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Super Smash Brothers 4 Part 4: Metroid

Most of you know by now that I am the ultimate list whore. As such, I feel that I almost have a duty to create a character roster for the next Super Smash Bros, despite the fact that it may be 6 years down the road. Why am i adding this as a forum post as well as a blog? Because if there is a franchise or character that should obviously be added, I want to make sure that I dont miss them, so all of you need to let me know if some character is being forgotten. Every day, I will add a blog post including the characters from an entire franchise, complete with pictures, and perhaps a synopsis. Please respect that this is my list, and If there is a character I deem not worthy, then i will simply not add them. 

Part 1: Representative Franchises

Part 2: Mario Brothers

Part 3: The Legend of Zelda

Part 4: Metroid

Synopsis: Samus is often regarded as one of the most bad-ass first ladies of gaming. While she doesnt have as many appearances as her Nintendo counterparts Link and Mario, she is just as well regarded, thanks to the unvarying quality of the games she has starred in. She is also well known for one of the best jumps into 3-D the world has seen.

Notable Appearances:Metroid, Super Metroid, Metroid Prime, Metroid Prime 3, Metroid: Other M

SSB4 Likelyhood: 10/10

Differences: While each suit variation would have seperate stats, zero suit samus would have a completely different move set. 


Zero Suit Samus
Zero Suit Samus
Phazon Suit Samus
Phazon Suit Samus
Light Suit Samus
Light Suit Samus
Fusion Samus
Fusion Samus
Dark Samus
Dark Samus


Synopsis: While Ridley has never been the final boss in a Metroid game, he is likely the biggest thorn in Samus' side. He controls a leigon of Space Pirates, and never seems to be down for the count.

Notable Appearances: Metroid, Super Metroid, Metroid Prime
SSB4 Likelyhood: 7/10

