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Called it.. regeneating health on tanks...

Back when I first saw the big multiplayer reveal trailer from E3.. I said I was confused as the tanks seemed to regenerate, there was some argument with me saying that'd never happen and such.. Kotaku reports differenty >.>

And they are magic, because they're capable of doing something no actual tank has ever been capable of: healing themselves. Yes, in Battlefield 3 tanks (and any other armoured vehicle for that matter) can, if "lightly damaged", take cover away from enemy fire for a while and, if they don't get hit again, recover their health. Just like the infantry can.

Developers DICE say it's "our way of giving smart non-Engineers a fighting chance to keep his vehicle in the battle", but there'll be some—no doubt those waiting in line back at a spawn point for a tank to blow up—who will be less enthused.

No longer worry about asking a team mate for repairs! just go hide somewhere behind cover for a bit, it's all good.... -_-

It may only be repairs from "light damage" but it's still regenerating health, and blah to that I say.... blah...