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Blog #034 - SUPERRRRRR MEAT BOY, Crysis 2, Banjo TNT

Lots of stuff happening at the moment. Plus some art.


Another one of my daily designs. This time of Meat Boy, gettin' cut up. Please leave comments, I love reading them.

Ouch. Sorry, Meatboy 
Ouch. Sorry, Meatboy 

Crysis 2

I finished Crysis 2 earlier in the week. Very happy with the final product. Incredible graphics and cinematic presentation. Interesting story, if not poorly explained and paced. Satisfying gameplay. Got my SSD back so now I have installed it again with the intent of going through on Super Soldier. We'll see.

Banjo Kazooie Nuts & Bolts

I took part in my first TNT. Really enjoyed playing with the community. Brad too. I had no idea anyone else cared about this game. I think it's one of the most creative and inventive games ever made, and one of my favourites. Sure, it's not the Banjo action you expect but it is a lot of fun. I flew around and crashed in to Brad with my Giant Monster. I didn't get to show off my catapult or my crane! Functioning crane is pretty awesome.