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#1  Edited By Da_Madness
@ahoodedfigure:  It's great to have an outsiders perspective on this greatly indeapth game. I have been a player since January 2006 and EVE has had some great changes over the years as had my playing experience.
My experiences have started from myself playing with 3 friends mining in a small low sec area of space to being part of the the biggest alliance in Eve participating in fleet battles with 3000 players making Eve history. This game has the highest victorys and the lowest defeats, which is why I love this game.
I can greatly understand the player base being annoyed with CCP as there have been a number of previous issues which has been viewed as not being rectified. This includes a Game Master spawning rare and high powered ships in game and giving them to friends and a high powered in game corporation braging about having direct access to up coming market information due to friendships with game developers. The latter was outed by a hacker who hacked the corporations board and was in turn banned from the game while he did not actually break any in game rules. The Corporation and dev, as far as I know, was not disiplined. 
Personnally, even with the crap that has gone on, I still love this game. I love having a super expensive ship and taking it through space having my heart beat so hard.
You see in this game you don't respawn in some grave yard when you die, you actually lose your ship and implants that you may have just spent weeks of your life mining for.
one thing to always remember is that Eve can be as simple or as complicated as you want it. If you want to shoot things then thats easy, you can also learn how to buy and sell items for a profit which is also easy. If you choose you are also able to learn how to mine. then turn the minerals into items, then the items into other items and then build ships/guns/whatever and sell, or how to research for the blueprints, how to mine moons, how to take over that guys outpost in space....Then  things can get quite deep. It is really upto you on how difficult or easy your experience is.
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#2  Edited By Da_Madness

I don't know if this has been previously posted so forgive me if it has....
the realities of eve
reported by CCP Zulu | 2011.06.26 08:56:45 | Comments

The tone and demeanor of my blog on Friday did not correctly portray my emotions towards the community and player base at large. I love and respect EVE and its community on a level that's hard to really do justice in words. However I let my frustration take charge of me, fueled by emotions that had built up due to a breach of trust we at CCP have been experiencing over the past few days. I know that sounds ironic considering those are the exact same feelings you have been having towards CCP.

For that I am sorry.

Having cooled off a bit and taken a solemn look at the situation, I see it's clear we need to strengthen the deep mutual trust and respect that's been so unique and descriptive of our relationship. There are certain questions you want answered and there isn't room for more error in our communication on those topics or our perception of the root causes.

Therefore we have asked the CSM to join us in Iceland for an extraordinary meeting June 30 and July 1 to discuss the events of past week, to help us define and address the real underlying concerns, and to assist us in defining and iterating on our virtual goods strategy.

The result of this meeting should be mutual agreement of how virtual goods and services will evolve in EVE. Other issues may be brought up and we urge you to contact the CSM with your comments and concerns so that they may be addressed at this session.

However, just to prove the point of the Fearless newsletter and give you a further understanding of what it is then there are no and never have been plans to sell "gold ammo" for Aurum. In Fearless people are arguing a point, which doesn't even have to be their view, they are debating an issue. This is another example of how information out of context is no information at all.

Due to the volatility of the topic we want to refrain from any further comments on this matter until after meeting with the CSM.

Thank you for your patience,

Arnar Hrafn Gylfason

Senior Producer of EVE Online

Also a link to the previous blog HERE
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#3  Edited By Da_Madness

I haven't heard anything about gold ammo being sold yet. I would have thoughts EVENEWS24 would be onto that like a fly to shit.

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#4  Edited By Da_Madness

@JCTango: I sadly agree with your statement. CCP is a company and their primary goals are to make money. Unfortunatly I fear that they are going to destroy a fantastic game and community over a short term increase in profit. 
I have over 4 years of investment into this game and I find it really unfortunate that a game which has previously allowed the players to have so much involvement (ownership of space and the whole economy) is possibly being destroyed on by the developers.
Having said that I need to step back and realise that CP actually haven't implemented anything outside of vanity items and I may just be worried over nothing.

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#5  Edited By Da_Madness

I'd lvoe to see an Alien (Xenomorph) from Aliens.

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#6  Edited By Da_Madness

What is the penalty for death in this game?

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#7  Edited By Da_Madness
@Donos said:

@Crash_Happy: From some vague browsing of the threadnaughts, it sounds like a lot of worry is tied up in "Gold ammo," whatever that is. I'm assuming it's some sort of for-pay ammo which is either better than the others, or equals the type strengths of all the regular ammos at the same time (again being better). Any idea if that's what they're talking about?

