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The Witcher: Enhanced Edition initial impressions.

This is a different game... I'm two hours in and I'm still trying to think of all the changes; the colors, the voices, the dialog. This is not to mention the inventory so far, completely different. The first boss battle was not what I remembered and I can't wait to dive back in. It took a while to download the patch or to find the right place to download it from, but once installed it shined. 

I should mention I bought the original game and I downloaded the "Enhanced Edition" patch. As I understand, the North American retail version needs a patch for the blood. I'm not sure if the downloaded version needed it. 

If you play this game or decide to play this game, please try and play it in the over the shoulder view. You can pause the game and scroll the area in a 3D view with the mouse, continue combos while paused, it's cool trust me. You can be flipping over an opponent's  head and pause mid flight, while contemplating your next move, to me that's cool. I play on easy, because it's all about the journey.

To CD Projekt, Thanks

This is where I am now.
This is where I am now.