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    Forza Motorsport 2

    Game » consists of 8 releases. Released May 29, 2007

    Forza Motorsport 2 brings Microsoft's racing sim series to the Xbox 360 with new tracks, new cars, and an impressive livery editor.

    exists's Forza Motorsport 2 (Xbox 360) review

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    More like Forza 1.5 but still great. Wireless Wheel is a must!

    Played the game with the following settings >
    - Manual
    - All Assists OFF
    - Full Simulation mode - AI Medium
    - At Level 47 when review was written

    What was GIANT
    - Gameplay > It's a great racing sim and that's enough for me!

    - Wireless Wheel > is a must-have. I tried playing with the default gamepad, i got bored after a single race and it's so forgiving it's ridiculous. Force Feedback is amazing. You're missing the whole idea of this game if you don't get the wheel, plain and simple!

    - Tuning / Upgrades > very similar to the original Forza but still great and has a significant impact on driving especially with the wheel (again!).

    - Car Design Customization > As expected, enhanced compared to first Forza.

    - Auction > It's fun but for a short period of time and the prices cars are selling can get crazy too.

    - Soundtrack > Great song selection.

    What BOMBed

    - Career Mode > is excruciatingly boring. I'd rather have less cars and less tracks but make it fun and non-repetitive. I'll be happy to run 40 laps in one race/track (F1 fan) but not 40 races on the same track. I'd also set the AI to Hard but for 100s of races?! I just don't have limitless hours to spend.

    - Multiplayer controller > Online is better for gamepad owners which is quite ridiculous, I remember on Grand Prix PC games, gamers who owned a wheel had significantly better times than keyboard-only players which is how it should be.

    - Graphics > real average to be completely honest. Check the MotoGP demo Laguna Seca and compare it to Forza. Was expecting more, much more.

    - Tracks > Pretty much the same tracks as before. Needs more real tracks and less of the Cobra etc.

    - Achievements > Mostly based on time spent. You could get most achievements just by hiring a driver and waiting. They could have been better distributed but they're so tied to the bad career mode so it's expected.

    - Easy AI > Only 5% hit? Not enough, it should be more like 20% hit.

    - Hire Driver > watching the whole race for the result is really stupid. I understand they want to avoid people going through the whole career mode in an hour but you can get over that in a different way such as slower leveling etc. In other words, think of a better solution, the existing one is pointless, why even bother having it.

    How to make a GIANT BOMB
    - Career Mode overhaul is absolutely required. Just copy any racing Championship, F1 is a great example!

    - Qualifying would be nice

    - Better pit stops with crew etc.

    - Podium is nice-to-have


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