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The Pink EYE [SSC11]

So it's been a while hasn't it? At the beginning of the I found myself on a vacation in Huatulco, Mexico for a week with absolutely nothing to play. Seriously. I brought nothing with me, it was vacation! T'was much needed and everything, but since I got back I've found myself in a bit of a funk. I couldn't sit there and bring myself to typing. Perhaps vacation was still on my mind. Or the Dry itchy redness in my eyes. Well it's not like I wasn't typing because I was sure as hell playing a lot of Dragon Age II. Which by the way I've started up my 3 run as a mage, and already that brother of Hawke's is such a cunt, I can already predict him siding with the Templars so HARD it isn't even funny. 
 This is Merrill from DA:O! Change for the better, am i right?
 This is Merrill from DA:O! Change for the better, am i right?
In my second run, I felt really bad about being such a dick to Merrill. Probably because she was the love interest the first time around, for me to come around and not help her out with the mirror at all, I FELT REALLY BAD. I was even trying to be nice throughout the rest of the game and nothing would give. It really strikes me as weird how they will continue to be mad about everything you do, even when you're trying to be nice. Are they trying to be nice or is it just broken? I don't think Merrill has it in her heart (or in her head) to be someone's rival. But that's just what I think, people with too good of a heart don't have the capacity to NOT realize that what they're doing is ACTUALLY wrong. ( GAWD SO CLOSE TO S-RANKING.... EVEN THOUGH I PROBABLY NEED THE DLC TO DO THAT. *FROWNY FACE* ) 
Turns out I ended up liking this game a hell of a lot more than I thought I did. This game is almost “ Nier-Calibur (That doubles as a PUN... right?) for me, which there are people probably taking that comment the wrong way, but this is a good thing. Definitely since I can stand multiple play throughs of this game without actually having to be in the MOOD for it. Unlike Origins, which as good as it is, I really had to be in the right mode to want to play through that game. I blame it's pacing. So yeah, DAII has it's improvement on that. A little sad there's not variety in terms of environments but, there's a lot of games out there that have very little environments but are still fun as hell to play.
In terms of other video games, I for some reason got it into my head that I could probably stand playing DOA EXtreme 2 for some reason. But you know how you start playing a video game, and immediately you KNOW that you could be playing something way better than what you just put in. Beach Spikers has crossed my mind more than enough times while I was even considering playing DOAX2. To be honest, I almost would have considered streaming it, but the game wasn't working and my macbook is just too slow for that sort of thing. BUT OK, so I understand why I got the game in the first place. It's because the first one wasn't that bad, or I was young enough to not realize how ridiculous it really was. Because all I ever did was play the game for the volleyball. The rest of the reasons are clearly because I'm a guy, but it goes without saying that I bought the least revealing swimsuit and played volleyball because I just didn't care.
 I'm so Depressed.
 I'm so Depressed.
But here I am, playing this fucking game, because I was in the mood for some gawdamn volleyball, but I think I look at all 360 games from a weird achievement perspective now, and I look at the achievements for this game. And I just end up hating myself. I'm a grown man that just can't do this anymore it's time put the individual boob physics away and carry on lesser but still shallow means in other games. At least something a little less Japanese. Again, this is where Beach Spikers comes in! Good, wholesome, old-fashioned arcade volleyball.
But since I mentioned about how I look at 360 games from a achievement perspective, I actually wonder how many people got achievements for that game? And did they S-rank it? Would the admit to it? If they do, what kind of people are they? Are we allowed to judge them?
Oh well, now more pressing matters, The 3DS is out this weekend and some people are excited, but then some people are not? Me? I'm excited, and I do want to get one. If not at launch then definitely when RE: Revelations comes around. Since the passing month I've noticed the retarded trend in un-boxing videos for this thing. Maybe one I can stand, but if you're like me and frequent gonintendo from time to time, You'd have seen so many youtube videos of the exact same thing:

“ OH here's a box! Oh we opened it! What could possibly be inside? OH MAN, is that at 3DS? Check this shit out! I bet you're totally digging this video but it ain't nothing like the feeling of experiencing it for yourself. Because lets face it, the 3D technology doesn't translate well on recorded video so then I guess my video is done. OH but CHECK THIS OUT. A video of the exact same thing my man! RELIVE THE EXPERIENCE or just hear someone else's take on what it's like to un-box the HELL out of this shit.”

 Forgive me for being cynical but someone is going to have to explain to me why un-boxing videos are a good idea. (This is especially absurd when you're un-boxing the cartridge) GB Mailbags are entertaining if only because it's not really about the mail they get, it's the personalities getting the mail. No matter. I'm really just in a tizzy because I haven't been able to be hands on with the 3DS myself. Which is going to change sometime soon, I'd hope so anyway. There's a bunch of select days that there will be some form of a Nintendo Kiosk around Vancouver showing off the thing. It was apparently at the mall on Tuesday but nobody tells me anything, so I have monday afternoon to see what all the fuss is about. But in the meantime, I guess one more video about what it's like to play Nintendogs + Cats isn't going to hurt.| 
 So in case file #45912 of 'Everybody's doing it.” I set up an account on and finally got the audio working for that thing.
Yeah, really there's nothing on it or happening at the moment, I'm honestly trying to figure out why I'm going to bother putting it to use. I want to think of a million and one bad reasons behind streaming. Which, if you didn't tell before was some slow ass Luigi's Mansion play Dolphin doesn't work very well on a macbook does it? Oh well, looks like it'll just be SNES games from here on out. 
So incase you're asking yourself, “Where exactly is the latest 'not quite award winning but definitely on it's way' TL;DL? I have been waiting forever!” If you have , that's very sweet of you! I appreciate your listening and what always gives stuff like this, legs, is audience... But just give me a while to settle back in! Apparently I'm the host and the backbone of this recording so it's up to me to organize them. Ossi or even Sleepy_Insomniac could have held the mantle for a week or so. Hell, I even suggested it . BUT NOOOOOOOOooo! So uh... maybe next week? I'll keep you posted! In the meantime look to the stars for your horoscope that was specifically written especially for you!
OH, did I mention that I have pink eye?