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I just now realized I have only ever viewed romance/relationship stuff in games as a way to see more dialogue and have been utterl...

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Cogzwell's GOTY 2015

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  • Undertale feels like the culmination of 30 years of games, it feels like the sort of thing that can only be crafted once in a very long while. It's earnest and genuinely funny, the combat system is original and done very well and varies wildly through out the game without feeling too boggling, and it's positive. The game actually carries a lot of weight and has a very welcoming and nostalgic atmosphere, the characters all work together in a great way, every corner of the world has some fun and intriguing touch, and the game is stuffed with variables and through lines that make it feel oddly alive. Undertale's story is also touching and complex and interacts with the game in a lot of ways, the amount of stuff hidden inside Undertale is boggling and even though it's a seemingly childish experience the way it still manages to impact the player in profound ways. Undertale manages to achieve a lot of things very few games do, comedic timing, a very positive presentation of relationships, and messing with the game's sense of reality that doesn't feel too out of place. Undertale's soundtrack is also easily the best this year, and the way it develops with the game and times up with encounters is insane, the fact I can say this game has amazing Choreography is a testament to its divergent nature alone. The game also gives so many options for each encounter, the idea that you can get through the entire encounter without fighting is interesting enough on its own, but these peaceful encounters actually feel genuinely fun and puzzling and are a fun way to get through the game, and even beyond talking through the encounter there are hundreds of other variables and I learn something new about the game everyday. Undertale is just so lighthearted and positive, and in real ways, the game actually talks about healthy platonic and romantic relationships and focuses on them in smart and endearing ways. The game's sense of humor and combat honestly won me over so strongly, the only thing I can say about Undertale I'm not too fond of is that some parts get a little too corny, but I don't think people would find that hard to stomach. I'm not sure if something like Undertale could ever happen again but I'm glad I decided to get over my concerns of it being "too internet humory" to play it, because I honestly feel really great having played this game.

  • Witcher 3 may have the best writing of any game ever made. Its world is classical but intriguing, it feels like a living medieval world as opposed to some generic fantasy setting, all the monsters have a sense of place and background, the magic is restrained and feels special, and the armor design is practical and attractive. Witcher 3 is one of those games that playing it makes it feel like you know something, that you're actually getting better at your job as you play it, you learn consistencies between enemies and how to exploit them. The crafting is streamlined and manageable, the combat is smooth enough to fit the needs of the game, and traveling in the game is convenient enough but still feels like really moving around the world as opposed to just fast travel jumping everywhere. Witcher 3's choices feel smart and balanced, it avoids the good decision/bad decision that is popular in a lot of rpgs with choices and actually gives the player some sense of character in the world. While Geralt may seem like a generic gruff voiced video game protagonist with no real attributes, over the course of the game you get a sense of who is as a character and can learn to like him and act like him, as opposed to other games where a blank slate just leaves you with a mouth piece with no identity. CD Projekt even tips their hands towards the way Geralt is presented and makes it feel like Geralt's gruff monotone demeanor is actually something that exists in the world for a reason, not just because it would appeal to players. Witcher 3's writing is good, and consistently good, the main storyline is well written and constantly entertaining and even all the side missions are engaging and well written. My biggest issue with Witcher 3 is its strange moments of sexualization and violence towards women, which I wouldn't even put at the worst I've seen in games this year but is still very off putting. Witcher 3's story is serious at the right times and also very fun and enjoyable when it needs to be, it's a hell of a game and one of my favorites and I'll probably vouch for its greatness for years to come.

