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60 Things That Make Me Angry

 Well I'm incredibly bored right now. So I might as well make a list of random stuff that pops in my head that I dislike. This seems like a very good time waster. So lets go!
 1. People who don't take "no" for an answer
2. Big Bird  
3. People who hate red heads
4. People who think flashlights are used to make my face brighter for their own pleasure.
5. Morning wood
6. Nose pickers
7. Depressing songs that are over 10 minutes long
8. Men in make-up  
9. Bean salad 
10. People with big cars that never carpool 
11. Squirrels
12. Chia-pets
13. Dragonforce
14. Hardcore Dragonforce fans
15. Children
16. Feminists
17. Cats the Musical
18. Cats
19. The Atkins Diet.
20. People who go crazy for supplies at the grocery store because the news said "Snow warning"
21. Porn that takes itself way too seriously.
22. Over used phrases
23. Pancakes
24. Martial arts students
25. Rent-a-cops
26. Quebec
27. Bono
28. Baked chicken
29. When I am watching a movie and somebody says "did you see that?"
30. Chain letters
31. Teachers who hate teaching
32. Religious people who feel the need to show me the light
33. Everybody Loves Raymond
34. Rachel Ray
35. Dudes with tight jeans
36. E!
38. The number 37
39. When a guitarist smashes a guitar I could only ever hope to afford one day
40. Good Charlotte
41. Using "Shorty" in a song
42. Chavs
43. Smelly people
44. People who eat with there mouth open
46. Big Brother
47. Smokers
48. Running out of toilet paper
49. Coverage of Michael Jacksons death
50. Adult acne
51. Sports commentary
52. Poorly animated cartoons
53. Uwe Boll
54. The people responsible for Sonic The Hedgehog not being done with.
55. Dental assistants 
54. This list 
55. It being hard to come up with things that piss you off
56. Being poor
57. Comedians who are not funny
58. Men who wear makeup
59. People who think they know everything
60. The music in The Sims
Add to it if you wish.