of wasted potential. 
Watch Rome. Now THAT is the best series ever made.

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#54  Edited By ZenaxPure
@Bandit_Fox said:
"  Maybe it's time I give FlashForward a try. "
I've been watching the show since the start and it's pretty good. It's no Lost and most of the plot twists and "mysteries" and such have been super predictable until these past couple of episodes. The show has became way more enjoyable since then, if you can stick with it until then I think it's totally worth it.
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#55  Edited By Bandit_Fox
@Linkyshinks:  What's wrong with bonding over a TV show? While it is a reflection of modern life, it is certainly a positive one, and far better than sitting alone at night, playing a video game by yourself while one's parents are off doing their own thing. If a TV show can function as a starting point to generate conversation that deepens a relationship over time, then  what's so wrong about that?   100 years ago families might have bonded over books, a play or local gossip. A TV show fits into those common points of interest quite well.

Besides, it's not like it's Jersey Shore or something like that. The creators of the show spend a lot of time creating meaningful, relate-able characters as a part of their involved story line and trying to infuse scientific and philosophical statements into their world. It might not be high art, but it is a well crafted, story driven drama that cannot be enjoyed without some mental efforts on the part of the viewer.
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#56  Edited By Bandit_Fox
@Zenaxzd:  Yeah... my buddy was messaging me after Lost finished last night, imploring me to start watching so he could get my perspective on it. He said the same thing about it getting better in the last few episodes. I kinda want to wait until after Lost is over, but I might crumble to peer pressure.
I've seen a few previews - is Charlie/Merry/Whatever that actors name is a main character, or is he just a bit part? I keep seeing him looking at a Guy Fawkes mask and looking all mysterious.
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#57  Edited By ElegantRuby
@Linkyshinks: It wasn't lame.  I cried at the end.  I did not want the episode to end the way it did. :'(
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#58  Edited By Meowayne

Just because an episode is heavy on action and kills off 4 main cast members, its not automatically awesome. 
Linky is quite right: With the exception of the last 10 minutes, "The Candidate" was ultra-lame and one of the most generic "lets threaten each other with guns instead of explaining why we have common interests!!!1" headless-chickens-running-through-the-jungle LOST episodes in the series history. I'm still mad. 
Its also a nice example of the LOST creators exhibiting their dislike of tied-up character arcs or subplots. Ilana? Pointless, blows up. Frank Lupidus? Pointless, gets hit by a door and drowns. Sun and her revenge on Widmore subplot? Pointless, lets just drop it.  The list goes on.
The last 2 Episodes of Breaking Bad show just how good TV writing, pacing and photography can be. "The Candidate" had none of these. Of course all of this will be forgiven after next week's episode (those in the know will agree), but still. 
LOST might just end even less satisfying than Babylon 5 and BGS combined.

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#59  Edited By ElegantRuby
@Meowayne said:
" Just because an episode is heavy on action and kills off 4 main cast members, its not automatically awesome.   Linky is quite right: With the exception of the last 10 minutes, "The Candidate" was ultra-lame and one of the most generic "lets threaten each other with guns instead of explaining why we have common interests!!!1" headless-chickens-running-through-the-jungle LOST episodes in the series history. I'm still mad.   Its also a nice example of the LOST creators exhibiting their dislike of tied-up character arcs or subplots. Ilana? Pointless, blows up. Frank Lupidus? Pointless, gets hit by a door and drowns. Sun and her revenge on Widmore subplot? Pointless, lets just drop it.  The list goes on.   The last 2 Episodes of Breaking Bad show just how good TV writing, pacing and photography can be. "The Candidate" had none of these. Of course all of this will be forgiven after next week's episode (those in the know will agree), but still.   LOST might just end even less satisfying than Babylon 5 and BGS combined. "
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#60  Edited By Bandit_Fox
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#61  Edited By Bandit_Fox
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#62  Edited By ElegantRuby
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#63  Edited By Bandit_Fox
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#64  Edited By ElegantRuby
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#65  Edited By ZenaxPure
@Bandit_Fox said:
" @Zenaxzd:  is Charlie/Merry/Whatever that actors name is a main character, or is he just a bit part? I keep seeing him looking at a Guy Fawkes mask and looking all mysterious. "
I want to say he is a main character, I mean he is in all the generic season posters (you know the ones that show the characters and shit) but he doesn't really show up prominently until halfway through the current batch of episodes and in the past few he was mysteriously gone again except for 1 scene. It's a shame too because I really like his character a lot, he plays a way different role on FF than Lost.
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#66  Edited By Vinchenzo

I don't know where this thread has gone, because I haven't read all of the pages, but I hate Lost a bit. In October I watched the first 4 seasons over the span of 2 or 3 weeks. After season 2 the show just got really fucked up and stupid. Anybody who enjoys Lost where it is now must find better shows, because you're contributing to this bullshit.

