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I believe Option 3 is to set fire to a sacrifice of Oreo Cookies covered in nacho cheese on an altar, but I haven't had time to confirm.

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@p4games: Also listed! Glad to see we aren't abandoning the sim/tycoon genre as a community.

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Very interesting. I noticed the same thing as well and attempted to start adding tags also, and find that they don't show up for me. I assumed I had made some setting that caused them to not show up and/or they don't work anymore. Definitely curious about the situation now.

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Love this thread idea and hoping I am doing this correctly. There is a game I rented that I always wanted to revisit but couldn't. Here are the details:

1) I played it on a PS1 and rented it sometime between 1996 and 1998. It did feel like it might have also been released for the PC, and then ported to PS1.

2) It was an action game where you got to fly around as a bunch of different vehicles (plane types mostly), and the weapons you had were based on the type of plane you were flying. I remember some of the weapons you could use were napalm bombs, fuel air bombs, etc. along with more conventional bullets. The game was 3D/polygonal and it felt like the Strike series of games only you weren't in that top-down view (I think you had multiple views you could choose from similar to what you get with a racing game standard).

3) I don't recall ever reading reviews on this one, I think I picked it up on a lark. I don't believe it was made for kids given the content with the weapons, as well as the ending. Let me explain the ending. After beating the game some general tells you what a could job you did and that you deserve some R&R. The scene then shifts to some lady dancing like she's starting a strip tease. I don't recall any nudity or anything, but I remember being shocked and asking "did they really put that in this game?".

I'd like to find it and play it again and see if it is any fun or not all these years later (I don't remember renting it more than once so I'm guessing I wasn't too happy with it).

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@allthedinos: Yikes, thanks for the update. Also have my fingers crossed as well.

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I'm also experiencing the click to play sound button on the videos I have played this morning.

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@rorie: Just wanted to report things are working for me now as well in Chrome without any special steps. Thanks for being on top of this!

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@rorie: Morning Rorie, tried a number of things and wanted to let you know about them, plus a bit of interesting behavior I came across. First, I should say I'm on Win11 and am fully updated. Before testing I checked to see if there were any Chrome updates for me and there was, so I'm now using Chrome version 109.0.5414.75. The behavior I have been experiencing is that I can play audio-only content, but not video content. So here's what I tested this morning: 1) after updating and re-launching Chrome I went to see if it worked normally for me and it did not, still ran into the same issues; 2) I then attempted to test it in Incognito, as well as via the Firefox and Edge browsers, and received the same behavior in all of them; 3) I saw the comments about "middle-clicking" to open in a new tab. I tried right-clicking and using open in new tab and new window and that didn't change anything (when I middle-click my mouse-wheel it just gives me that drag cursor).

However, while doing all of this I came across something strange. If I click on a show that has an audio-only option, like Game Mess Mornings (which for me, defaults to the Free Audio version) and click play, the audio version starts playing fast and perfectly fine. When I then change the selection to Free Video, like all the other videos, nothing plays. BUT, weirdly, if I try to change back to the Free Audio option, it's unable to do so. I'm not sure what that means because all this tech stuff is just wizardry as far as I'm concerned, but I had not expected that to happen.

Because only so many of us are experiencing this I feel like it has to be a personal settings situation. Because of that I took a look at my running programs and Chrome Extensions (even though they wouldn't impact the other browsers). I disabled Ad-Black (I'm premium so technically it shouldn't matter) and Privacy Badger in Chrome; and I disabled the smart firewall and autoprotect options in Norton 360 (even though the site was working fine for me a few weeks ago and all of these would be active then); and sadly, no change.

If there is any sort of log recording or debug-style stuff you want me to try just let me know what, where and how and I'll be more than happy to do so.

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