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anticipated games of 2009

Of course with every year that comes, there always comes more fantastic games, and with every year that lists seems to get bigger and bigger.  While this is great since it gives gamers the chance to pick from a multitude of genres and AAA titles, it also makes it extremely difficult to pick only a couple of these impressive games especially for those of us who are on a tight budget (college is a bitch like that). I guess the obvious question is which games should i pick up that'll offer me an experience unlike any other, while providing a high level of replay ability so that I can enjoy the game again and again even after i've played through it once (or several times, RE5 im looking right at you)  So, what've done is picked the most interesting and most impressive games from this year and compilled them into a small top ten lists that will breifly describe why im interested in these games.  Any feedback or advice on which of these games look the coolest to you would be greatly appreciated as creating this top ten list was hard enough!

10. Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2
a comic book fans wet dream
a comic book fans wet dream
While i wasn't a huge fan of the last game due its reptiveness and lack of overall of depth, im surprised to say that this game has me somewhat intrgued. maybe its because of the huge cast superheros and villians that range from instantly recognizable(spiderman, the hulk, captain america, wolverine etc.) to only familiar amongst hardcore fans of the comic books(grim reaper( lady death strike, firestar, etc.)  But i think the thing that has me the most interested in this game is the fact that you can take any two characters and combined their powers to make one awesome badass attack.  For example, you could have storm imbue the thing with an electric force field to make him a walking mass of heavy rock and devestating electricity.  Combine that with the ever popular story from the civil war series and you've got a game that both Comic fans and those only familiar with popular characters will probably find enjoyment in.

9. DJ Hero
the music genre just got a bit crazier
the music genre just got a bit crazier
The music genre has literally exploded since the first Guitar Hero was released to the masses back in the 2005 and ever since it has spawned not only a huge and extremely series, but has also paved the way for other games in the genre such as the successful and innovative Rock Band and the not so successful Rock Revolution along with several band specific spin offs such as metallica and Aerosmith.  At this point though, most people would think that the music genre could hardly expand any further based the formula of "pick up a plastic instrument and rock out" which is pretty understandable since thats in a nutshell what we've been getting for the past 4 years.  However, DJ Hero looks to at least change some of those perspectives in some small way mainly by the fact that you are no longer playing sweet riffs on a guitar, but are now instead combining two pieces of music into a spliced masterpiece that can only be done with the power of disc scratching. sounded a little weird to me too at first, but after seeing the innovative peripheral that comes with the game and mind boggling game play that comes with it I'm convinced that this game has a chance to revolutionize how we play music on our consoles.  Basically, the game follows the same formula of hitting falling gems as they hit the bottom, but after that it all seems pretty different from what your used to.  The controller has three buttons which are basically frets which are used the color coded notes, while the scratching the disc functions fairly similarly to hitting the strum bar. the controller also has what is called a crossfader which is used to adjust the tone and sound of the music, similar to the whammy bar on the guitar.  Finally there is another button which basically activates star after you've gained enough juice to do so.  While this may sound pretty easy to get a grasp of, after watching someone actually play the game, i couldn't even begin to keep up with what the guy was doing on the controller to what was going on the screen.  But then, thats how i felt about guitar hero at first, and look how popular that game became.  Hopefully, Dj Hero can pull off what guitar hero did by offering a new type of music to a new demographic of gamers.

8. Dragon Age: Origins
an intriguing RPG that hasn't had me this excited since Diablo 2
an intriguing RPG that hasn't had me this excited since Diablo 2

I've never really been one for the RPG genre.  Sure i can see how some people can get into the expansive stories that last nearly 70 hours, the fact that you can literally make your character however you wanted to, and that the world was pretty much your oyster.  Sadly the thought of having to sit through hours of uninteresting cutscenes, sometimes drawn out story lines, and dudes that look like chicks simply didn't appeal to me for whatever reason.  Not since Diablo have been truly excited about a straight up RPG, and Dragon Age: Origins looks to fit that bill.  Mostly its got to do with the fact that the game is extremely violent and gruesome, something most RPG's don't offer, usually they tend to go with the typical high fantasy aspect of hacking and slashing a creature only to have it disappear after the initial battle took place.  While Dragon Age does contain a fantasy-medieval story line, it also contains what most other fantasy games don't have: interesting dialogue and intense action.  The gameplay seems to function somewhat similarly to KOTOR in that you can pause the games real time actions in the midst of battle to issue orders with your party members.  While i didn't use this particular feature all that often in KOTOR, it had its uses at times and never forced you to use it rather it was there for those who wanted to take a more strategic approach, and Dragon Age seems to be doing that perfectly.  Combine that with amazing graphics that rival most RPG's (especially when the blood starts flying), Interesting story lines that are different depending on which class you chose, and fully realized world that makes you feel like your their fighting orcs and dragons, and you've got a game that'll captivate your imagination for a long time.