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#67  Edited By ZenaxPure
@Meowayne said:
" Ilana? Pointless, blows up. Frank Lupidus? Pointless, gets hit by a door and drowns. Sun and her revenge on Widmore subplot? Pointless, lets just drop it.  The list goes on. "
  1. Ilana was blown up because the Island was done with her, how did you miss that when there was a whole scene between Ben and the others reminding us all the Island is a douche that will let people die/kills people when it is done with them. Illana was a huge reminder of that since there hadn't been anything as prominent to remind us since Michael blew the fuck up on the boat.
  2. Frank may or may not be dead, Sayid (obviously) blew up, it showed the corpses of Sun and Jin, but Frank who has become a fan favorite gets nothing more than being knocked out by a door? I don't buy it, I think he will return in the end. Probably came to and swam off or something.
  3. Sun and her revenge on Widmore...? Sun and Widmore "teamed up" because they had a "common interest". She wanted Ben dead as she blamed him for Jin's "death". At what point in the entire series did Sun set out to get revenge on Widmore? 
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#68  Edited By Bandit_Fox
I think I'm with you on Frank.
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#69  Edited By dvdhaus
These last few episodes though have been ramping up.  You could just tell something big is about to be dropped. 
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#70  Edited By Brians

Lost...I tried to like you but, you didn't appeal to me. I will be perfectly fine without you.

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#71  Edited By ElegantRuby
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#72  Edited By dvdhaus
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#73  Edited By singular

Well, I don't need to defend my likes and dislikes to anyone. That been said: Lost is the most awesome show I've seen in a long time and I can't wait to see the conclusion of it all. And after that I will have my lost marathon :D
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#74  Edited By Sarnecki

What a stupid, stupid, stupid episode of TV.   SPOILERS TO FOLLOW IF TAG DOESN'T WORK.

Sayid.  One of the most complex and interesting characters on TV.  After his amazing episode earlier this season...  That's it for his character.  He's just The Entities bitch, and he's infected...  Ok.  Infected by what?  What does it mean to be infected?  Is it something you can fight your way out of?  To fully understand the extent of Sayids drama and the choices that he's making, I need to understand the dramatic stakes.  Since I don't, then I'm just confused.  Was it impressive that Sayid did what he did?  Was that him defeating the infection AND his inner nature, a major theme this year for him?  Understanding the infection is probably one of those mysteries we don't come back to, and even if we do it's too late; The character who's arc was based on the infection is already dead. 
Also, Sayid looked something like Adam West trying to dispose of a bomb.  Not even a slow down, with some nice dramatic music to revel in his sacrifice?  Like Charlie? Also, seeing Sayid die in a kind of reverse suicide bomber way is kind of offensive imagery. 
Sun and Jin.  Emotionally effective in the way Sayid was not, sure.  But cheap.  These characters FINALLY have their whimper of a reunion after two whole seasons, and then they're cruelly killed off because the writers realized they're useless.  Jin, the selfish dick who became a true team player and friend, Sun, the wet noodle who became a strong business woman.   This scene was sad until I realized YOU HAVE A DAUGHTER BACK HOME.  Now I'm not a parent but from what I understand the instinct of having a child outweighs the importance of your spouse.  For them to not even bring up their now parent less daughter is RETARDED.
Frank the pilot.  I loved you in season 4 Frank but...  Why were you here again?  Yeah I thought so.  Also Miles and Richard and Ben are what? Still walking?
Illyana(Technically last time I know)  The shock was fun, but she's not killed in a way that's fresh and shocking, and she was introduced to us with some sense of importance.  The writers are clearly out of their league all of the sudden. 
How did the MiB know they were going to open the bag?  Kate was shot by one of Widmores men, presumably long before MiB put the bomb in Jacks pack?  How did he know Jack would open his pack within five minutes of going under water?  What if it clicked out harmlessly?  He didn't know Kate was going to get shot.  Why not convince those two men at the plane he killed to start shooting the Candidates?  Wouldn't it be easy for this master manipulator to turn the candidates against each other?  Why get all the birds with one stone, really?  I mean he claims that the Losties wouldn't trust him if the started dying one at a time, but if you do it right they wouldn't know all this death was caused by you?  Nicki Paulo them!   I think I get why you're still on this island, Mr. convoluted amazing it kind of worked plan.
We STILL don't know what Widmore wants, we STILL don't know the nature of the other dimension, we STILL don't know why MiB is this big danger, we STILL don't understand the basic conflict of the story, and without understanding the conflict, there's no reason to care about any of this!  In my opinion, this season should have been the strongest, with strong emotional through lines, events should be lead by our main ensemble for the whole season, instead of them reacting to other characters we barely know who are leading the show.
If I were writing, Ben would still be having his redemption arc, but he'd also still be a badass in charge plan maker.  It would be Ben rallying everyone, all of the off island others to arrive and declare war on Widmore, who would come back not only with scientists, but I dunno, KEAMY STYLE BADASSES.  Breathless action, tension, season 4 on crack.  We need to know what we're working towards, so we need to have at least a vauge understanding that if MiB leaves the Island, we need to know what will happen.  We also need to know what Widmore wants.  Our heroes have to be on neither  side, the excellent ensemble cast fighting for team FREE WILL.  Take CHARGE main cast members!  This is your show!   An ENTIRE episode will be focused specifically on the whispers, and it will be a character based emotional thrill ride, not a walk on cameo who spouts a throw away line.  The time for shielding information, cock teasing etc. is over.  Only organic story telling, with answers built into the story telling.  Even though it's nice that characters feel they can walk out of the jungle and actually have a conversation about things now, man is it dramatically unsatisfying.  Case in point, MiB is Christian.

