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#1  Edited By Aether
@Puchiko said:
I listened to all three books and The Hobbit via audio book read by Robert Englis. It made the experience much more enjoyable cause he had a soothing british accent and he was able to do characterizations of all the voices resonably well. So I didn't mind the extra long background stuff cause I had already seen the movies several times now (and played LOTRO) and wanted to know more backstory. It was like listening to a serial radio play every day at work. But I do agree that early parts of the Fellowship were tedious and could have been put in one of the appendixes.
This is exactly what i did. They are also a pretty decent length too so it helped work and sometimes class go by far faster on some days. 
I generally can't read as much as i like because for whatever reason i have a hard time looking at print for to long. It becomes super fuzzy and i get a headache, so if i do choose to read a book i always try to see if there is an audio version. If you are really still interested in the fiction try to see if you can find someone who has the CD's or something.
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#2  Edited By Aether

In lower level games it can happen. Someone hops on a smurf to practice something, their team wants them to do something else,  so they feed or pick a troll build. Depending on the time you play you will run into a lot of trolls. Just got out of a game with AD Sona and AD Kennen and Revive Tele Alistar. It is annoying but like any online game you will run into assholes.
 Just develop a thick skin and play for yourself. Solo Queue is busted. People don't really care how they play. The best thing to do is look out for people who do care and friend them and maybe you can just queue up with them instead. I rarely play with anyone but my friends at this point and that is completely fine with me. Saves me a headache and every now and then the 4th and 5th spot are decent players who i can friend and queue up with when my RL friends are not on.
Just read the last paragraph again.
a) There is really nothing else to do. If you want to win then just do it. His team probably could have sent another person to the lane to prevent you from killing him by harassing you but chances are they just wanted the game to end.
b) Regarding tanks: Many of them are junglers. They have naturally high survivability and the current meta usually supports a tank jungler. The "euro" with having a bruiser champ top like Renekton, Garen, Irelia etc. can also have a tank instead like Leona, Skarner, Singed. For a solo top you want someone who not only has lane sustainability  but also has decent farm. Singed being  a wonderful tank in that regard. 
The biggest thing though is that sometimes a tank isn't needed. What you need is an initiate. People like Rammus, Shen, Singed, Alistar. They can run in there are start a fight. When people really want a tank what they want is an initiator. Alistar has one of the best in the game. Singed fling with his ult on and ghost makes at least a guarantee that someone will be out of position. 
Taunts aren't really a necessity. They are nice to have but this isn't an mmo. The action can be super fast and a team fight can be over after 2 or 3 ults from a carry. It usually just all pops off right after someone goes in. And thats where  the tank/initiator line is. Keep trying out whatever free tanks are available and see what kind you like. Some tanks just kind of blow their wad then have to auto attack and hope their carries don't die. Others can sustain themselves and put out a bit of dmg while the team does their thing but maybe they aren't the tankiest of the tanks. Leveling up is a time to find what playstyle works best for you.

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#3  Edited By Aether

1. NO replay feature. Can a video can backtrack the replay from a different angle?
2. NO pause function. What if something goes wrong in the middle of a professional match?
3. NO observer feature. Can you view another area during a live match?

I agree that those feature most def should have been included. Especially the pause which i think is coming. But they recently (a few months ago) implemented their spectator (observer) mode for the tournaments. Made a huge difference then their previous form of just having a 6th invisible player with a fog of war summoner spell.

There has been a replay program but it isn't inherent to the actual game. It is 3rd party and kinda borked but it is there. Its main problem is for whatever reason health and cooldowns are never captured correctly so it can be frustrating when watching them. Just another one of those things that they said they are working on to make inherent in the game.

The main reason i really keep playing LoL more is because it is casual friendly. My friends just couldn't penetrate DotA and it was just extremely frustrating for them to get dominated damn near every game by people who know what they are doing, to the point where they weren't learning anything. Was just feed fests and quick games because they would get denied and harassed so much.

