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    Medal of Honor

    Game » consists of 22 releases. Released Oct 12, 2010

    Step into the boots of Tier 1 Operatives Rabbit and Deuce in this modern take on EA's long-running Medal of Honor series; the game features separately-developed single player and multiplayer modes.

    metallicdistortion's Medal of Honor (Xbox 360) review

    Avatar image for metallicdistortion

    Heading Straight for the Garbage Bin

    Wait, this reminds me all to much of Battlefield (Which I LIKED). I played the shit out of the old PS1 and PC Medal of Honor games as a kid and I was excited to see the series was getting a reboot, until I played it.  
    Medal of Honor has some serious problems, so lets start with the story: 
    Story: Possibly one of the moronic stories in videogame history, competeing with Modern Warfare 2 that is. Now tell me, why the fuck does everyone have massive beards and shoot first ask questions when they fucking feel like it? Why did EA pussy out of that issue about naming the OP forces in multiplayer? oh thats right because they're fucking pathetic and fail at making good games. The scripting, I could write a review about that alone. literally the worst in any modern shooter anywhere. There are parts where certain people cannot be killed because they haven't performed whatever set action they were supposed to or where something wont activate because you're not standing on the 2cm radius of ground the idiotic game designers chose. Everything about this game screams: We want to be like MW2. Why? So you can be shit as well? And literally the rediculously manly characters just make this a very shallow shooter.  
     Gameplay/Multiplayer: So DICE are great when it comes to the BFBC series, but when they work for EA it's like their IQ goes down. The shooting isn't solid, guns feel either underpowered and lack kick. The combat is as flawed as the story and it just overall feels like the generic piece of shit that it is. The multiplayer is just as dry, maybe good for say, two seconds. Spawncamping makes its return here and while I was more often on the giving end rather than the receiving end of that it still felt bad. Maps... hold on, trying to fight the rage. Maps, people, who the fuck is making these maps, I will personally strangle them. The maps are just so fucking terrible. I rant about maps all the time and MoH has some of the worst. There's an easily recognizable OP side on each of them, and they feel too cramped and shitty to even want to give them the chance I wish I hadnt.   
    Graphics/sound: The graphics are actually quite good and gritty, but thats the problem, I get tired of looking at the same fucking shade of brown every five seconds. Can't we have color? Is that so fucking bad or something? Unrealistic you say. Well fuck you sir, there is no such thing as a realistic game so if you want realism why dont you walk outside and shoot your own fucking cock off because thats as real as combat will ever get for you. Now, the sound, this game practically oozes red white and blue out of every fucking second. It, like MW, is practically a fucking ad for the military. Its like watching: Team America or some bullshit. So on that note: Medal of Honor, FUCK NO!
    Overall: Terrible game, throw it out, because its a fucking trainwreck. 


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      A very lackluster AAA release for 2010 0

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      Great SP, weak MP. Why? Read on. 0

          I just picked up Medal of Honor a couple of days ago, after pondering whether or not to actually buy it, if any of you are thinking the same then hopefully this review will help you make a decision. It is a first person shooter developed by two branches of EA, there is DICE who dealt with developing the multiplayer aspect of the game and Danger Close (EA LA) who worked solely on developing the singleplayer side of the game. The aim of the game for them was to create a direct challenge to Mo...

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