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#75  Edited By Bandit_Fox
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#76  Edited By Sarnecki

One more point.   

"Everything we know right now, we don't know what it means. The reason why rules are so important for fantastical storytelling is that it allows us to understand the stakes and the dangers of a situation. It's why Superman keeps getting his powers scaled back - as the rules change for him and he can do more and more, his stories are less and less interesting.

With LOST the problem with the rules is that we don't know what they are and we don't know how they play out. We don't understand what loopholes MiB is trying to exploit. We don't understand what will or won't work, or what is or isn't a legit threat. But instead of making EVERYTHING threatening, this has made NOTHING threatening. As mentioned before in this thread it's bad drama when a character points a gun at another character and you believe there's no way the character will get shot - and not because you're hip to the way TV dramas go but because the show has established that guns will magically not work when needed to magically not work and for no other good reason.

The show has chosen mystery over drama. For some people that's enough, but it's not for me. By keeping everything in the shadows until this late in the game, the show has turned a lot of what has been happening this season into filler because it has no dramatic impact or meaning.

Let's put it this way: the Temple was introduced at the beginning of the season. What was the point of that whole mini storyline? Everything about it remains so shrouded in mystery that even now, seven episodes after it's over, you're not really sure what the point of Dogen was, or what the point of having Sayid die and come back to life was. And that means there's no drama to it; the show has already told us that it's just going to introduce wheels in order to keep them spinning so that the biggest wheel - the big mystery wheel - can also keep spinning for the rest of the series."

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#77  Edited By starrjack1

All of these posts were getting too long, I stopped reading, but please, let us all be united under one fact: 
Of everyone to die, Kate was not one of them, and this is the real tragedy.

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#78  Edited By Sarnecki

I wish you wouldn't skip long posts, I like to think I have something to say, and it's always great to start a real conversation instead of  "I wish Kate had died!" single sentence stuff.

