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Blog #037 - Limbo Art, Portal 2, Tony Hawk

Finishing so many games this week...


I started and finished Limbo today. Fantastic game with a lot of style. Very short, but it didn't repeat itself too much or outstay its welcome. I do a daily design and inspired by Limbo here is day #120. The broken swing set represents the boy and his lost sister.

Also, here is the Portal 2 poster I made yesterday. Please leave comments, I love to read them.

Limbo Art 
Limbo Art 

Portal 2

I ordered portal 2 on Wednesday as a present for finishing my dissertation. First class. Didn't arrive Thursday. Fine. Friday no post due to the royal wedding. Really annoyed. Saturday, nothing. Pissed off. Sunday, no post. Annoying, but normal. Then I realized it is a bank holiday on Monday, so no post then either. I will receive it, at the earliest, on Tuesday. I should have just bought it on steam. So I played through Portal 1 again and made the Portal 2 poster I posted above.

I am very impatient at the moment.

Tony Hawk

The Tony Hawk TNT made me want to play some Tony Hawk again. I never usually say this, but I'm pretty good at Tony Hawk games. I think Project 8 is great, so I started playing that but my disc is scratched. Disc read errors and crashes stopped me from enjoying it much. I was thinking of getting the PC version of THPS3 but I remember I still have the PS2 version, and I have my PS2 all set up to play because of Persona 4 so... I should really play that some more.