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Loco Motion: The Golden Age of Motion Controls

I'm a motion fan. Maybe it's my age, or the type of video games I've played throughout my gaming life; lots of sports games, golf being my  favorite. I've branched out from my early gaming life as I now like having a variety of play options when playing video games, keyboard mouse, dual analog controller and the combination of motion capabilities for a given game. 

 He's Loco
 He's Loco
 With an abundance of Motion
 With an abundance of Motion

That's why I'm so excited for next year. With Move and Kinect coming out soon, next year should allow for a cornucopia of options for motion fans.       

I can see it on the horizon, The Golden Age of Motion Controls. And for the people that hate motion controls, no need to worry, you'll have your standard sets of games and control-ability. But having options of play makes me feel all giddy inside. So jump on-board... the Loco Motion.