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    Ninja Blade

    Game » consists of 5 releases. Released Apr 07, 2009

    A cinematic action game for the Xbox 360, in a vein similar to Ninja Gaiden.

    haytek's Ninja Blade (Xbox 360) review

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    • Score:
    • haytek wrote this review on .
    • 0 out of 1 Giant Bomb users found it helpful.

    I see potential in this game!

    There is only one thing to say about this game. And that thing is call fun, while others see this game as a rip off. Ninja Blade brings fun into the table, and no one can contradict to this matter. A lot has said about the graphics, and graphics are not the only thing. The game brings game play, and this should be emphasized. No game in this world is perfect, but when a game makes you play the game in the late hours of the day. This can be close enough to perfection.

    I can admit the game is not perfect. The game suffers from lag, and this can be quite annoying when playing the game. And this is the only thing I saw problem with this game, and I hope it does well enough to see this game have another shot.

    Other reviews for Ninja Blade (Xbox 360)

      Quick time Ninja go ! 0

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      5 out of 9 found this review helpful.

      Despite its flaws, Ninja Blade is an absolute blast 0

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      2 out of 3 found this review helpful.

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