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I guess it's sunk cost. No need to torture myself over what are effectively phantasms.

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I'm betting the Giant Bomb staff has really fast computers

Well, I really hope this extreme slowness is just a buggy phase, because if this site is going to be as slow as it is for me now, I'm not sure I have the energy or time to wait while every page chugs into focus. 

This site has been a big of a drain on my resources from the outset, but for the most part I've been able to keep things going.  But if this new face is how things are going to be, I don't feel like I should have to buy a new PC just to interact here.  Things don't have to be this thick with features, especially when you're trying to get a lot of users in.

I had a bit of a sinking feeling when they were talking about the new image editor, and the images were doing little somersaults on the screen, as if that was necessary to actually show the picture.  They put a lot of work into the code, and it's great if your machine can hack it, but...  Since this site really isn't aimed at video game aficionados as a whole, more people who are into the latest and biggest with the rest sort of a grab-bag of novelty acts that are either praised or scorned for not having enough polygons or trying to build a decent narrative, I guess I'm sort of outside the targeted demographic anyway.

If the new face of GB becomes a test of my endurance, well, it's been fun y'all.


Trying to remain Chan about the whole thing...