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Real Life Spoilers: No time for games.

I thought I would throw this out there. It's real so beware.
My wife's health has never been well. She's had Lupus for 28 years. We've been dating and or married for 22 of those years. Lots of other health issues have developed over these years, emergency back surgery being the worst. She fought her way back from that, but two years ago an open wound on her heel started giving her problems.
The bone in her heel became infected, but she tried to persevere. This weekend her blood became septic with the infection. She's in the hospital in the critical care unit. She's stable now, but Wednesday she will have her left leg amputated below the knee.
I think she will bounce back from this as she is a strong willed person. 
In some ways, I could tell this was happening when I wrote the Don't Pray for Me blog. I just knew something was going wrong. Don't let my issues with religion fool you. You are free to pray. I couldn't stop you anyway. That's it. Real life is hard, real hard.
Thanks for reading.