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Citizen Kane- Review

When ever you hear the word classic in reference to a film, you often think of a particular movie that revolutionized the way movies were made and set the standard for what all films should follow in order to receive the attention that all directors desire when crafting a masterpiece.  Which is probably why when ever the word "classic" comes up, you're mind automatically thinks of one film out of all the others: Citizen Kane.  It is with good reason that this film is still so widely respected, even after being around for more than 6 decades.  Everything in this film just screams revolutionary between its masterful cinematography (you can actually see the ceiling) to the stellar acting from the all of key players especially that of Orson Welles who was not only Charles Kane himself, but also directed and wrote the script for this masterpiece.  it tells the story of a once famous and respected newspaper tycoon, Charles Kane, who recently dies at the beginning of the film due to old age.  However, before succumbing to his death, he is able to mutter one final word before his lifeless body hits the floor: "rosebud".  This word is the motivation for a young reporter named Thompson (William Alland), to try and discover the what Kane might have been referring to when he uttered that final word which sealed his fate.  However, the word itself doesn't play a huge role in how the story is told, but is used rather as a way to tie everything up in the end in one neat little bow that brings everything back to present and answers most of the questions that were formed in the beginning of the film.  The main focus of the film, remains on Kane himself and his life, from a young, in genius owner of several newspapers which bring him wealth and happiness, to old, miserable, money hungry fiend who ends up losing everything because of his inability to realize the pain he caused to those around him.  Of course, its not always as simple as that, with some controversy in between after the divorce and untimely death of his first wife, which seems to state that Kane is hiding more than he wants people to know of him.  In the end, though Kane does suffer for his greedy and lackadaisical actions, but in a way that is not only extremely satisfying, but also in its realism and how the characters interact with each other truely make the ending and the entire film gripping from beginning to end.  So, while some things may be out of date in this film(certain background layouts), it never really pulls you out of the experience.  in fact it immerses you even more in the epic tale because of how Orson Welles was able to craft such a memorable story with such primitive tools that used to his advantage and easily out do any CG effects in terms of realism and design.  As result, Orson Welles created a timeless classic that no one should miss out on, simply on the grounds that it was one of the most unbelievable, and gripping tales of the decade, and even of the entire century.  5/5 

classic in every sense of the word
classic in every sense of the word