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Bullet thoughts on the last two days.

The forums are fucked up. I know how to use Giant Bomb, so I can find video game discussions if I looked, but damn, they're fucked up right now.
I'm still deciding on buying a subscription. I'm here a lot. I use it more for a social thing though, connecting with other people if you will. I like to encourage others, but have fun at the same time, thus, my forum fun.
Forums aren't fun right now.
I feel bad for the kids, college and high school. I'm sure they can't justify paying for this shit. The Bombcast fans are the hardest hit. The demographic mentioned probably listen to the Bombcast the most and bring in the most new users.
Buggy, couldn't sign in, but the help found at the bottom of the page on any Whiskey Media site hooked me up. Shoot an email if you're having problems.
Splitting of the community... That's a tough one. It is weird seeing the medals on avatars. Some people just want to support the site, but feel ashamed that they have a medal. They shouldn't feel that way, be proud that you could do something you felt strongly for. Medal or not just be yourself, everything is even when it comes to words. Remember, just visiting the site and clicking away supports it.
I'm not sure why Whiskey Media does this, but they have a tendency to just throw things out there. I've seen a lot of drama on Giant Bomb because of changes. I've helped create some of that drama. Drama isn't a bad thing, change happens quick here, maybe that's the way of the internet. How would I know? I don't work in the business. Change creates a buzz, buzz is good.
All you guys are cool in my book, from Whiskey Media down to the trolls, keep on rocking. Let's see what tomorrow brings.
Hugs and kisses,
The Bombcast is back to normal. Hip, hip, hooray.