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#1  Edited By Applekid

Those are just my initial pics. It turned out wonderful. Sorry for the bad quality of the pics though, I took them with my awful phone camera. I will get better pics in a few days once I go to hang it.

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#2  Edited By Applekid

I would argue its a bit more than a $10 poster. Personal value brings that funny grey area sometimes. I'm ok with the price that I'm paying considering everything involved. Like I said before its dry mounted so if it somehow broke the glass/frame the poster is permanently attached to a board. I could just hang that or have it re-framed. The piece of glass that is covering it is twice as thick as normal frame glass.

My hats off to you though that did get great deals. Those frames look fantastic. I especially enjoy the wooden one with the man with the coffee cup. I may have found a better deal in my town if I had the time or patience to look. Working third shift limits what I can do a lot of times.

On an awesome note, I just received the call that it is ready to be picked up. I will be headed in tomorrow morning to do just that.

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#3  Edited By Applekid

I'm expecting to get a call within the week. My body is ready.

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#4  Edited By Applekid

lol got that long title out of the way.

I've been coming to this site for a little while now and originally scoffed at becoming a paid member when it was first introduced. Then I started coming to the site more and more and that attitude changed very quickly and I wanted to give them money, premium content or not. I had to wait until I had a birthday come up but it worked out perfectly because they were offering those badass Giant Bombcast posters. Not only that, they were going to sign it. I hopped on that right away and eventually the poster came.

I unwrapped it once to have a gander and was not disappointed. I wanted to keep it in the best condition possible so I put it back into its mailing tube for temporary storage. I knew that to give this the honor it deserves I should get a custom frame made for it and put it up on the wall. I realized that it would cost a pretty penny so i sadly had to put the idea on the backburner for the time being. Fast forward to now when I have tax return money coming in I was able to get the frame ordered.

18x35 7/8's black wooden grained rounded frame, glass is twice as thick as normal frame glass, and is going to be dry mounted on to the acid free board. In total $98 before tax. It could take up to 2 weeks for it to be done but it should be done in about 1 week. I'm very excited to see how it turns out and to post pictures.

The guy helping me with the frame was really nice and polite and he finally asks me the insurance question, "so lets say something happens to the store. It catches fire or falls down and your poster gets ruined; how much is it worth." I just start laughing and kind of shake my head, "To be completely honest its not worth anything. These guys aren't famous to the normal person." He kind of laughs and gives me an expectant look "ehhhh well, I guess if I had to put a number on it I would say about $300. I imagine it make take that much just to get the guys to give up some of their time to all sign the same poster again." I then tell him its probably pretty awkward to ask people to put a number on these type of possessions. He said that most people try and say "priceless."

Only thing missing from all of this would have been dave and drews scrawls on the poster. I know they aren't Bombcast crew but they have an equal place in my heart. lol maybe one day I can have a post-it note with their sigs added into the frame. I've rambled on enough, I'll update this with pics once I'm able to go and pick it up.

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#5  Edited By Applekid

I'm going to have to save up to get a Herman Miller type chair.

I ended up going to Office Max and before I even got through the vestibule they had a microfiber high back on sale for $100. Sitting on it right now. It will certainly do for now.

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#6  Edited By Applekid

Thank you for the responses. I guess I probably will end up starting with Office Max/Depot and move from there.

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#7  Edited By Applekid

I'm really tired of the one I have now. its just some $80 one I got from Wal Mart. I've been wanting a nice high back microfiber computer chair but I have no idea where to even begin looking. Does anyone have any tips?

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#8  Edited By Applekid

@FiZi said:

So even though I bought the Alpha PC version I have to pay for it again if I want it on iOS. Tell you what. Make the Pocket version connect up to dedicated servers that PC players can connect to and I'll buy it.

Pretty much this. Notch lied and people cried.

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#9  Edited By Applekid

@reddjoey: Thank you for being helpful. I finally got it.

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#10  Edited By Applekid

Since my question was overlooked twice in this thread and when I made a topic about it, it got locked right away.

So, I will ask a fourth time.

Any tips on the locations? I'm missing one and I''ve tried everything. Amazon, Borneo, Nepal, Istanbul, tibet