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My Top Five of this Generation

This is my ultimate list of the current gen of videogames. If an alien came to earth and asked, what are these "video games" you humans play? I would show him this list and say, Welcome to Earth.%26nbsp%3B%26nbsp%3B

List items

  • This game is revolutionary. Further proof that games are becoming America's most relevent media. What more can one say?

  • This game is a lesson in pacing. Every reveal (eg Rapture, Little Sisters, Big Daddies, and Rapture, and Rapture (in that order)) is given just enough room to breathe. An awe-inspiring concept, and rediculously fun to boot.

  • I fergin love portal. A (short) masterpiece of sound design, level design, concept and sparce narrative. Valve's batting average increases yet again.

  • Made me think about mankind's history and place in the universe, what other strategy game could do that???? The more you know about software engineering the more you'll appreciate this series.

  • The Metal Gear solid series was a slow burn for me, and MGS4 is no exception, but, for some inexplicable reason, it's the only game I've played through four times in this generation. The game play may just be perfect.