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All Mass Effect all the time... for a while at least.

My history with the Mass Effect franchise is fragmented. When it was released on the Xbox 360, I didn't own the console. I instead waited until the PC release to play. I loved it, but alas I knew my PC was getting old and Mass Effect 2 would be a no go. I got an Xbox 360 two months after Mass Effect was released on the PC. Crap, I should have waited, but I really didn't know about the save transfer at the time.

 Our love can not be stopped.
 Our love can not be stopped.

Fast forward a couple of years and I finally played Mass Effect 2, bought it a couple of weeks ago. I couldn't stop playing until the credits rolled. But the whole time I played, I missed the story I had created on the PC. It ate at me. Falling for Liara in my first playthrough only to get an awkward hug in ME2 left me feeling empty inside. Seeing Ashley and knowing she died in the first one made me resent her even more. And Wrex, we can't forget about Wrex, so sad when I went to his homeworld with his default death in ME2.
With the release of the DLC, Lair of the Shadow Broker, I couldn't take it anymore. I wanted to play Mass Effect 2 some more, but with a continuation of my story and my love for Liara T'soni. So I bought Mass Effect for the second time today, but this time for my Xbox 360. I'm not sure how it's going to turn out, it is a three year old game, and I'm just coming off playing Mass Effect 2. But the story, my story will be told again. 
I never thought I would be one of those people that played a game over and over, but the Milky Way is a cool place to park your ass and play, play, play, a role that is.
Other news,  

 You have been redeemed.
 You have been redeemed.
Finished Read Dead Redemption, fucking excellent game. The best open world/sand box game I've ever played. It was the best game I played this year until I got my hands on Mass Effect 2. I'm done playing RDR, traded it in for Mass Effect... Ha!
Onward we roll fellow gamers, let the games be played.
Thanks for reading.
Claude and I still love my god-damned Wii.