7. Assassins Creed 2
double assassinations... enough said.
double assassinations... enough said.

I remember loving the first game in this series, and how much fun it was to cut dudes down with your awesome sword techniques.  However, the most satisfying aspect of the game was taking out enemy silently and quickly with your well concealed wrist blade, walking away casually into the crowd of locals as your enemy slowly collapses to the floor not knowing what hit him.  Sure the game was repetitive with the side missions which led up to main kill (pick pocket target A, intimidate target B, then satisfyingly assassinate Target C), but the act of actually taking out your main target made it all worth while for the most part.  Now it seems with the sequal  Ubisoft is taking this game to the next level, with more weapons to wield, more gruesome targets to assassinate, more enviroments to explore, a brand new time period(the Italian renaissance), and most importantly varied side missions to keep you in the flow of things.  While all thats well and good, by far the coolest i thing I saw about the game was simple fact that you can now stealthily kill two enemies at once.  I know seems like a small gimmick amongst all the cool features, but something about swiftly gutting two enemies with double wrist blades simply entices.  Hopefully this, and the rest of the game will be worth wait when it releases into our anticipating hands.

6. Brutal Legend
A Tim Schaffer game that i will definitely not miss!
A Tim Schaffer game that i will definitely not miss!

Yes its true...I am one of the many insolent souls who has never played Tim Schaffer's under appreciated masterpiece that was Psychonauts.(*bows up and down, "im not worthy, im not worthy"*)  Now that that is out of the way lets talk about why im excited about Tim's newest potential gem and why i'll actually won't make the mistake of missing out on it this time.  First off its actually pretty darn funny, which says a lot since im not the biggest Jack Black fan, but surprisingly that doesn't seem to get in the way of the actual story or gameplay in fact it seems to give the sense of originality as far the humor goes.  On top of that you've a huge world explore, which can easily traversed by a badass car you get early in the game which can be summoned by playing a certain guitar solo, this function also allows you to use certain powers against your enemies which you appear to unlock throughout the course of the game.  However, this only appears to be the tip of the ice berg as Brutal Legend seems to offer a compelling story, with bits of hilarious moments which come in at exactly the right time, which should make this game another standout classic right next to critically praised psychonauts.

5. The Beatles: Rock Band
I hope this game is the walrus
I hope this game is the walrus
Ok...I know what you must be thinking: another band game that is simply cash in for Harmonix."  While its pretty easy to see why most people would think that after seeing how games like Guitar Hero Aerosmith, Metallica, failed to really change the music genre formula and just simply offered a game that only contained only more songs of the band which it was named after with a basic career mode that failed to capture the imagination.  However, after seeing the little snippets of what Harmonix is doing with the Beatles in their own game, I have to say that I'm fully impressed with what I have seen.  First off this game is pure Beatles, no other bands will be featured, all 45 original tracks will be all songs throughout the Beatles long and successful career from beginning to end.  Now, this may seem like the game could get repetitive quickly, but the fact that Beatles music went through so many changes in its entirety, that literally one track could be completely different from another in almost every way.  Its not like Metallica, while they are a successful and definitely did their own evolving throughout their career, I don't really think there was enough variety in their music to justifying a specific game to them which is why only half of the tracks are from Metallica and the rest are from bands who inspired them which is a appropriate, but when you have a game with Metallica you expect it to be...well, Metallica.  Thats what this offering to its fans, along with an awesome art style really seems to fit the song your playing perfectly especially when your playing "I am the walrus" all of this crazy stuff is happening in the background which doesn't seem to make any sense, but then neither does that song in the first place which is why it works so well.  Not only that, but the career mode is literally a chronicalling of the Beatles entire career from their first moments in the recording studio to playing at huge concerts around the world, its deffnitely an evolution that is by far one of the most awe-inspiring periods ever experienced by a band as popular as the Beatles.  Combine that with the ability to have 3 vocalists singing at once with, person singing the main lyrics, and the other two harmonizing throughout which really seems to recreate who the Beatles rocked out back in their hay day, and also that the Album Abbey Road will be released and playable shortly after the games debut, along with a wealth of other DLC that will become available over the following months, something no Band has been ambitious enough to do until now.  I have no doubt that this game will please both long time Beatles fans, and gamers who just want a different type of music to play on their plethora instruments when this surprisingly in-depth music titles releases in September.

