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Resident Evil gets lost in a nightmare.

I was Playing this with my friend, and I actually almost was a Jill sandwich.
I was Playing this with my friend, and I actually almost was a Jill sandwich.

When the DLC worth a damn pops it's head up for Resident Evil 5, it's time to get excited! Chris and Jill are BSAA intact and got a tip on a Spencer mansion. So they scope out Ole Ozwell to ask him the important questions like "Why is Wesker such a tool?"  

It's great for a lot of reasons, it's designed to be farmiliar territory. But it doesn't really jump out at me as a flat out fan service. The idea behind going to the masion and looking at things inside it should be a wet dream. But, It's not so much "This is so exciting that I'm seeing these things." more "I'm expecting things to happen." This is just the way these mansions are built, since the canon of the first game. (It's the REmake, but that's pretty much the canon to follow.) 

It's farmiliar territory with farmiliar people, doing farmiliar things. Jill is the master of lock picking sure, but it's a skill she has, so she's going to fucking apply herself. (It would have been hillarious if Chris showed Jill how well he's brushed up on his piano playing skills.)

I did however, find the camera angle thing rediculously fanboyish. 

The senario itself is rather short, but it's neat to play. If not for the reason of being in the mansion, halfway through the game makes you play in a way that I've never expected. 

I've given Resident Evil 5 a lot of flak, because the story suffers from being a one-dimensional roller coaster. Chris Redfield was worried so much more about Jill than the task at hand. Luckly Jill is with him in this so he doesn't have anything to worry about. As lame as RE5 was, it's never gotten in the way of the gameplay for me. If you're a fan of Resident evil, then I don't see why you can't play this. It's also a good reason to get hype for the Next scenario "Josh and Jill down a Majini Hill".

Plus Merch mode is always cool, especially now that it has more Barry. I just think it's a little pointless to seperate it from the mode that's already there.


THE HAUNTING *spoiler I guess?*

(In an effort to probably blog more. This Post was originally Blogged somewhere else in a very blogging Fashion. If you care to know where exactly look no further than the Main Blog : Discontinuome
A week ago, I gave myself the mission of beating Grand Theft Auto 4. Previously I have already beaten it, but since creating my own Profile on my roomate’s PS3 I’ve been in a bit of a frenzy of playing the games I like for the trophies I have. 
GTA4 is very under appriciated in this day and age. At the time it was awesome, with it’s own set of problems. Now it’s Dated with even more noticable problems. (Keep this in mind while I type this)

The Goal I set out for at the begining of playing was beating the game under 30 hours. This was a gold trophy, and there isn’t a lot of gold Trophies with this game. So Naturally you go for the gold. As quickly as I could I jumped from one mission to the next. Niko’s life is before is eyes, full on and forward. No time for breaks, just go go go. Having so much stress brought on in such quickly of a time, can do a lot to a man’s mind.

But it was coming to an end as quickly as it started. Niko was ready to stop, he confronted his demons, met a nice Irish girl, and his cousin was getting married. Only to have it all come to an end, and Jimmy The douchePeg, aims for Niko killing Kate instead.

Needless to say, if you didn’t know already… Niko got pretty upset.

In a cold sweat of Revenge Niko Belic (Esquire) Rampages his way to a Bullet in Peggy boy’s Brain, but was it all worth it? Niko wasn’t really sure. and after the Credits, I got on a Boat back to the island, ready to continue his now empty life… or so I thought.

Reaching the island, and Jacking a nearby car. Heading to a safe house to sleep on it, I get a call. With ‘Unkown Caller’ showing up on my phone I have no idea who is could possibly be.

“Hey Europe! It’s America… and Ireland.”


Niko couldn’t believe it, He watched her die! She was in his arms! He had other calls too. Roman being sympathetic, Packie in tears over the loss of His sister. So who was this woman he was having dinner with? a Doppleganger? Ghost? A memory? I can’t begin to imagine what would probably be going through Poor little Niko’s head.

And as took her home, Still in a shock of why She’s still around, there was only one thing I could possibly do in this situation.

I took my chances.

Even in death she won’t put out.    


The Most Important Game for me in 09

We had a lot of good games come out this year. Even though I spend a good majority of 09 playing games from 08. As it goes, Resident Evil 5, a great game to play but a terrible story. Skate still looks better than the Tony Hawk Franchise. Star Ocean 4 made me hate every character that I had to look at and hear talk, but Gave me a strange Phantasy Star vibe. Brutal Legend wasn't the game everyone thought it was, And it turns out I'm still really bad at Street Fighter.

