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Here it Is: The Definitive 'Games of this Year' - 2017

Shit year for games. Thankfully I managed to find ten of them for this damn list!!!!

Here's some Honourable Mentions as well:

SteamWorld Heist (June 2016)

Better than SteamWorld Dig, and WAY better than XCOM. I know they just put out the sequel to Dig but I really hope they’ve got another Heist in the pipe too.

Shadow Tactics: Blades of the Shogun (Dec 2016)

Very solid vision cones and lots of good sneaking here. The Commandos nostalgia burned strong in this one.

Xanadu Next (Nov 2016)

This is like a low budget Diablo mixed with Dark Souls. IT’S FUCKING GREAT!

Overwatch (May 2016)

I stopped playing this out of disgust with the Mercy changes but lo and behold I’m playing it again. They made Mercy less OP, made Ana a tiny bit better, and introduced Moira, who I really enjoy playing. I guess this game is good again!

List items

  • I absolutely loved the almost programmer art-ish aesthetic and the amazing amount of freedom in every encounter. This game rewards creativity at every turn and provides you with the options to make even your grimmest failures into messy successes.

  • I may be slightly biased towards this one due to the creators’ residing in my hometown, but even if that were not the case I wouldn’t love this game any less. Artistically perfect, musically rich and atmospheric with such tight and customisable combat - there is nothing about this game that I didn’t like.

  • The ‘Deus Ex in Space’ that I never knew I wanted. Pre-release I had no idea what this game was going to be but once I played it I was immediately drawn in and loved exploring every bit of Talos I - inside and out. People who had problems with the combat can go suck an egg!

  • Note: I played this with the CEMU Wii U emulator.

    Breath of the Wild is undoubtedly one of the finest open world games ever made. Nintendo managed to make the act of climbing a tower to survey your surroundings exciting and rewarding in a very natural way - by making your plot the landmarks yourself. Zelda also looks fucking great in 4K!

  • Quiet moments, beheadings, war machines, and lots and lots of dead Nazis. Wolfenstein II is a quality thrillride through Nazi-ravaged America and I thought the entire thing was fascinating. Again, like with Prey, anyone who had problems with the combat in this game can suck that same egg I mentioned before!

  • Bleak as hell, very ugly in many places and sometimes just not very fun, Nier Automata still manages to be an absolutely amazing game. Genuinely surprising and video game-y in the best ways with the best soundtrack of the year - it’s very hard to not recommend this game.

  • I’m kinda surprised that this game didn’t really catch on with the ravenous Roguelike crowd, but personally I think that’s because the game sucks with a controller. With mouse and keyboard it plays like a dream and is just an insanely fun run-based game with very solid progression and some of the nicest pixel art I’ve ever seen.

  • Now this is a game that absolutely nails the ‘difficult but rewarding’ style of game that I yearn for. So many games these days are advertised as being difficult and more often than not those do not gel with me. Snake Pass has a friendly exterior but once you get a few worlds in it really challenges you in an incredibly unique way.

  • This DLC (and a few Souls streamers) got me firmly back into invading in a big way. It’s still very much against the invader but I learned to play more mindfully and I had a much better time that way. Oh, the DLC itself is also pretty cool.

  • Big surprise, Shovel Knight is good once again! Another successful remix of their original game but I’m curious if the next one will be as good as this was. Also, ‘The Price of Doing Business (Iron Whale)’ is one of the best tracks of the year.