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The "BackBlog" Introduction

So now that 2012 is over and I have finished a lot of the games I wanted to for game of the year stuff, I now have the entire month of January with nothing but old games to play or finish. Also, with my money running short and since I will be finishing up my last semester of college, I don't think I will be able to buy any new releases like I have been for the past 2 years. So I figure I should start playing through all the games I never finished or have never even started. Some of the games will be really tough but I am going to try to beat all of them. I want to play all these games and at least make my purchases worth it, so I am going to try to defeat my backlog!

Here is the list of games, how much I have played them, and how difficult I think it will be to finish them.

-Alan Wake's American Nightmare: Never played it, Easy to finish. I really liked Alan Wake and this game is short

-Assassin's Creed III: about 75% done, easy to finish. I'm almost done so it won't take long

-Beyond Good and Evil: Played the first hour, hard to finish. I played the first hour and it seemed a bit boring, need to get farther I guess

-The Binding of Isaac: Never played it, very hard to finish. Not sure this one is actually beatable for me, but I want to spend some time playing it at least

-Cave Story: Never played it, hard to beat. I really don't know much about this game so I don't know what I'm getting into!

-Darksiders II: Over half way through, medium to beat. I enjoyed the game but was disappointed, the biggest hurdle will be to start playing it again

-Dark Souls: Have 3 bosses left (I think) hard to beat. I played this when it came out and then got into Arkham City and Skyrim and never finished, biggest regret

-The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim: 100 hours played, medium to "beat". Basically I want to finish the main story, dawnguard, and the dark brotherhood.

-Fallout 3: played the first 6 hours about 3 times Very Hard to beat. I played the beginning of this game way to much, I don't think I will ever be able to finish it

-Fallout New Vegas: played the first 4 hours, Very Hard to beat. I would finish 3 before this and the chances of me beating both Fallout games? Slim

-Just Cause 2: Played the first 20 minutes, easy to beat. Once I get into this game I know I will love it

-Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning: 20 hours in, very hard to beat. I enjoyed this game but it came out too soon after Skyrim, and theres so many side quests

-Limbo: Never played it, easy to beat. I actually just finished it last night and it will be my first blog about this tomorrow

-Lone Survivor: Played the first 5 minutes, easy to beat. Sounds like a fun game I will get into

-Mark of the Ninja: 5 missions in, easy to beat. Good game I'm gonna take my time with

-Max Payne 2: played the first hour, medium to beat. I will have to be in the right mood to get through this one

-Metro 2033: played the first 30 minutes, easy to beat. I've been meaning to play this, and it's short

-RAGE: Played 4 hours, hard to beat. I'm not sure I can get back into it, too much vehicle driving but the shooting was great

-Sleeping Dogs: 6 hours in, easy to beat. Currently playing it and loving it, really fun game

-Stalker Call of Pripyat: never played, Very hard to beat. I never finished the first one either but this one is newer so I'll give this one a go, don't think I will beat it

-Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic II The Sith Lords: played the first 2 hours, hard to beat. Kotor is my favorite single player game ever but I never got into 2

-Super Meat Boy: chapter 4, hard to beat. This game is getting pretty hard, I will keep trying

-Sword and Sorcery: 20 minutes, easy to beat. The soundtrack is amazing so this one should be fun

-Warhammer 40K Space Marine: first hour, easy to beat. I think it will be a fun mindless game whenever I choose to go through it

So that is the list. Every time I beat a game, I will blog my thoughts about it. I am going to try to make it through all these games and I think I have a good shot at beating most of them now that I am short on money and won't be distracted by new releases. I would appreciate any suggestions from you all about what games I should prioritize playing over others. I already beat Limbo so it will be my first post, and now I'm working through Sleeping Dogs and I'm thinking about Metro 2033 next. Any suggestions will be helpful though!



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Edited By CJduke

So now that 2012 is over and I have finished a lot of the games I wanted to for game of the year stuff, I now have the entire month of January with nothing but old games to play or finish. Also, with my money running short and since I will be finishing up my last semester of college, I don't think I will be able to buy any new releases like I have been for the past 2 years. So I figure I should start playing through all the games I never finished or have never even started. Some of the games will be really tough but I am going to try to beat all of them. I want to play all these games and at least make my purchases worth it, so I am going to try to defeat my backlog!

Here is the list of games, how much I have played them, and how difficult I think it will be to finish them.