  • Helldivers is unique and methodical. It's a difficult but approachable game that allows new players to come in and test out its mechanics and more devoted players to go whole hog on very difficult and hectic missions. While from a certain viewpoint Helldivers may seem repetitive and light on content the manner by which all the objectives get completed and the feeling of shooting makes all the missions enjoyable multiple times and always fun with friends. Helldivers gives a great sense of the stakes at hand and then the triumph of overcoming the odds, some of the most memorable experiences I've had this year were completing seemingly impossible missions in this game, and even if I screwed up all I wanted to do was get right back into it. The thing about Helldivers is that it's madness, it creates a rather morbid and honest representation of warfare and then executes upon it so jovially, it's so consistent and forward with its mechanics that the way it says "Fuck You" are honestly appreciable, a shotgun you have to reload each shell manually, a tank where each tread is controlled by a different stick, respawning allies can kill teammates, full friendly fire, the list goes on, but after spending time with Helldivers all of these facets almost seem obvious, I'm used to them by now, I look at this game and ask "Is that all you got?" and it gladly responds "No."

  • Rocket League is a fantastically engineered a simple experience. It's a game through and through, it plays great, the movement is fantastic, and the game has a high enough skill ceiling to be enjoyable to watch and fun to try and master. Rocket League might be the best playing game to come out this year.

  • Starcraft 2 might be one of my favorite games of all time, and while I'm not the quick thinking young competitive gamer I once was I can still enjoy the campaign, which luckily, Blizzard continues to do better than any rts game before it. The missions in Legacy of the Void are fun and original and the characters, while maybe not quite as lovable as heart of the swarm's Abathur, are still a pretty interesting and varied bunch for some fictional aliens. The Protoss story is much improved from the the Zerg story, feeling a lot more like a Saturday morning cartoon than some self serious anime, and even has some moments that are genuinely well written, it's just a shame when it rejoins the main story of Starcraft 2 it goes into some of the most ludicrous and careless righting I have ever seen, but maybe there's something to be said for that.

  • Rebel Galaxy is the perfect game for someone like me who's always wanted to have the feeling of flying around exploring space but is too stupid for proper space sims. Rebel Galaxy has a ton of space truckin' flavor, the soundtrack is great, and the options for custom soundtrack support is really smart. While the game doesn't have a ton of mission variety it let's you move through objectives so quickly and the economy of that game is so engaging and constant it makes everything you do both smooth and enticing, I remember spending ten hours of that game without leaving the first area. The combat is also a ton of fun and the ship upgrades give you a great idea of your growth in power overtime, overall Rebel Galaxy is a game that is built smart and efficiently by industry veterans and I really can't wait to see what Double Damage does next.

  • Cibele tells a very personal story in a very unique and engaging way, at one point in the game the main character talks about doing web design and I believe it. Cibele puts a bright light onto online relationships, the reasons they form, and the complications around them, but instead of seeming like the scathing article trying to shock people it's very sympathetic and understanding. It's not just about some guy online being a manipulative jerk, it's about confidence, friendships, growing up, and infatuation. You also get to see someone get better at poetry in real time.

  • I've never been a big fan of the Souls game but I am a big fan of boss fights and fast hectic combat. Few things this year were as satisfying at taking down bosses in Titan souls. The game's visuals are stunning, the music is serene and beautiful, and the visual design of each the bosses is unique and uses a wonderful mix of two-dimensional and three-dimensional design. Titan Souls' fights are all engaging and head scratching puzzles and rarely rely upon simple pattern memorization, I never found myself getting frustrated playing Titan Souls besides one optional fight post the end of the game.

  • Life is Strange seems to be this year's cult hit, it takes the telltale formula to the next step, letting you see a little past all of your choices, giving you a better sense of their impact. The story of Life is Strange is very touching and even moving at many points, it felt satisfying to be brought to tears by this title. Life is Strange definitely has issues with learning to be subtle and has some pretty unnecessary moments near the end of the game, but overall Life is Strange's odd nature and unique place in games makes it a wonderful unique experience I'll never forget.

  • Contradiction is a very special thing in a year full of things that were special. Where Contradiction may come off as just some campy fmv game its story is actually fairly interesting and the characters enjoyable enough to watch, it manages to keep you entertained for the whole adventure. Contradiction has a good production value and presentation which let's you get through it effectively while also having all the right quirks to make it lovable.