As far as I know, the Biggest Deals this year, were Probably Uncharted 2, Batman Arkham Asylum, Dragon Age: Origins, and Modern Warfare 2. Especially since they come out in the later part of the year and are fresh in everyone's mind. The games everybody wants. ( I have to admit though, I'm not much for shooters. So I don't know if I'm ever going to play MW2) It's hard for me to grasp the concept of something being a game of the year, Because I wouldn't be able to decide. Hell, I might as well put Afrika right up there, just because I don't have any other PS3 game like it. If I get Frustrated Plowing through 600+ bad guys in Dynasty Warriors: Gundam 2, only to die the dumbest way possible. Then maybe I want Refuge in taking pictures of Zebras as they drink the Water. After all, Killer Photo Ops get me the monies.

It was up in the air, Until I Recieved a Beautiful Game Called Demon's Souls.      


I heard a lot about this game at first, It was known to me as "The game you want to play if you hate yourself." Before, I knew that Game as Mega Man 9. (Fact: I like to think I'm the Jill Valentine of Video Games. "I'm good, but I'm not that good." MM9 is too hard for me, and I like to make excuses.) I think that's what Attracted me to the game at first. I have to say, I've been getting more Casual with Gaming than I care to Admit. and my attention always goes from one game to the next. But I also like me a Hard game. A game that's just the way it is with no difficulty setting. It just throws you in there with no explaination and lets you know that you're on your own.

I'll try and explain the best I can, why I found the game I've always wanted in Demon's Souls. It's got a Strange Mentality to it. It's an Action RPG that feels like a Single Player MMO (I think that's how it's been refered to as anyway?) First off, I like that Feeling. Because I usually Play MMOs By myself anyway. The Sense of Exploration in this game is also pretty cool, As Linear as it probably is, Going off the path to do something else feels kind of like a reward in itself. Especially since there's a story that's lurking around the game, and things unravel as you seek them out, just as much they do going only forward.

What I like about the combat and the Boss fights is that It's actually not as hard as it's being claimed to be. You can actually get through an area pretty easily. and Boss fights are a cinch when you know how to do it. When you make a mistake though, The game isn't afraid to punish you. Because it can and it will. Chances of death are usually because You left yourself open or pressed a button at the wrong time. It's really simple stuff. If you feel under leveled, then there's nothing stopping from leveling yourself up either.

The Online part of the game is just as cool, Using Stones To Help a Person, Kill a person or have an Honerable Duel Just to get your Body back, is a neat idea. Plus it gives you that Moralistic Choice for yourself. Do I want to Help or Kill? Taking what I've learned from the game and Showing it to someone else, is kind of exciting. Especially Since I've had some number of Black Phantoms on my ass, and they've had nothing to show for it. Compared to others, I may be struggling with this game but I guess I'm doing something right.

But why is this my most important game of 09?

This is a game. It doesn't hold your hand. It wants you to play it to the best of your ability, because you have the ability. You work to play, you don't sit and wait for your health to regenerate, you don't sit behind something and shoot at a distance. You go in with your balls and get the job done.

We need more games like that.    


I like Mashups

I get facinated by Mashups a lot. Even more so, whenever it involves videogame music for some reason. The Odd time I stumble on a bunch and it's either good or bad... Usually The Mashups can be pretty bad, but the Odd time there's a real gem in there.

Here's 5 songs that I think are some pretty good mashups: 
Beastie Boys/FF6 - Body Movin'  
Another Bad Creation/CastleVania - Playground 
Snoop Dog/Kirby - Drop it like it's hot 
Jay-Z/Zelda - No Hook 
Jay-Z/Mario - 99Problems

but you know, If you get a kick out of it as much as I do, and have heard some that you think are awesome feel free to share. I'd like to have a playlist full of this stuff.    

Sumonday Social club

I Swear I will Stop these...



  If you had to Choose between Uncharted 2, and Brtual Legend... what would you go for? If you had a 360, that's probably no contest right? I want both. But I'm not in a rush.

After recently beating Sonic Unleashed, as nice of a review I gave it, It's incredibly misleading (The Review). If you really wanted an honest opinion about that game I would tell you to avoid it, based off of the last part of the game. To play the game for the sake of beating it, I would say it isn't worth your time. The bullshit part of the game is near the end, So when I speak of this game, I will glady tell you about everything else. And everything else just makes this game look pretty good.

Near the end of it though, I pretty much felt like I'm a bit of a masochist. I could also not be very good at Sonic games, but there's a point (for me) where the difficulty just jumps off of a cliff. The Sonic Levels Ended up moving faster than my Ability to think, and the werehog just liked to die, enduring waves of Enemies.

I also never thought I would end up level grinding in a Sonic game.   


This Weekend is Canadian Thanksgiving weekend. My roomate and I have started a time honored Tradition of Back To Back Godzilla Movies. Half on Sunday, The Rest on Monday. It's always amazing to see these old movies, and what they figured was a Techinical Achievement. The Differences Between the Japanese and American version of a movie is just crazy.

