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Update: Bionic Commando Rearmed, Halo 3 & Geometry Wars 2

I'd like to talk about some of the games I've played this week. It'll be a big blog, so feel free to skip the games that don't concern you.

Bionic Commando Rearmed: I've gotten most of the achievements now. I'm only missing two achievements; one for doing all the 56 Challenges and one for doing the game on Super Hard. I tried Super Hard, and wow... it's super hard. The transition from Hard to Super Hard isn't that great, but this is mostly because the one from Normal to Hard is very big. In Super Hard, a bullet will remove half of your health (not counting health pills or armor), and spikes or electricity will kill you just like that. Like in Hard, the enemies can shoot diagonally and their grenades have higher radius. One thing I noticed is that electronics are almost immune to normal bullets. The Plasma gun was basically useless on Normal, since you only had to shoot a bit more with regular bullets. In Super Hard, using that method will simply take too long because of their high resistance, and the plasma gun is finally useful, since its biggest advantage is against electronics like turrets and robots. One problem with the higher difficulties are the first levels. A lvl 2 Revolver that allows three bullets on the screen and no grenades isn't the best way to go. Still, the levels are short and it doesn't feel as much as inevitable failure as I felt about Ninja Gaiden II's harder modes. However, the thing that concerns me the most is the final level. It is HUGE and with loads of platforming that will probably kill you loads of times. Still, I'll keep trying. I need a guide for the Challenges, since I find it a bit difficult.

Halo 3: Boy, have I been playing a lot of Halo 3 lately. It's mostly because my good friend Philantrophy has the game, and he gave me an incentive to do the metagame achievements and a lot of matchmaking. I did my 100th Social match not long ago, and I'm currently a Grade 2 Lieutenant. I still need some of the multiplayer achievements, but I'm not sure if I wanna bother with some of them. My biggest gripe is some of the achievements that require you to play in Ranked Free-for-All. I enjoy Team-based matches a lot more. I would have gotten the Kill 2 Enemies at once with Spartan Laser and Score 5 Grenade Kills if they allowed Ranked Team play. It's bad enough that they require it to be Ranked, but Free-for-All is just mean. Anyway, Halo 3 is a fun game when you're playing with a friend and are in a Private Chat with him, blocking out the annoying children voices and racists. I have some nice videos in my File Share, if you bother checking them out. Lucky Stick is probably the most note-worthy, with me scoring a crazy Plasma stick.
Boom... Boom...
Boom... Boom...

Geometry Wars 2: I found that my Evolved Score was beat by one of my Friends. I had 18 million, and he managed to get 20 million. I played Evolved a couple of times, and I suddenly beat him. A LOT. When I died, I checked my score and instantly flew backwards screaming "OH MY GOD!" 50 million! That gives me a spot in the top 1800 worldwide!

Have you been playing any of these games?