You're absolutly right about what "Gold ammo" is and it's scaring the crap out of much of the eve community. There ARE people and corporations (read: Guilds) out there that would happily buy a distict advantage over other players which could greatly change the face of EVE. 
In fact, during 'The second great Delve war' there were a number of people buying a huge amount of Game Time cards, which CCP allows players to sell in game for ISK. So a 30 day GTC can be traded for about 750 million isk  here (in game money), depending on the market. During this war a number of people on one side purchase tens of thousands of GTC codes and sold them making the market crash to 300mil isk. This was allowing them to fund their war and have more people fighting on the front line as opposed to making money  for their ships. In the this didn't make any difference as they just kept on losing more ships to the more skillful player (Goonswarm!)
The possibility of having a ship, guns or ammo that gives one player more of an advantage of the other will greatly change the face of Eve as it will no longer be skill that will decide the map of Eve but the all mighty dollar. 
For those of you unfarmilar with how the land of Eve works I would like to point you toward this sovrenty map. All of those colored areas is a corporation of people. They 'own' that space and it changes all the time depending on wars and corporation breakups. They also have resourses like moons which allow people to make better ships which they sell for more isk, and also have better NPC's which give players more money. 
If the gold ammo is released into the market then that map is going to change dramaticly for alot of people, and IMO not in a good way.
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#8  Edited By Da_Madness
@xyzygy said:
I'd prefer it if they just fix the completely broken Achievements as they are and THEN add Trophies. My achievements haven't updated in over 2 months for no reason at all. All my games played are mixed up and everything is just fucked.   Many different posts and threads in the bug reporting forum don't seem to help either.
As possibly one of the few people on this forum with only a PS3, I greatly disagree with this comment.
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#9  Edited By Da_Madness

I see the current player base reacting to the possibility of what micro-transactions will do other than what micro-transactions actually are at the moment. Hell $60 for a monocle is a bit rich but if no one buys it then it'll only cause CCP to rethink their micro-transactions.
OK, I just found this which is the CEO update from Goonswarm. Great breakdown in whats been going on and what the issue is...
What The Fuck Has Happened?

First, some context. Within the course of about two weeks, CCP stunned the playerbase with a series of hijinks. First was the Golden Scorpion controversy, which CCP climbed down from - using AUR to buy a Scorpion with a golden paintjob from the ether. Then there was the $99 Monetization scandal, where CCP announced that they wanted a hundred bucks a year for "3rd Party Apps" which might also include fansites. Again, CCP climbed down in the face of howls of protest. The Alliance Tournament Final ended up rigged, which wasn't CCP's fault but infuriated many of the viewers (I thought it was funny, but w/e). Then Incarna was released with $70 Monocles, and EN24 leaked the Greed Is Good CCP internal newsletter, which showcased their apparent love of all things microtransaction.

The real controversy, of course, is not the silliness of a $70 monocle, though that does seem to indicate the venality and greed of the CCP higher-ups to many players. The controversy is the shadow lurking behind the monocle, hinted at in the Greed is Good newsletter: gold in the sandbox, a "pay to win" gold-ammo situation in EVE. Pay to Win is common enough in Free to Play MMOs, and quite profitable, but the fear among players is that CCP is trying to meld both subscription and FtP revenue models into an especially shitty, expensive product.

A product that allegedly is busy melting down ATI video cards.

So hot on the heels of Greed is Good, CCP posted an absolutely comical "please be nice to us" thread on eve-o, which has become the largest threadnaught in history. This went about as well as could be expected; reports of mass-unsubbings became rampant.

In order to try to staunch the bleeding, CCP Zulu posted a devblog which has now famously equated virtual widgets with real-life goods. PC Gamer has picked up on this blog, and not in a good way. The tone of the blog and the follow up post, which amounts to 'shut up ugh ' is readily apparent.

Meanwhile, Jita, Amarr and other hubs have been brought to virtual shutdown by 'protests' of pubbies shooting statues and overloading the nodes while howling for CCP's blood, mad about the NeX, the Captains Quarters, Incarna sucking, the spectre of gold ammo, or just setting things on fire for the sheer primal joy of watching everything burn.

And to think, it gets worse!

Last night, while I was on Eve Radio discussing the unfolding crisis with some other CSMs, another leak broke: a global email sent from Hilmar, CCP's CEO, congratulating the company on the 'successful launch' of Incarna and selling a whopping 52 Monocles. Most froth-inducing was the statement that:

"Currently we are seeing _very predictable feedback_ on what we are doing. Having the perspective of having done this for a decade, I can tell you that this is one of the moments where we look at what our players do and less of what they say. Innovation takes time to set in and the predictable reaction is always to resist change."

