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3.2 stars

Average score of 66 user reviews

I think I'll Go Back to Wii Sports Resort to Swing a Sword 0

LIke most people who may have tried this game, I played it for one reason:  I wanted to have one-to-one motion control while chopping enemies down with a sword.  While you would think Nintendo or another third party could have delivered this experience this far into the Wii's life cycle, I really think that Wii Sports Resort may be the closest anyone gets (with the possible exception of the Playstation Move).  I thought this game is as generic as one could have never hoped for.  Lifeless charact...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

I need to stop playing Kojima games 0

Another dud from Kojima Productions...I shouldn't be surprised at this point, but I only have myself to blame for continuing to sink time into these games.  Zone of the Enders 2, Lunar Knights, Metal Gear Acid, the list goes on and on of games I simply haven't enjoyed.  This is going to be my swan song for their games as I simply can't stand wasting any more of my life on these things.  I can only describe this game as a reimagining of Metal Gear skinned in the MGS1 style.  After playing MGS2 an...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

I don't get this game at all 0

I think the title sums up the entirety of my feelings for this game.  I played for about 20 minutes and had absolutely no idea where the fun was in this game.  The music was average, the game concept couldn't stand up to the likes of Puzzle Fighter or Tetris, and the actual in-game tutorials were horrible.  Overall, I just didn't have any fun with this game....

0 out of 1 found this review helpful.

Blowing Stuff Up Never Loses It's Charm 0

Having disliked the first two Red Faction games, I came into this game skeptical. The promise of being able to destroy anything eluded the development team in those games, and the shooting wasn't enough to make the game stand out. In this game, you know the developers are onto something the very first time you take a swing at a building with your hammer. In short, the combination of swinging a hammer, barreling through a building with vehicles, and detonating a symphony of explosive charges is a...

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Impressive Accomplishment 0

Having skipped the first Uncharted due to my general dislike of the demo some of the podcast comments that made me hesitant to play through the game, I decided to give Uncharted 2 a chance.  Amid the glowing reviews and heaped-on praise, I went into the Uncharted 2 demo with big expectations.  The demo didn't wow me like I was expecting, but I decided to give game a try anyway.  Having played through, I can honestly say I get what all the hype is about.  The game is jaw-droppingly gorgeous, show...

0 out of 1 found this review helpful.

Lacking the Charm and Variety of other Shin Megami Tensei titles 0

I am a huge fan of Persona 3 and 4.  While I knew this game was a strategy title going in, I was also aware that the battle system closely resembled the Persona titles.  Unfortunately, I found the story and dialogue to be monotonous and boring, and resorted to clicking through the endless pages of text after a couple of hours.  The battles had a horrible way of making my party characters feel underpowered and largely ineffective.  By limiting each character to 3 techniques, many of the game's ab...

0 out of 3 found this review helpful.

The PS3 Version Should Have Never Been Made 0

I want to be very clear that this review only references the PS3 version of the game.  While I haven't played the 360 version, I've read enough glowing reviews to imagine it for what it likely is:  An amazing character action game free of the technical glitches that are pervasive in the PS3 version.  For a game that relies on precise timing to dodge attacks and initiate the game's signature "Witch Time", I was stunned by how many framerate issues plague this version of the game.  I don't care if...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

When you don't have the next hit, you make the remix 0

I think the title of the review best sums up my feelings for this game.  Katamari Damacy as a franchise is one of my top 3 favorite games of all time.  Since this game is basically a "best of" collection with a new coat of HD paint, it is still a great game.  However, the new level types and remixed music introduced in this game fall short of the older games.  I walked away wishing that instead of adding anything new, the developer would have just remade Katamari Damacy and We Love Katamari into...

0 out of 1 found this review helpful.

Stripped Down God of War 1 0

This review doesn't need to be long - if you liked God of War 1 and don't mind a slighty scaled-down portable version, you will probably like this game.  I am a little burned out on the franchise, but found myself compelled to keep playing as the pacing of these games is usually very well done.  There were a few technical hiccups, but otherwise the game was very visually impressive for a portable title.  The end of the game presented endless kill rooms full of cheap enemies, at which point I tur...