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#4  Edited By Aether

@yorro said:

The reasons why LOL IS FOR KIDS(Casual Gamers): First of all, when say for-kids I meant less strategy, silly competitive gaming, passive gaming, and has players who play once a month(Casual Gamers)

1. Passivity
2. Overpowered towers, this gives players a sensation of safety and relaxation which promotes passivity
3. Mistakes are not punished properly which again promotes passive gaming. IE: When you die, you don't lose gold.
4. No complex skills (IE Rupture), LOL Lead Designed made this clear.
5. TOP REASON - Not viable for competitive gaming AKA for kids.

I agree with pretty much all of the reasons you have given except for the last one. There is a competitive gaming scene. The stream record being broken and tournament games with prize pools (albeit nothing spectacular in terms of money) have already shown this. If you don't like it that's fine but it already exists and will continue to exist. I have my LoL friends and DoTA friends. When i want a more laid back game with my friends, i will play LoL. When i want to play solo and be competitive i will play DoTA.

DoTA has been out for years and has had a community that has stayed strong to support it. LoL has a couple of years and is still growing, and with its more casual friendly game play will continue to grow. There is room for both. The only community i see potentially shrinking will be the HoN community. Something being aimed at kids does not make it garbage or for the painfully retarded. I know we like to polarize everything so we feel more comfortable with the choices and games we end up sticking with but in the MOBA community this shit has always seemed insane because to the people outside it, we are apparently all playing the same game.

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#5  Edited By Aether
@Getz said:
I turn your attention to the story of Twixt, a city of heroes character that was ostracized by the other players for breaking a social contract (ie killing other players).
I used to pvp in the same area as Twixt before all those zones became dead. Some people were surprised when the story broke but in all honesty he was just annoying. Most of the time we just ignored him. The people who got really mad were generally younger, maybe not older then 20. But when it did get bad it was essentially hours of flame wars and complaining. Things tend to get worse when you are in a community that you are close with and then someone is there to instigate problems. I don't think it was his true intention deep down to be an asshole but he knew the situation he was in and it kind of turned out to be his purpose to remain the way he was to study reactions.
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#6  Edited By Aether
@Vodun said:
" @Jazz said:
" what the hell is wrong with Section 8? It's $15 has a full Single Player and Multiplayer option and it's fun.
How the fuck can you compare a $60 to a $15? Have people lost any sense of proportionality? 

Also Jeff is allowed to have his own opinion as much as you are allowed to have your own. I tend to find Jeff's reviews to not follow my own opinions but that's life
Some people don't care about money, some people care about fun. Away with you peasant! I must have my lunch gilded, lest it taste cheap! "
Out of this whole thread this shit made me spit coffee at my screen at work. Thanks.
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#7  Edited By Aether

I am on my 3rd playthrough of DA2 and they pretty much come out of the same spots on every fight. They spawn on the same sides and on the same stairwells. The jump down from the same places as well. So i have been pretty easily been able to position my mages and warriors to tank the dmg and rain down aoe on a specific spot. The only noticable difference is the amount of health seems different but that could be because i am facing these fights at different levels then my previous playthrough. 
It only seems random because you are going into an unknown area that hasn't been memorized. The fights are pretty scripted. Especially during the act 2 Qunari fights. The pride demon is always in the same place as are the mages. The more i play it the easier it becomes to predict. It isn't very random at all unless it is your first playthrough or you are playing again on a different difficulty. When i went from normal to nightmare a couple of things changed but that was more of quantities of enemies rather then them coming from nowhere.

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#8  Edited By Aether
I think Hawke sort of fits the "accidental hero" archetype. Right time and place type of thing. I enjoyed it focusing on him and Kirkwall. It was a different approach to how rpgs kind of involve the whole world. This was a small story with larger implications. 
Definitely agree with the bad guy thing for videogames. It is hard to appreciate when there are countless other games who can consistently nail it on the head since it seems a basic formula but i liked how they set up their factions. The payoff wasn't nearly as good as it should have been but that i will discuss in regards to your spoiler.