Plus it gives me an excuse to shout "RODAN!"

Remember, those of you excited enough for Dragon Age, the Character Creator for the PC version get's released on Tuesday. I mean, if you happen to be one of those people that doesn't have Uncharted 2 or Brutal Legend by then.

I have to admit, I've wanted to blog lately, because I've Missed my old blogging days at ef.

*single tear*


Sunday Social Club


 I like to pretend that I know what I'm talking about when it comes to talking about video games. At times I like this I like to put on my Favorite Fat suit and Pretend to be Jim Sterling Pretending to be Yahtzee. I like to consume the daily information of the ins and outs and politics of Video gaming and Generally keep it to myself.

I poped in Katamari and I don't know if you care about Spoilers but the King Goes unconscious. So you spend the entire game playing levels you've already played before but It's in HD. But it's been good to have in the middle of Sonic Unleashed Sessions. SU is the kind of game where I have to stop after I've completed a stage, and Read a couple passages from the Book of Mormon, which was given to me by a missionary that highlighted every sentance he thought would be important for people to read.

"And he answered and said unto him: I do not know what that meaneth." ALMA 18:25

Added to the List of Games that I have, that I'm finally playing is Wipeout HD. Which is satisfing as a F-ZERO game with more ad space. The Online Races are a bit of a drag, For everyone That does play this game, also has Fury. Something I'm not exactly sold onto yet.

I also Keep Forgetting that I have a MAG Beta. I've only played it once for 10 minutes, how's everyone else doing with that game?

I Worry about the State of Final Fantasy XIII because I've seen enough of the game to feel uninterested now. Sure, every time one of those comes out it always seems to be a big deal, but it has enough ambition to break the experience for you when you finally get around to playing it. Luckly If you lower the Bar, it's probably not going to be that bad. So if you want to like a game then just Convince yourself that the whole thing is retarded, then that way you can either be satisfied with your answer, or Be blown away By the Lesbian Motorbike.

Me? I've declared That Sahz Should sound more Like Chris Tucker, and give off Hillarious one-liners like "Ain't Nobody Touches, a Black Man's Chocobo." haha Oh Sahz You so Cray-zee.

Sometimes I also wish for a Sequal to the Bouncer.     




PSP wallpapers, were a rediculous hobby.

A long while back, me and a friend of mine we doing a video game website full of stupid comics and community things. One of my favorite things about it, was making wallpapers for the PSP. because at the time, I guess it was a big thing. You know all these pointless and weird PSP wallpaper websites were poping up all over the place. 
So for kicks we wanted to make our own intentionally bad (but some turned out pretty good.) WPs. 
A question before I continue, were you the kind of person that was big on having an awesome wallpaper on your PSP? DID you usually make your own? Anyway, here's the segment where I share some with you: 

Quick Reviews of Games I got around to.

Beautifully written, But The "Auto" part of the game is still pretty weak in terms of control. The Feature of always having friends to hang out with is a bit annoyoing at times, as they always seem to call you when you're in the middle of something else. 4/5 
FABLE 2 (XBOX360) 
An improvement from the first game, as well as a downgrade. Too Short, Not very involving. I let my dog die. Passable to just have something to play. 3/5  
Sonic Unleashed (PS3) 
This is actually Half a good game. I enjoy the Sonic Parts, Sometimes I enjoy the Warehog parts more. Brilliant Boss Fights. At the same time, I'm always going to wonder why this game exsists. 3/5 
Shinning Force II (GENESIS) 
HOW COME I NEVER KNEW ABOUT THIS GAME WHEN I WAS YOUNGER? I'm playing it and thinking to myself, "This is what I would have liked Fire emblem to be." It's on that Genesis collection. Play it. 5/5 
Uncharted: Drake's Fortune (PS3) 
It looks nice, and play a bit getting used to. Repetitive Gun Play. Snarky Banter. Hillarious Survival Horror. 4/5 
Pokemans: Diamond (DS) 
I haven't played this since the very first time it came out. I've liked it enough to not be able to put it down. 5/5 
If I ever have time, I would give full reviews... but right now, just a bit too lazy.


How Ultimate is Sonic's Ultimate Genesis Collection?
Growing up I sadly never played any Genesis games. But I'm a stickler for Retro, so I bought this.
The Problem is, why is this the ultimate collection? I could have sworn that there was better Genesis games than this, wasn't there?
Actually, the Gem of the Compilation would have to be the Shinning Force games. Pretty amazing for an RPG of old, so it's currently taking up my time.
But Someone should let me know if this collection is as good as the Genesis gets, or if there is some awesome games that should have made the cut.
Or MAYBE, we're all kidding ourselves and the Master System had all the awesome games.