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I think I just found my favorite PSP game 0

I have always loved the Ridge Racer series since the day I got my PS1.  Ridge Racer on the PSP does a great job of bringing together the best parts of the series into a memorable portable title.  I love arcade style racing games, and Ridge Racer and Wipeout have always been at the top of the heap.  With the release of Wipeout Pure and HD, the franchise carried on the legacy of the series while upgrading the graphics to modern standards.  While a new coat of paint may not have seemed like much at...

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Another year of development and it would have been perfect 0

Let me come right out of the gate by saying that every RPG fan owes it to themselves to play this game.  While some may walk away feeling that FF XIII is not their cup of tea, Square-Enix has done an impressive job of evolving many elements of the RPG formula.  Since there are simply too many points worth noting, I'll approach this review in the bullet-pointed Kotaku style:   What I Liked: The music - Masashi Hamauzu has truly outdone himself and composed what I believe to be one of, if not the ...

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Solid Character Action Experience 0

Having quit halfway through Ninja Gaiden Sigma due to absurd checkpoints, I was overjoyed to see that almost all my complaints from the first game have been addressed in the sequel.  At it's core, Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2 is a gorgeous, fast-paced action game that allows you to perform flashy combos with a variety of weapons.  The game gives you enough challenge to incent you to learn the different moves and experiment with new weapons.  I appreciated the fact that while the combat is challenging, t...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

Advance Wars' Ugly Sister 0

For purposes of full disclosure, I love the Advance Wars games (with the exception of Day of Ruin).  I picked up Field Commander for the very reason that every review that I read of this game clearly stated that it was a pure rip-off of Advance Wars.  In my mind, a copy of a great game is still likely to be a great game, right?  After playing Field Commander for 5 minutes, one thing became painfully clear:  This game is really ugly to look at.  For a system as technologically capable as the PSP,...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

Why Play This When PixelJunk Monsters Exists 0

Maybe I'm spoiled, but my first introduction to the tower defense genre was PixelJunk Monsters. Monsters is one of my favorite games of all time, and a game that really set the bar high for the entire genre. Playing Ninjatown just made me appreciate all the things that Q Games did right with PixelJunk Monsters. The towers (ninjas) all felt nearly identical aside from the standard melee vs. ranged unit. Everytime I unlocked a new unit, it felt like a small variation on a theme rather than a new w...

0 out of 2 found this review helpful.

Everything I Hated About MGS3 and Then Some 0

Hideo Kojima games have always been hit or miss with me.  While I have enjoyed the crazy story, technical prowess, and overall charm of several games in the Metal Gear Solid series, I always hated MGS3 for all the giant "features" (also known as design flaws) that define that game.  From the horribly broken camera, to the uneven difficulty, to the overall frustration, ZOE 2 seems to pick right off where MGS3 left off.  I played this game for a couple of hours only to succumb to an escort mission...

0 out of 2 found this review helpful.

Not as good as I remembered, but still fun 0

After playing through FF 13, I wanted to go back and play through a couple of older RPGs to remind me of the way these games used to be.  Suikoden was one of my favorites at the time it came out 15 years ago and several years after.  However, after my most recent playthrough, I'm starting to realize that charm and nostalgia carried what is otherwise an average game.    For anyone deciding whether they should give this game a try, I would encourage you to for three reasons.  First, unlike most of...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

Must Play for Naruto Fans 0

 Excellent Naruto game. Highly recommended to any fans of the manga/TV series. The fighting system is fantastic and offers much of the small input/big output gratification that God of War characterizes. The option to select English or Japanese voices was also appreciated. While there are some mission types in the main mode that will get tiresome, the story arc missions are as good or better than watching the TV series. Once you get past some of the load times, the battles are very fluid and ther...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