 4. Alpha Protocol
hmm...what would Sean Connery do?
hmm...what would Sean Connery do?
Ever since I can remember, I always wanted to be a suave, fearless, and intimidating secret agent who knew all the right moves and could extinguish any situation in seconds without even blinking and eye as I took a sip of martini (shaken not stirred).  While may not be able to be that particular type of secret agent to the T, Alpha Protocol seems to at least indulge some parts of that fantasy to some extent, which is something most wannabe James Bonds would be perfectly satisfied with.  What made this game stand out the most to me was that you could customize nearly everything you own, from your clothing, to gear, to weapons, to your safe house, and even your facial hair, all make for the ideal secret agent experience. There is also an interesting dialogue system that really seems to impact how you play the game depending on what you say offering multiple play throughs that will be completely different each time.  On top of that the graphics look absolutely stellar so far and really seem to capture the intensity and sometimes the cheesy romantics moments in the life of a secret agent who you have created from almost the ground up.  While i'll never be able to be the James Bond that I've seen in the movies...i could probably make one in this game that is even better.

3. Modern Warfare 2
i just know this game is going to consume my life
i just know this game is going to consume my life
Who didn't play the first Modern Warfare? If you didn't then you missed out on one of the best first person shooters to ever to come out on consoles in recent memory.  It combined intense action with a compelling and captivating story which every is known for its dramatic moments that made you feel like you were the man behind the gun fighting in this war.  However, Modern Warfare was known mostly for its unrivaled multiplayer action which is still being enjoyed by millions of gamers today due to its ability to customize your character with hundreds of custom load outs, tons of game modes that are constantly updated, and the ability to fully level up your character multiple times throughout.  Modern Warfare 2 looks to capture all of what made the last game an absolute blast with a longer story that still seems to capture the constant intensity of the last one, more in-depth multiplayer modes and perks to further customize your online character, and of course tons of new guns that have never been seen in a video game before.  There is no doubt in my mind that Modern Warfare 2 can pull this off and more when its released this fall.

2. Splinter Cell: Conviction
a stealth game that may just offer more enjoyment and less frustration
a stealth game that may just offer more enjoyment and less frustration

I'll be honest...I was never very good at the fist splinter cell game... probably because i got tired of waiting to make my move, and when I did it usually ended in disaster.  So, why then do I have any remote interest in this game.  Well first off it offers a dark and disturbing story about revenge, as Sam Fisher as been killed and its up to him to find out who did it and why and to take out the culprit in any way he sees fit.  Its also probably because the action seems to be a little more fast paced and seamless and less methodical than in previous games.  Unlike those games, stealth isn't necessarily a requirement but rather one of the many approaches you can take to infiltrate and deal with an imposing situation.  For example, lets there's a mansion you have to infiltrate, of course there is always of going through the front door guns blazing but, that leaves you open to gun fire from multiple angles making such a feat fairly difficult in this case.  Or, you could sneak around the side, and silently snap an enemies neck from behind, and enter from a side window that is unguarded, making getting inside that much easier and ultimately much more satisfying.  Maybe i'm wrong about this game but it looks to really bring a whole audience of gamers... those of us who aren't so great at stealth games and really want a chance to take on the role of this hardened secret agent and actually see his story through to the end without being completely frustrated throughout most of the game.  If I'm right, then this game should be an absolute blast to play when it finally comes out sometime this fall.

1. Borderlands
Diablo 2 with guns....sounds like an awesome party
Diablo 2 with guns....sounds like an awesome party
Over 1,000,000 guns....I don't know about you but thats more weapons then i think any first person shooter junkie knows how to deal with.  While this incredible, especially by first person shooter standards, its not the only thing that makes this title my most anticipated game of the year.  With that, it has a huge open world, something that has been standard these days in most games, but its different in that all the environments are randomly generated, similar to Diablo 2, so that every time you play through game, you be in the same area twice, no matter how many time you beat it.  On top of that, its got a unique and visually impressive art style, which seems to combine cel-shading with a soft color palette which makes the everything going on around you seem absolute insane and crazy especially when the bullets start flying.  While this game makes an adequate first person shooter all on its own, it is also an fully fleshed out RPG which allows nearly infinite customization over everything between everything you can equip or own which is impressive considering all the different things you can do with all of these weapons at your disposal.  Finally, there is a fully fledged co-op mode which allows up to 4 players to play through the entire story together if they choose, with each of the four character classes having their own abilities and powers which will allow for a more strategic approach instead of going in guns blazing with mentality of every for himself occurring in every encounter.  Simply put, Borderland offers so much to do in its huge and fully realized world thats hard not to get excited about the endless possibilities... and there hasn't been anything much revealed about the story yet!  So, in the end, Borderlands offers seems to offer a little bit everything, from gun customization, to upgrading your powers, to taking on countless enemy types, to finding countless weapon types throughout the massive world, this is simply a game that everyone should be excited for.