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I am looking forward to the game, but i do wish they came up with a character instead of having a creator.

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Things i disagree with :P.
I'm with Ben, the graphical upgrade of a new generation is minimal, lighting is better, resolution is higher, frame rates are better (so far), i haven't really seen anything the previous gen can't do, it would do it slower but it can do it, i was very surprised to hear Jeff say the opposite, i wonder what game he's thinking of cus i haven't seen it.
I'm also against Ben :P the hint system on the PS5 is atrocious, "you can ignore it", ok, did the guy in the video ignore it? All he did was turn on the console and it pre-loaded the game and put the hints in his fucking face, every time he was in the menu hints were all over the god damn place. Yes the entirety of a game is spoiled online instantly, but to see that i'd have to go to youtube and search for the game, or be unlucky and see a thumbnail, or frequent a spoiler heavy web page or forum, now you don't even need to leave the console they've got it all right there at the press of a button!
Personally i don't care about being spoiled or having hints or walkthroughs handy, i do it all the time, my gripe is with the PS5 menu as a whole, there doesn't seem to be a logic to which direction you should navigate, he scrolled past fucking 9 hints to join a friend in a different multiplayer game... what the fuck is that about?
It's probably not as bad as it looks, but that video is insane.

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Edited By cikame

I don't know if recording chat is necessary, can't people just report someone for offensive chat?
If you get reported for offensive chat by 50 different people, that's probably proof enough they need muting or banning.

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I hate this idea of an ending where no matter what you choose the hero has to die for some reason, even the control the reapers ending makes no sense, why would Shepard be unable to communicate through the reapers? "Hey guys, i'm the reapers now lol", it would be a bit weird but "You won't be able to talk anymore for reasons" is lame.
Destroy all synthetic stuff is weird too, people clearly have computers and space ships and "synthetic stuff" in the ending, but Shepard has to die because he/she has synthetic stuff in them? BS.
Synthesis is probably the best option, but it could have been done better it's still too magic, changing the DNA of every living thing needs to be better explaned and requiring Shepard disintegrate in a beam of light is stupid. Now everyone is 50/50 computer and biological, i imagine getting close to magnets and electro magnetic disturbances is a problem, and surgery just got a million times more complicated.
Deus Ex: Human Revolution suffers a similar issue, all the leaders of each group want to send out a message that strengthens their positions, each is inevitably bad for a portion of humanity in one way or another so the best option for me is no message, which requires the hero dies because of course it does. What rubs salt in the wound is that the canon ending is all of them combined, all the messages get out but there's enough confusion (because the world doesn't work like that) that no one gains an advantage, which really is the best ending but it's not an option in the actual game you're playing.
It feels like the Fallout 3 problem, except there's an actual obvious solution standing right next to you in that games ending, the hero dying is never a cool ending unless it's an actual tragedy, not a manufactured one.

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Surprise, Jeff doesn't feel strongly about something he doesn't care about :P.

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@swaffle: I guess when it comes to recognisable free agents in the video game industry who can present a thing there's not a huge amount of choice.

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I played a ton of Lylat Wars, the soundtrack's outstanding.

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Only thing to add about the gfx card issue is that it also "boosts" its clock speed a bit automatically if it has headroom in temperature and power, which caused the same problems as overclocking would.
A temporary fix was to underclock, which is why people were concerned that manufacturers would just nerf the cards to "fix" them.
I don't have a 3080 myself but i wonder if setting a frame rate limit would also solve the problem, i'm sure most people are just letting the card run 100% for no reason.

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@maxxcanti: It's a bit weird that it uses the movie license when it uses the art style from the comic.

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Guys why are you so insistent on Ubi adding their abuse statement to their advertising?
When was the last time you saw a company apologise for anything in an advert?