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#1  Edited By Da_Madness

Coming from a society where tipping is quite rare (Australia) I really don't understand tipping in the states. I have never been over to America but American TV shows make me believe that tipping is quite common and often expected in your service industry.
Why is this? Does everyone do a great job or are you hospitality workers greatly under paid?
I'm quite interested to know.

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#2  Edited By Da_Madness

a bit over 48 hours.... the joys of doing shift work. Hell it's 1am now and I have 6 hours of my shift to go.

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#3  Edited By Da_Madness

EVE-Online... any game that makes you almost crap yourself because you're traveling through an alliances space is beyond awesome. I have Rage quit so many times only to come back to it time and time again.

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#4  Edited By Da_Madness
@Hamz said:
" Has a Vet confirmed the dog is deaf or are you assuming? If you're assuming then I strongly suggest bringing the animal to a Vet and have them look over it, they'll likely be able to offer simple advice on how to deal with a deaf dog.  That or the animal is being unresponsive due to being stubborn or confused about what you're asking it to do. "
I'm quite confident the dog is deaf. he is VERY attached with following myself and my wife all around the house however when we come home and if he is looking away he will not no we are there until he sees us. Event when loundly clapping or calling his name he won't react until he sees us in which case it's jump up and licks all over over.
We're currently trying to teach him with a hand signal but when we take him for walks and he is in front of us, it's quite hard to teach him to sit when we come to a road crossing. 
Thanks heaps for you advise though guys.
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#5  Edited By Da_Madness

Well being the off topic forum I was thinking this is the most off topic I could go... I have just bought a dog and it appears to be deaf. Any ideas on how to teach it to sit?
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#6  Edited By Da_Madness

Due to a recent incident in which I will explain below I have been wondering what some peoples stories on their greatest gaming loss is. Have you lost a save game with many hours of devotion or lost that valuable item due to a bug? What is your gaming loss?
 Recently , having been sucked into the gaming world of Red Dead Redemption, I had powered through the game until I was on the last mission. My devoted hours to the game were about to finish an amazing story and having done a 12 hour shift at work I was looking forward to finishing it off. 
So entering the door to my house turning on the light to deiscover that my laptops, camera and playstation were stolen broke my heart. Laptops and camera can be replaced but my devoted hours will never be able to be replaced.

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#7  Edited By Da_Madness

It did have it's moments. Being paid (albeit poorly paid) for playing games while people pay $2 AUD a minute for me to tell them a cheat code or how to get through a level was quite fun. 
Although the amount of idiots that called up asking to the 'nude code' in Tomb Raider was beyond belief.

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#8  Edited By Da_Madness

The game Blacklight: Tango Down hasn't really caught my attention as i'm being FPS overloaded of late however something concerning this game has...

 According to the Ignition forum thread (  created by a moderator the game has been refused classification in Australia and New Zealand! It specificly says:
"We regret to announce that the Australian Classification Board has refused to award Blacklight: Tango Down a rating in that territory. This is due to the fact that the title requires a permanent online connection as it is an online multiplayer game.
The ACB refuses to review and rate a title with such a requirement.

This decision by the ACB also precludes us releasing the game in New Zealand."
But hang on a second, World of Warcraft is allowed for sale in Australia as it Counter strike, Team Fortress 2, Assassins Creed 2 and many other MMO/DRM games.
Also according to Kotaku, " The Classification Board has confirmed to Kotaku that they have not received a submission from Ignition Entertainment for Blacklight: Tango Down to be classified in Australia. "
So why would a company openly lie to not sell a game in a specific region?

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#9  Edited By Da_Madness

Hi, I'm Da Madness from Sydney Australia.
I enjoy PC gaming mainly however have recently joined the cult of sony with a playstation 3. Also I used to work at a games hotline back in the day.