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The younger generation doesn't give a shit about RPGs.

I'm living at home this summer, working and saving up.  So, I have a lot of time to spend with my little brother.  The other day I saw the game Spiral Knights on Steam (it is a free to play game).  It plays a lot like Torchlight, except it's free!  My brother downloaded it and played it for about 2 minutes before getting tired of it. 
It then occurred to me that my brother doesn't like ANY RPG game.  He will sit and play iPad and iPod games for hours and hours, but never once have I seen him play a game with a story line.  Even more so, I couldn't think of any kid below the age of 17 that gives a shit about being engrossed in games.  I think "mobile" games these days are training kids to be addicted to a simple action (Angry Birds, etc.).  You could argue that the arcade era did the same thing for kids, but it still makes me sad to think about. 
Maybe this is just a phase in gaming though.  If this is the age of the arcade returned, then maybe that means that story will eventually be introduced once again and blow these kids' minds.