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#1  Edited By BigDo6

Huge Server merge incoming! Click herefor Giant bomb's take.
Funcom FAQ about the merger here.

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#2  Edited By BigDo6

It is unfortunate that WoW the genre savior is actually the genre destroyer. With the failure of AoC and Warhammer (in terms of player population) it would seem no MMO can survive while World of Warcraft still exists. The loss of AoC is especially lamentable when you examine all the great things that the game brought to the table.

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#3  Edited By BigDo6

I am not really making the argument that they should release a new system.

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#4  Edited By BigDo6

I meant the controls for just the general gameplay not the online navigating controls. I have never really noticed broken menu controls in any game. I apologize if there was some confusion, I will attempt to make the post more clear to avoid "sounding retarded".

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#5  Edited By BigDo6
StaticFalconar said:
"Yeah thats just you
If you seriously believe I was the only one thinking 2008 might not compare to 2007 you sir are mistaken.

StaticFalconar said:
Brawl came out this year as did mario Kart Wii (stop smoking crack OP!!!!)
Where in my list was Mario Kart: Down Syndrome listed?
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#6  Edited By BigDo6

Really it isn't on my screen, I have God of War 2 in 2007. Hmm, must be all those drugs.

Can you quote it, so I can see?

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#7  Edited By BigDo6
StaticFalconar said:
"The whole online thing seems like a software problem to me. New hardware isn't going to fix connecting wit friends if it already has an ethernet port."
                  It's also their business model when it comes to online functionality. They don't charge for their service, which is admirable, but it means that they have no investment capitol that doesn't come straight out of Sony's now embattled pocketbooks. And, the investment they were able to obtain, Sony entertainment decided to spend on Home as you noted static. So better dedicated servers, faster network speeds, and a more unified framework require even more top-down investment. Such an investment would be hard to justify in a console that is losing in every conceivable category: mindshare, console sales, game sales, rental rates, and cultural significance. Stock holders, especially in today's global economic climate would be resistant to making such a questionable investment.
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#8  Edited By BigDo6


       The year has finally wrapped up, and what is the first thing on every gamers mental agenda when the new year begins? Dread and fear of coarse. We aren't afraid of our oncoming return to school, or the possibility that our holiday sales job might disappear (though the recent economic downturn might make that a close second).  We fear instead a fate worse than death. Months upon months without any new games worth playing. In 2008 this same fear gripped us all. Was it rational?

       One could not be blamed for prognosticating a disappointing 2008, with the best year in gaming history still fresh in our memory. But, when you compare the games released
in both years the disparity seems to vanish.

Games of 2007:

Halo 3
Rock Band
Mass effect
Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare
Assasin's Creed
Final Fantasy Tactics: War of the Lion
Super Mario Galaxy
God of War 2
The Orange Box
Uncharted: Drakes Fortune

Games of 2008:

Gears of War 2
Fable 2
Midnight Club: Los Angeles
Call of Duty: World at War
Prince of Persia
Fallout 3
NHL '09
Dead Space
Soul Calibur 4 (sorry Jeff, this game kicked ass)
Mortal Kombat Vs. DC Universe (but, so did this one)
Little Big Planet
Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning
Burnout: Paradise

           So in retrospect 2008 turned out to be a great year for gaming. But, as the holiday season wears off, the fear is reborn. In forum surfers, podcast wielding critics, and our own creeping sub-conscience we see the dread of months without quality gaming return. Are these fears rational? We will see...

Edited for mistakes: I apologize for those maimed during my posting.
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#9  Edited By BigDo6
Online you say?
Online you say?

         For some reason i find the dialogue placed over this video really cool. It makes it seem like a really awesome multiplayer game. That being said, as soon as I remember that this is a Playstation 3 exclusive, I lose all interest.

         First the the PS3's Controller seems specifically designed to irritate anyone attempting to play a fps. (in regards to the general gameplay mechanics, not menu navigation :) For example, I played the grossly overrated Resistance: Fall of Man (just as good as Gears of War...pfft) every menu ever seemed to take 3 times the conscience effort that it would taken on the Xbox 360. The L & R buttons are in a terrible location, most likely due to the fact that the controller hasn't really been redesigned since it was introduced for the PS 1. Just think about it logically, where does a trigger go? On top of the gun? No, Sony wrong answer.  Where is the gas pedal? On top of the steering wheel? Nope, wrong again Sony. Additionally, the controller is way too small. This diminished size makes the controller lighter (especially if you have one of the rumble'less ones ;) but, it also makes longer play sessions pain educing. But, it isn't really the controls that make Killzone 2's awesomeness mute.

         The PS3 is like like a celibate super model girlfriend. Sure she has all the parts necessarily to fulfill her purpose, but it just isn't going to happen. The PS3 can indeed provide games over the intertubes, but going online and enjoying online are two completely disconnected events. Multiplayer PS3 games are adaptions of one of two types.

1. Wedging a well running Xbox 360 multiplayer game into an archaic, un-unified framework, with poorly maintained servers.
2. Or the Socom: Confrontation method of taking a PS2 online interface and raising the resolution.

          Both of which just leave me with a strong unwillingness to play my 499$ PS3 online. This is appropo of another problem in general. The Japanese business culture analyzes decisions in terms of decades, and not quarters. This mindset protects you from over-reacting, but it also severely hampers your ability to react. If everyone in your yard (Japan) plays by the same rules that's fine, but when outsiders show up Microsoft, Bio-ware, Criterion, Bungie, and Blizzard everything starts moving too fast to compete. Nintendo and Sony missed the online boat completely. Recently, Sony has made some valiant attempts at fixing the above problems. But, some of the problems seem a little systemic.

           Can this problem be fixed without launching an entirely new console. Does the system hardware allow for a better, quicker, and unified online interface? I personally don't know, it would seem that such a process would be pretty expensive. Since the service is free, coming up with the funding could prove difficult. This coupled with a shift in general attitude from the gaming community favoring the Xbox 360.

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#10  Edited By BigDo6

Awesome rickroll, but terrible lip-syncing. +1  Cartoon Network.