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#79  Edited By ElegantRuby
I honestly and truly think that the "sickness" or "infection" is nothing more the MiB getting his influence into a persons psyche.  That is why MiB did not question Sayid when he said that he shot Desmond.  Desmond was able to shake some, if not all of the influence out of Sayid, but because of the fact that Sayid was infact dead, he had no emotion left.  His death was fitting for the character as he was a killer and a torturer both on island and off and in other dimensions. 
Sun and Jin's Death was indeed shocking.  Jin staying behind with Sun is justifiable I think.  I mean Sun and Jin were separated through time itself.  That and Jin telling Sun that he would never leave her again when they were finally reunited makes sense to me. 
Lapedius's soul role this season I think was to give the us hope that they could in fact escape the island by the plane that is on Hydra Island.  Now that Lapedius is "gone," all hope is seeming lost at this point in the plot.   
Illana did have a purpose on the Island even though it seems small.  She was the one who informed the Canditates that that was indeed what they are.  And she also told them to do what Richard asks.  Once that was done, the Island was done with her.  Ben said it himself when he said that the Island was a cruel bitch. 
MiB had it planned the whole time that he was going to blow up every Candidate in one fell swoop the whole time.  Why?  Maybe he gets some kind of sick twisted pleasure from doing what it is that he does.  But, he needed to get everyone's trust so that they would listen to him and do what he told them to do.  That kind of planning is not unheard of.  I mean look at Ben.  We also have to remember that MiB is nowhere near human.  Who knows what his "gifts" are.  If Jacob's touch can grant Immortality, what can the Man in Black do?   
The Temple was a sanctuary for The Others before MiB destroyed it.  Dogen's role was that of the guardian of the Temple.  He was also the one who told us that Sayid was infected.  Once Sayid killed Dogen and Lennen, MiB was able to enter the Temple and begin his rampage.  Thats really all that Dogen's purpose was... 
As for the big question of the conflict and the rules, I think that next weeks episode is going to explain it.  The "preview" at the end of the latest episode brought back up the black vs. white angle along with multiple shots of both Jacob and MiB.   
At this point in the series, the main Losties need to be shown that all hope is Lost.  MiB has caused the death of some of their closest friends and the serious injury of two others.  Things are either going to keep spiraling downhill until all is gone, or everything will go right for our little Losties.  I personally do not see this show having a happy ending.  Especially after the deaths of Sun and Jin...
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#80  Edited By ImHungryx10
@ElegantRuby said:
   At this point in the series, the main Losties need to be shown that all hope is Lost.  MiB has caused the death of some of their closest friends and the serious injury of two others.  Things are either going to keep spiraling downhill until all is gone, or everything will go right for our little Losties.  I personally do not see this show having a happy ending.  Especially after the deaths of Sun and Jin... "
I think this is what Jacob wants. He wants to prove to MiB that people can be good even through this hell of a torture they are being put through. It's like a Job type of story. All hope will seem "LOST" and the losties will have to make a decision that will test this good in them. I  think even if they have nothing to live for and all is "LOST" they will make the good decision and prove MiB wrong.
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#81  Edited By LiquidPrince

I saw most of season 1 then broke off and stopped watching. I'm now waiting for the complete series Blu-ray package, which should be awesome.

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#82  Edited By Bandit_Fox
@pakx: Ya know, as an avid Who fan, I believe it's actually ok to like two shows that involve time travel.
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#83  Edited By HypoXenophobia
You should replace your Tuesdays with watching the Sopranos if you haven't already. The show has a lot of weird interesting themes than just the perceive "gang life". When the series ended, I was left with an incredibly deep void which will probably reoccur when Lost ends in a couple days. Also, a shout out for Dexter. Always a great show.
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#84  Edited By Sarnecki
" I honestly and truly think that the "sickness" or "infection" is nothing more the MiB getting his influence into a persons psyche.  That is why MiB did not question Sayid when he said that he shot Desmond.  Desmond was able to shake some, if not all of the influence out of Sayid, but because of the fact that Sayid was infact dead, he had no emotion left.  His death was fitting for the character as he was a killer and a torturer both on island and off and in other dimensions. " 

This still doesn't explain what the infection is, how, or why it is significant that he over came it.  It's under baked, rushed, and dramatically unsatisfying.

Sun and Jin's Death was indeed shocking.  Jin staying behind with Sun is justifiable I think.  I mean Sun and Jin were separated through time itself.  That and Jin telling Sun that he would never leave her again when they were finally reunited makes sense to me. 
It was a nice moment, and it pretty much confirmed that Jin was not a candidate: He willingly causes his own death.   What does not make sense is that they didn't for a moment think about their daughter.  It's unrealistic to not go on living to raise your daughter.  They have their priorities in the exact wrong place.
Lapedius's soul role this season I think was to give the us hope that they could in fact escape the island by the plane that is on Hydra Island.  Now that Lapedius is "gone," all hope is seeming lost at this point in the plot.   

Don't take it the wrong way, but sole.  Not soul.   But good point, now that there is no pilot there is no way off.  How much do we want to bet that John Locke alt world being a pilot might come into play in stead of Lapidus?
Illana did have a purpose on the Island even though it seems small.  She was the one who informed the Canditates that that was indeed what they are.  And she also told them to do what Richard asks.  Once that was done, the Island was done with her.  Ben said it himself when he said that the Island was a cruel bitch. 

