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Dumpsters Here!

Just a quick update of my recent gaming habits:

Street Fighter IV

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So some great new games came out this week.  Street Fighter 4 and the new Grand Theft Auto expansion, the Lost & Damned.  I picked up Street Fighter 4 earlier and I played around on that for about an hour and got my ass kicked many times, but I still found the game to be a whole lot of fun. The Gamestop in my area was actually sold out and I had to go to Target to find a copy of it.  I just have to get some practice time in and build up my fighting chops.  If anyone reading this is also about average in Street Fighter and wants to play just message me and we can get some matches in.

Left 4 Dead

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Aside from SF4 I have been playing a whole lot of Left 4 Dead again, I just can't stop loving that game.  My friends and I have a new tradition of just dropping dumpsters down the sewers ladder in No Mercy so that the survivors cannot climb up and them we drop it and kill them all when they are close by.  I know that is a really cheap but we just can't help it.  I still have to wrap up Dead Air, Death Toll, and Blood Harvest on expert before I have completed the game on expert but I will get to that soon enough.  I am glad to see that the new content will be free, anything new will keep me playing this game even longer.

Far Cry 2 and others

I traded in Lord of the Rings Conquest for $22 at Gamestop and bought Rainbow Six Vegas 2 with the credit and I no longer feel the shame of having that game on my shelf.  I was actually surprised that I would get that much money for Conquest considering it is pretty bad and I have gotten less from trading in actually good games in the past. 

I had been thinking about trading in Far Cry 2 since I have had it since Christmas and I never really got into it, but I am glad I did not.  I actually began playing it and getting into the main game and I am loving it.  The open world makes exploration and planning assaults on enemy camps a lot of fun.  The online isn't too bad, but that is not really the game's strongest asset. 


 Well that is about it for this blog.  For anyone who listens the new episode of the Button Mashers podcast will be recorded tomorrow and up on iTunes by Monday at some point.  However I do not think I will be able to make it because Monday is my birthday and I have a family thing happening tomorrow night. 

Thanks for reading and remember if anyone wants to put in some matches in Street Fighter just send me a message.