So that went well. CCP appears to be leaking like a sieve. Given the recent authenticated reviews of the company that have popped up on Glassdoor during the past month, that's not a surprise.

What's happened here is a whole nexus of rage from many corners of the playerbase was ignited by one catalyst. Some are angry that Incarna has no real content for veteran players. Some are angry about NeX vanity items being too expensive; some are angry that NeX exists at all. Most appear to be horrified by the lurking shadow of Pay to Win, and just about everyone is pissed off at the dismissive, condescending and money-hungry attitudes displayed in the CCP newsletter, the Hilmar email, and the damage control devblogs.

Why Do We Give A Shit?

I and the rest of the CSM have been extremely blunt in our demands that CCP issue a formal disavowal of 'gold ammo', non-vanity microtransactions, or otherwise bleeding gold into the sandbox of EVE. My impression is that a quick "Look, the monocles are expensive, but we're not doing gold ammo" would have ended this crisis days ago and CCP wouldn't be down at least 2500 accounts. The fact that CCP has remained silent on the issue is increasingly being taken to imply what everyone fears - that a company which would without irony charge $70 for a space monocle will issue $250 i-win lasers.

A few years ago, we saw the impact that 'oligarchs' had on the nullsec metagame, when Red Overlord had SerLordex spend a hundred thousand dollars on Eve Online, A Bad Game. The kind of economic distortion that would come from a legalized and pervasive 'gold ammo' style of gameplay would mean that, in order to stay competitive, every PvP entity would be obliged to acquire and use gameplay-enhancing gold items or suffer for their austerity. Perhaps some of you think that 'Pay to Win' is acceptable in a competitive subscription MMO; I do not.

What The Fuck Were They Thinking?

This is my impression of what happened, not based on any NDA information or CSM Secret Squirrel shit.

CCP's Virtual Goods store tried to imitate the business concept of Starbucks. The great Starbucks trick was coming up with a fancy setting and bourgie babby coffee shops, changing the environment of 'buying coffee' enough that the consumer was willing to pay $4 for a cup of coffee where previously he would buy the same drink at Dunkin Donuts for a $1.

Reading Zulu's blog where he emphasizes that EVE is a 'premium experience' and references designer jeans, it seems like the CCP Marketing department hoped to do the same thing. EVE is so special and spiffy and cool, you see, that in EVE you're not buying a hat for a dollar or two like in Team Fortress, or an entire wardrobe in Star Trek Online for seven bucks. Those games are Dunkin Donuts. EVE is Starbucks - it's just so different that you'll buy ~virtual goods~ that are almost ten times the prices of comparable MMOs.

The problem, of course, is that EVE is a broken game. The ship balance is terrible, nullsec desperately needs a revamp, the PvE is laughable, and playing without goons is like stabbing yourself in the balls over and over again. EVE is not a 'premium experience' as it currently stands - particularly if your ATI video card just overheated and died when you tried to load your Captain's Quarters.

So it flopped. CCP tried to distinguish EVE from other MMOs in terms of microtransaction pricing, and now people are running around in lynch mobs wardeccing and blowing up anyone who's actually bought something from the NeX. Selling a virtual shirt that costs more than the real shirts in your own company's store was probably not the suavest move, either.

Where Could This Go?

Rumors indicate that ~5000 unsubs have occurred already; there is already significant media blowback over the Monocle, the protests and the CEO letter, with the gaming press unilaterally taking the side of the outraged playerbase. Unless CCP deploys effective damage control and takes charge of the situation, the risk is that the game itself could see an exodus and abrupt subscriber deflation. Meanwhile, a number of 'famous players' such as Ombey, Helicity Boson and Lallante have loudly thrown in the towel and are playing Perpetuum or Tanks or whatever. These people may be pubbie fucks that we don't care about, but many other pubbie fucks follow them as they are ~opinion leaders~.

Even without the head-up-ass public relations crisis, the Incarna release doesn't look good for CCP. Usually an expansion results in a huge activity spike in subs and online users. While we don't have access to subs information, anyone can chart the downward slope in average users online since January 2011.

While in nullsec we have ties to this game that are primarily social and competitive, Joe Pubbie just wants to spin his CNR in a mission hub; there's not much holding the 80% of the Empire subscribers in this game, should there be an obvious stampede towards the exits. And if they do, the economy of the EVE goes into the shitter overnight, CCP's planned 'revenue stream' to fund DUST and WoD vanishes - which will make them even more eager to extract capital from what players remain in the game - and the media has a field day making Horse Armor and SWG:NGE jokes. That's the Doomsday Scenario.

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#10  Edited By Da_Madness

Put a spider in your ear