-Alan Wake's American Nightmare: Never played it, Easy to finish. I really liked Alan Wake and this game is short

-Assassin's Creed III: about 75% done, easy to finish. I'm almost done so it won't take long

-Beyond Good and Evil: Played the first hour, hard to finish. I played the first hour and it seemed a bit boring, need to get farther I guess

-The Binding of Isaac: Never played it, very hard to finish. Not sure this one is actually beatable for me, but I want to spend some time playing it at least

-Cave Story: Never played it, hard to beat. I really don't know much about this game so I don't know what I'm getting into!

-Darksiders II: Over half way through, medium to beat. I enjoyed the game but was disappointed, the biggest hurdle will be to start playing it again

-Dark Souls: Have 3 bosses left (I think) hard to beat. I played this when it came out and then got into Arkham City and Skyrim and never finished, biggest regret

-The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim: 100 hours played, medium to "beat". Basically I want to finish the main story, dawnguard, and the dark brotherhood.

-Fallout 3: played the first 6 hours about 3 times Very Hard to beat. I played the beginning of this game way to much, I don't think I will ever be able to finish it

-Fallout New Vegas: played the first 4 hours, Very Hard to beat. I would finish 3 before this and the chances of me beating both Fallout games? Slim

-Just Cause 2: Played the first 20 minutes, easy to beat. Once I get into this game I know I will love it

-Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning: 20 hours in, very hard to beat. I enjoyed this game but it came out too soon after Skyrim, and theres so many side quests

-Limbo: Never played it, easy to beat. I actually just finished it last night and it will be my first blog about this tomorrow

-Lone Survivor: Played the first 5 minutes, easy to beat. Sounds like a fun game I will get into

-Mark of the Ninja: 5 missions in, easy to beat. Good game I'm gonna take my time with

-Max Payne 2: played the first hour, medium to beat. I will have to be in the right mood to get through this one

-Metro 2033: played the first 30 minutes, easy to beat. I've been meaning to play this, and it's short

-RAGE: Played 4 hours, hard to beat. I'm not sure I can get back into it, too much vehicle driving but the shooting was great

-Sleeping Dogs: 6 hours in, easy to beat. Currently playing it and loving it, really fun game

-Stalker Call of Pripyat: never played, Very hard to beat. I never finished the first one either but this one is newer so I'll give this one a go, don't think I will beat it

-Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic II The Sith Lords: played the first 2 hours, hard to beat. Kotor is my favorite single player game ever but I never got into 2

-Super Meat Boy: chapter 4, hard to beat. This game is getting pretty hard, I will keep trying

-Sword and Sorcery: 20 minutes, easy to beat. The soundtrack is amazing so this one should be fun

-Warhammer 40K Space Marine: first hour, easy to beat. I think it will be a fun mindless game whenever I choose to go through it

So that is the list. Every time I beat a game, I will blog my thoughts about it. I am going to try to make it through all these games and I think I have a good shot at beating most of them now that I am short on money and won't be distracted by new releases. I would appreciate any suggestions from you all about what games I should prioritize playing over others. I already beat Limbo so it will be my first post, and now I'm working through Sleeping Dogs and I'm thinking about Metro 2033 next. Any suggestions will be helpful though!

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Edited By Video_Game_King

@CJduke said:

Any suggestions will be helpful though!

Call it "The Backblog".

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Edited By CJduke

@Video_Game_King said:

@CJduke said:

Any suggestions will be helpful though!

Call it "The Backblog".

Done. Thank you for that

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Edited By morkaithewolf

@CJduke said:

Any suggestions will be helpful though!

Don't play two games of the same style back to back. Also, finish Fallout 3 before you play New Vegas. The improvements they make between the two are big enough you'll notice them but the atmosphere of Fallout 3 felt more...survivor-like to me. New Vegas seems more open ended and in my play through was much easier than 3.

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Edited By CJduke

@MorkaiTheWolf: Alright I definitely will give it a try. The fallout games will definitely be the hardest for me to beat because they are so long and I have played the beginning of 3 like 3 or 4 times

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Edited By MooseyMcMan

You forgot about Bully.

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Edited By morkaithewolf

@CJduke: I found it exciting in my playthroughs because I start good then once I got strong enough to fight deathclaws I went full on evil. Made the game hilarious!

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Edited By zrais

Assign them all a number and play them at random. Thats what I do for my backlog each year. This year its huge. Once I finish Walking Dead Ep5 I've got to start on it.