It's bad writing to introduce a character with a mystery background, give her nothing to do, use her as an exposition dump, and then kill her once the writers can't think of anything else for her to do.  I have the same problem with Zoey and Patton Oswalt dude.  Don't introduce new characters in the final season and then kill them off!  It's a waste of our time.  Just find creative ways to introduce the information.

MiB had it planned the whole time that he was going to blow up every Candidate in one fell swoop the whole time.  Why?  Maybe he gets some kind of sick twisted pleasure from doing what it is that he does.  But, he needed to get everyone's trust so that they would listen to him and do what he told them to do.  That kind of planning is not unheard of.  I mean look at Ben.  We also have to remember that MiB is nowhere near human.  Who knows what his "gifts" are.  If Jacob's touch can grant Immortality, what can the Man in Black do?   
But it's SO ridiculous, so incredibly consulted.  His plan is so complicted, so silly.  Just like taking over John.  Any number of variables could have gone wrong.  It's not impressive to have a long silly plan full of plot holes,  it's bad writing.

The Temple was a sanctuary for The Others before MiB destroyed it.  Dogen's role was that of the guardian of the Temple.  He was also the one who told us that Sayid was infected.  Once Sayid killed Dogen and Lennen, MiB was able to enter the Temple and begin his rampage.  Thats really all that Dogen's purpose was... 
I know all of this information, but you're missing the point.  Why?  Why is Dogens life the only thing keeping him from going in?  What is the infection?  Who the hell cares about the temple?  They had two choices going into this season.  1) Set up rules at the expense of some mystery in order to define a clear desire for the characters, and some real drama and tension can be generated.  Or  2) keep the mysteries close to their chest until very very late in the game.  Unfortunately they chose the latter, and there's no clear understanding of what's happening, thus no real tension or story.

As for the big question of the conflict and the rules, I think that next weeks episode is going to explain it.  The "preview" at the end of the latest episode brought back up the black vs. white angle along with multiple shots of both Jacob and MiB.   
Yes, I've heard this episode is about the MiB and Jacob on the Island.  My problem is like I said above, we've spent a whole season wheel spinning, not understanding what's happening and thus there's no tension.  It's like Superman, the more abilities he learns, the less strict his worlds "rules" are, the less tension.  We needed this next episode to establish the rules of Lost much earlier, maybe season 5 or even the end of 4.
At this point in the series, the main Losties need to be shown that all hope is Lost.  MiB has caused the death of some of their closest friends and the serious injury of two others.  Things are either going to keep spiraling downhill until all is gone, or everything will go right for our little Losties.  I personally do not see this show having a happy ending.  Especially after the deaths of Sun and Jin...  
I'm still sticking to the theory that the alt world is the happy ending of Lost when it's all said and done.
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#85  Edited By jakob187

It's no All In The Family, but eh...whatever.

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#86  Edited By arkasai

I've watched a bit of it here and there, my girlfriend is one of those Lost fiends.  While I like some parts of it, I cant help but notice the plot holes and irrationality on an epic scale.

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#87  Edited By Sarnecki

Time travel seems to have been a major sticking point for some people, the way all the magic is for me now. But part of my issue is that they went with both. Over the years, a big part of what made the mysteries fun was trying to figure out how all the strange stuff could fit together in a coherent fashion. For awhile, it seemed like maybe electromagnetism might tie all the strange phenomena together. Then it seemed like time travel (which was at least tied to the electromagnetic wonkiness) could account for a lot of it. And they did, but then we also have Jacob's touch solving some stuff, but his magic powers are different than MiB's magic power, and there's some other thing controlling how they interact with the candidates. And there's ghosts, which don't seem to have any of the same rules as the wizard or the smoke...

There wasn't an underlying rationale for all the various mysteries. It doesn't boil down to pseudoscience or mysticism, but some pseudoscience and several different flavors of mysticism operating simultaneously, which is so ludicrously convoluted that it almost seems like cheating. It's like the "everyone did it" ending to Clue, except Ms. White was also a witch the whole time, and Colonel Mustard was an alien, and Prof. Plum was only a manifestation of Ms. Scarlet's subconscious, and Mr. Green was a ghost, and Ms. Peacock was a man! Finkle is Einhorn! Einhorn is Finkle!