I would have liked to see a more fleshed out ending but i really enjoyed what they game brought me. I like that they changed things and at least attempted to shake up the regular formula for these types of rpg's. People will enjoy it to varying degrees or absolutely hate it judging by this forum but it still has me heavily invested to see the continuing adventures of Hawke and possible tie in with the Hero of Ferelden. Maybe even adressed in a proper expansion like awakenings an Awakening type of experience. Or just where the hell Hawke decided to go when he peaced the fuck out.
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#9  Edited By Aether
@Dookysharpgun said:

I seem to remember in Awakening, Anders was a member of the Circle, who escaped many, many times, and when you encounter him, the templars you find dead are the ones who were trying to take him back. He was never branded an apostate because he was, in fact, a Grey Warden.

Actually in awakenings it is mentioned in the beginning twice that he is an apostate. Once by Mhairi saying "An apostate, in Vigils Keep" and again by the templar escort of whoever came to the keep saying "This is an apostate who we were in the process of bringing back to the circle for justice".
On the plot twist you were right. That was a bit too left field and can't really be described as Justice acting out or Vengeance as he became when he went into Anders. But then again he does state they are both now the same person but who knows. It still doesn't seem to fit right.
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#10  Edited By Aether
I felt the story was fine but to much of it was implied. A couple of throwaway lines to set up the position of the seeker and chantry should have been turned into a more fleshed out accusation of what the champion was thought to have done.  The storytelling as a means of delivering the story is a fine premise but if they had just fleshed out a bit more of the stances of Verric and the seeker it could have really helped out the understanding of the ultimate outcome and where it leads to.

I agree with most of the points you made. The point of it being black and white with the Grey Wardens and Darkspawn is potentially true. Not that the Grey Wardens during this time period are heralded as great heroes but in the conflict of DA:O for sure it can be viewed that way based solely on those 2 factions and not other choices made by the wardens or your character.
I did my first playthrough as a mage and i felt extremely gimped compared to what my mage could do in Origins. But admittedly i cheesed alot of stuff in origins and just kind of chugged pots. I didn't feel as overpowered but i felt none the less important on my team. 
Before i started my second playthrough i went back to origins and did as close to a 100% playthrough with a Human noble going through Awakenings-Golems-Witch Hunt and after playing them back to back the combat in 2 didn't seem all that faster. In fact on Nightmare it felt painfully slow compared to Origins nightmare and almost too involved. With almost just not enough to do or without the ability to do it. What i was doing and looking at compared to Origins felt extremely different. Me twirling my stick around for an auto-attack didn't really mean anything was dieing faster. But it did look a ton prettier.  The combat in 2 almost felt like i had to work harder to achieve what i wanted. Which was nice but it could have been smoother. On the normal settings though i think i only died once or twice against the Dragon and the Rock Wraith because i didn't control my party properly and move them away from spell effects. But this is no different than when i could cast the storm spells and then see Oghren run through them to reach a mage across the screen and die.
I don't think this is really a sink or swim title for EA. There is plenty of word of mouth out there from critics giving it fairly positive reviews and users screaming and pulling their hair out over the sound of gnashing teeth. It will probably spark enough interest for people to pick it up themselves and see if they like it or not. Which will net EA some decent bank and allow for furthering the franchise. I don't think this game will be the crux that will decide the future but most likely the next game to see if they want to keep milking the franchise. There will be enough money to make off this one with whatever expansions they decide to pump out and whatever "DLC" they decide to distribute to most likely make at least 1 more game. Hopefully with a longer dev cycle. 

 Origins is clearly a more polished game but i still believe DA2 is vital to the fiction they are setting up. It does feel like a middle chapter where they wanted to branch out a bit but just didn't go far enough perhaps. They had a very well groomed formula for Origins and in trying to re-invent the formula for 2 or even coming up with their own seems like it should have taken more time.