Almost Better Than Chrono Trigger 0

 One of my favorite RPGs of all time. Continuing where Persona 3 left off, Persona 4 improves upon some of the criticisms of the last entry (lack of control over party members, limited music, lack of dungeon variety). The murder/mystery storyline kept my attention throughout the game and had some very gripping moments and character interactions. The beauty of Persona 4 is the amount of freedom and lack of repetition that characterizes so many other games in the genre. The player can choose to ex...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

Why I Won't Be Playing Heavy Rain 1

 I walked away from this game with two primary thoughts: 1) The developers had some great ideas about how to push storytelling forward in video games; and 2) I'm pretty sure that someone at the developer hates me for making me play through an endless string of fetch quests and minigames. I enjoyed the story and actually wanted to push forward and see what happened next. Also, I thought that the dialogue was very good and am hopeful that more games use the conversational tone found in this game. ...

0 out of 1 found this review helpful.

Enjoyable FF VII Game 0

 Let me begin by commenting on the most important two elements that this game has to offer. It looks incredible and will satisfy anyone with some FF VII nostalgia. Since that alone should be enough to sell most fans on the game, I'll move on to some of the details. Crisis Core's story and characters actually eclipse FF VII by a wide margin. Memorable characters such as Aeris, Tseng, and Sephiroth are brought to life and given much more personality while new characters like Zack and Angeal really...

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2nd Tier Strategy Title 0

 As a strategy game fan, I enjoyed playing a game outside of the usual stable of franchises such as Fire Emblem and Final Fantasy Tactics. The gameplay is very unique, mainly bringing the concept of empowering certain characters to gain additional turns by chaining kills. Combined with the skill system, the core concepts of this game make for what could have been an interesting game. However, I couldn't help but feel that the game never really comes into its own. The main reason for this seemed ...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

Broken Game that Makes an Unforgettable Impression 0

 I have always been torn over this game as it is so memorable yet so full of flaws. The combat and puzzles are absurd, so I recommend putting the game on the easiest difficulty to allow yourself to focus on enjoying the fantastic atmosphere, subtle yet gripping story, and one of the all-time great soundtracks (both music and sound effects). While there's a lot of fun to be had in this game, be prepared to be frustrated at times and don't be ashamed to pull up a FAQ if you get slowed down. Trying...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

Amazing Ratchet Title 0

 I skipped Tools of Destruction, but have played every other game in the series. This is one of the finest games I've had a chance to play. The game looks amazing, has a great sense of humor, and maintains a good pace throughout that propels you to visit just one more planet. I can't say enough good things about this game. Mr. Zircon was a standout and should win video game character of the year. I also loved the Clank time puzzles, which are unlike anything I've ever played before. I would high...

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Why? 0

   akonnick March 02, 2010 After about 3-4 hours, this game's flaws got the best of me. While there is some charm here, the braindead pathfinding of your party members, usually spotty Wii controls, and repetitive gameplay just don't add up to a fun game. While many would have you believe that the game is very open-ended, you are never deviating from what the developer wants you to do at that very moment. I spent half of my play time grinding towards the next unlock/class only to discover that al...

0 out of 3 found this review helpful.

Best FE Ever 0

Playing through it for the 4th time. Best of the Fire Emblem series and one of my favorite games of all time. Great continuation of Path of Radiance's story with improvements in several gameplay areas such as bonus experience system, new weapons , simplification of supports, and others. Also, the in battle animations are greatly improved and feel much more like the flashy animations of the GBA games. This game is the pinnacle of turn based strategy....

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FE 8 0

 One of my favorite games of all time and the best strategy game available on the GBA or DS. The addition of branching promotion options adds a lot of variety and the streamlined roster of characters (compared to 6 and 7) makes for far fewer throwaway characters. The story is excellent and concise compared to 4 and 7, which spend way too much time dwelling on needless background information. While many criticize this entry as easy compared to prior Fire Emblems, the selectable difficulty and ava...

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