At least that's how this season has felt. If part of the fun of a mystery is getting the answer and slapping your forehead and wondering how you didn't put it together, that's just not possible with this kind of story. They didn't maintain the mystery through clever plotting and deft misdirection, but by having no internal consistency between the apparitions and the time travel and the smoke monster and the healing and the immortality and so forth. I'm sure next week will clarify a lot of these things and hopefully simplify things. But taking this season's revelations at face value and as they come, it all seems incredibly convoluted, and, well, cheap."

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#88  Edited By toowalrus
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#89  Edited By Sarnecki

Because they no longer served a purpose outside of the alt dimension.

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#90  Edited By rjayb89

I hope Desmond gains the power to absorb other people's powers so he can lose control of his powers in the season finale and disappoint us all. 
Edit:  POWERS.

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#91  Edited By Sarnecki

Lost, using magic, pseudoscience, mysticism AND time travel to completely cop out.  Pick  one dammit!

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#92  Edited By dvdhaus

Here are some of the ideas I've been having with my cousins...and some of these are still in play. 
this was from March 30th.
 What do you mean to explain my theory about the island being on the bottom of the ocean? They showed it to us in the premiere.  They haven't told us how it got there, but the theory is out there that when 
Jack through Jughead down the hatch that in the sideways storyline that detonation caused the Island to sink.  And because the island is not a factor think of all the lives that have changed because the 
island was destroyed in the late 70s. Ben's dad told us that joining Dharma was a good experience and did not regret it.

As far as Richard goes. There will be more I hope explaining more of his relationship with Jacob. We saw very little between the two characters.

And the sideways being a future...Think of it like this.

MIB told Sayid that if Sayid helps him leave the island he would get what he wants the most...more time with Nadia.

And with him off the island... him being the evil incarnate. the island would not have to be, because the way it was explained the islands sole purpose is to keep the evil incarnate at bay.

In the sideways like i said above the island is on the ocean floor...so what happened to the smoke...it was released upon the population.

That goes back to the old philosophy of for all the good in the universe there is a nessecary evil to match it. "If God exists then so does the Devil"

That reminds me of a great movie line, "The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled, was convincing the world he didn't exist."

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I like the show, and will miss it. Maybe I'm reading too far into the "The Candidate" episode but it seems to me like... 

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#94  Edited By Cube

So happy Lost is ending/is over? So people can shut the fuck up about that horrid show. 

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#95  Edited By Sarnecki

That reminds me of a great movie line, "The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled, was convincing the world he didn't exist."  
I'm a MUCH bigger Supernatural fan than Lost at this point.  Season 5 of Supernatural has been ten buckets of fun compared to the sloppiness of Lost...

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#96  Edited By sjupp

Meh show is meh.

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#97  Edited By Sarnecki

It's not meh.  You'd be hard pressed to find a smarter show that forms such powerful emotional connections and reactions from the audience.  Even this year has some amazing stuff.  Particularly the episode with Jack and his son really hit me hard.  Sayids episode, Hurley and Libby was sweet, Ben had that incredibly moving episode, and of course Terry as John Locke.  This last episode had some really great stuff, personally the best bit wasn't the death scene, but the scene between alt Jack and John.
The thing that makes Lost meh these days, or the thing that threatens it to become meh is the fact that the show isn't smart anymore.  It's stupid. Really stupid about internal convoluted rules and bullshit.  Characters don't act and sit passive despite being main characters.  They until very recently wouldn't just ask each other simple damn questions and answer them.  The show has totally shit the bed in that regard.

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#98  Edited By Sarnecki

An interesting thought.  I saw a post refuting the point that if the MiB was so smart and capable, why not have the candidates all trying to kill each other MUCH earlier on?  The answer is, he did.  Jack chasing his(father) and nearly falling off a cliff.  The hatch explosion that nearly killed a bunch of folks.  Hurley's friend Dave(really smokey) trying to convince him to kill himself.  Christian on the freighter trying to time it just perfectly, so that Micheal accidentally kills all of his friends as they arrive on a small, secluded boat...  He's been trying to do his submarine plan for the entire series!  Something I hadn't considered, and it fits given what we know...
I just hope that Jacob and the MiB aren't explained as wizards.  I hope there's at least an attempt to explain them within some kind of pseudo science dimensional rift.  Putting in the effort to clearly define your universes rules is something any nerd can appreciate.  But if your effort is literal pure magic?  Well...  Fail.