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Edited By Brad

Link to soundcloud but no bombcast :(

My fault, had to run to a meeting yesterday and forgot to upload it. Should be there now.

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It seems crazy to me that one of the main guys at Giant Bomb that records videos and talks about games on their flagship podcast every week doesn't have the up to date PC for playing games. I feel like they should all get a monthly expense account from CBSi for purchasing new games and upgrading their PC. I realize they probably have this in the office, but so much of the content seems to be what they've been playing in their personal time too.

I built a new Skylake machine back in January, just been waiting (and waiting, and waiting) for the Pascal cards to drop. The way Nvidia cards kinda hold their prices over their lifetime, it would've been nuts to pay nearly 2014 prices for an outdated card with the new ones just around the corner.

I'm playing this on PS4 now and it looks and runs like a dream, and actually plays extremely well on a gamepad, but I'd give anything to play this on mouse and keyboard with all the settings cranked. Part of me wants to run out today and grab a 970 just to play it in all its glory, but that would probably be crazy... right?

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ultraviolence really makes you desperate for that next melee kill for ammo and health(at least in the early going) maybe for some it feels superfluous or unnecessary on hurt me plenty or lower? And i dunno what it is but I really love the multiplayer ,never played old school quake that much though :(

...we should play some Quake.

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Edited By Brad

@aecioo said:

@dasakamov: No one said Brad should be an expert at this game.

but him constantly running in and dying and not understanding the basics of a moba while jeff tries to explain "jungle creeps" to him is kind of hilarious, in a bad way

@aecioo said:

You know Brad is being Brad when Jeff knows more about the mechanics of a moba than Brad does.

This is such an idiotic misreading of that conversation that I don't know why I'm even typing this, but then responding to Quick Look comments feels like mud-wrestling with a pig more often than not, so here we are.

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@efesell said:
@calbags said:

Trust Brad to get stuck on the only area in Dark Souls where you don't even have to fight the boss to complete it.

Really sounds like someone fed him bad info and he just decided not to bother. That area is fairly well designed so that it's able to be cleared by just about any possible build to avoid the scenario he thought he was in.

Yeah, it was like 3am and I'd been streaming for close to 20 hours and I just put it down to play something else. I didn't even say anything about getting stuck, doesn't stop some dick from showing up and acting like a huge nerd every time I say anything about Dark Souls though apparently.

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@dies0rn said:
@gigabomber said:

Most shocking thing, for me, is that the traversal doesn't look more fun than Dying Light. That combined with the combat looking boring, means that the story has a lot of weight to carry.

I don't know man. Mirrors Edge focus isn't on the combat but on the traversal and it needs to be somewhat challenging. Dying Light's traversal looked easier because combat is a huge part in that game. I feel that if they went with a Dying Light movement approach, Mirrors Edge would be just plain boring.

I could be off but brad sounded like he wanted a more forgiving traversal gameplay from ME. Imo he should expect more "Super Meat Boy" than "Dying Light" from this game.

Yeah, they're going for different angles. The combat in Dying Light is built around letting you elevate yourself up above the zombie fray, and using multiple levels to evade pursuit. Gaining height is ultimately an aspect of combat so the parkour there is just a tool that needs to let you reliably get where you want to go without any extra fuss.

In Mirror's Edge the movement is the gameplay so it's natural they would build a higher skill ceiling into it. It's not that I want the game to be easier, but having to make split-second decisions about what kind of maneuver the level designer wanted me to use is the wrong kind of hard for what I'm looking for. Some of my deaths in this felt arbitrary when I missed a jump or failed to grab onto a ledge or whatever, and when I respawned and got it right the second time it wasn't always obvious what I'd even done differently to get it right. Meat Boy has sublimely tight controls and level design that make it glaringly obvious exactly what you're supposed to do and how you messed it up. This is nowhere near that level of precision.

Also I'd swear during the presentation they said this game follows up the original with Faith's stint in jail, etc., but some people swear this is a reboot so that might not be accurate. It sure doesn't seem to go out of its way to distinguish itself from the original, though, and the moment where they make a big deal out of giving Faith her original runner's clothes back (which we cut out of the footage) just screams fan service and sequel.

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@arkhe said:

Hearing Brad complain about the traversal when in the video he is taking the most asinine routes possible, completely destroying any "flow" the game has. Also that Forza racing line is the most stupid aspect of this entire thing.

Oh look, it's That Guy.

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@quipido said:
@benderunit22 said:

It's not as graphically impressive as I expected a new, full Gears to be. I understand this is multiplayer, but I feel like Paragon looks way better with a comparable visual style.

Exactly, maybe it's partially the way the footage was captured, but it looks way too similar to the older games and I mean technically. Even that smoke which gets mentioned by Jeff, if you look at it the effect turns with the camera, sort of like an old sprite! I expected way more, Gears looked absolutely amazing and that was, with great gameplay and interesting universe, why I loved those three games. Looks like this has little inovation on any front, graphics are blend, it's the same enemy design and the gameplay received minor tweaks at best. What a bummer.

EDIT: Also Jeff wears some insane shoes there.

This footage definitely looks way worse than it did in person, but yeah, I was surprised it wasn't more of a leap in fidelity. Lot of tradeoffs being made to hit that res/performance target I guess.

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That weapon that drops a bullet seems pretty neat.

I wonder how big the chance is that this will drop on PC.

I'd bet money on it, MS all but said future Xbox exclusives will also hit PC. Hopefully their UWP nonsense will be ironed out by then.