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Armies in the Fire

Armies in the Fire

The lamps now glitter down the street
Faintly sound the falling feet
And the blue even slowly falls
About the garden trees and walls

Now in the falling of the gloom
The red fire paints the empty room
And warmly on the roof it looks
And flickers on the back of books

Armies march by tower and spire
Of cities blazing, in the fire
Till as I gaze with staring eyes
The armies fall, the luster dies

Then once again the glow returns
Again the phantom city burns
And down the red-hot valley, lo
The phantom armies marching go

Blinking embers, tell me true
Where are those armies marching to
And what the burning city is
That crumbles in your furnaces!

And the blue even slowly falls
And the blue even slowly falls


My theory regarding Gears Of War 3

first thing first : Gears Of War 3 is not going to be last sequel for this franchise .

 the game will apparently start one year or so after the events of Gears Of War 2 . the humans are now positioned in several large camps around the world . now the coalition of organized governments has more time to examine their enemy . the Locusts , they have ruined men’s  lives , brought nothing but  misery and sorrow …….. but they have to be something …. They are neither ghosts nor Aliens !!!  . they have not reached the earth via UFOs and they do not carry laser guns . Locusts are of this earth , they live in underground , they carry human weapons , they talk in human language , .................................................................they once were human themselves !!!!!      

 Locusts are mutated Humans , they are not zombies , they are intelligent and they plan every part of their actions . they have been tortured  and turned into their current form under Queen's order . the queen is an ambitious human who wants to conquer the world and therefore decides to create an army of mutated Human , an army with stronger and more reckless soldiers . Adam Fenix is an skilled scientist who decides to save mankind from the queen's ill fated desire  . as you hear in the start of Gears Of War 2 the queen says : everything started with the desire  for power

 Adam Fenix starts working for queen in Locust 's project in an attempt to stop her from ruining the earth . Queen herself is not aware of this and think Adam really wants to help her . Adam Fenix is  alive and is still working for the queen , after significant amount of researches , Adam understand that  Locusts are extremely vulnerable against a specific yellowish  substance Aka Imulsion Gas  . he then figure that by injecting very little amount of  that substance into Locusts Body  , they become much stronger , more accurate and more deadly . also after death ;  these creatures can transfer their power to another Locust of their kind by means of the Imulsion  substance   . so even when a member of their squad dies , its power transfer to the other locusts and make them even stronger  (do you remember the Cut scene in which the new locust jump towards Cole and then Cole respond with a shotgun in face !!!! the inner substance were later transferred to another glowing Dude )  , this transformation continues and the more squad members die the stronger the other members become till the last member who becomes a mobile explosive who can due a severe damage by exploding itself . so the new Generation of locusts are much stronger than the old one . also have you noticed that we can only see the new generation of Locusts only under the ground  . yes , this generation of Locusts can not reach the surface as long as they want to stay alive . there is a difference between the new Generation of Locusts and the exploding wretches of the first game .as opposed to the new Generation of Locusts  those exploding wretches were totally overdosed and therefore dangerous for their own kind . so a person turned the Locusts into a new form that only exists under the surface  so he can use them as an army against the typical Locusts . that person is Adam Fenix . he is with the queen but literally Adam is against her .

look for these two key words in Gears Of War 3 : Imulsion Gas , Adam Fenix
look for these two key words in Gears Of War 3 : Imulsion Gas , Adam Fenix


by sinking Jacinto his plan is not functionable anymore since the flood also killed a great portion (if not all ) of the new generation of Locusts . that is why we hear Adam at the end of the credit  shouting  what have you done ? 

so the Locusts will be back  .

summarize :  I believe Gears Of War 3 will  focus on Adam Fenix, his past , his relationship with Marcus and the Queen and his attempts to stop the Queen .

Another great racing game !!!!

-3……. 2………1 Go !!!
-where to ? 
-Go ..!!!!
-why ?
-Just Go !!!! 
-I have just won the last match !!!? 
-I said Go you @*#%
-this match is exactly like the last match , why should I do it again ?
-screw you ....Go
and that is the story about most of the racing games !!!! one match after another, after another after another . a fast and furious trip to nowhere ! a tedious run .

That is why I have not played a racing game in a long time ;  to be more precise Need for speed Carbon was my last  racing experience simply because I do not like to spend hours and hours of boredom  just winning matches that are of no value  . I need a reason to win ! I need action , I want to feel adrenalin pumping in my blood veins , I wanna curse a Cop after turning his car into a wreckage  , I do not want feel drowsy after playing for an hour , I need to rock the world ……… Boom !!!!

You can not catch me dude
You can not catch me dude

Yes , in real life that Boom means you are history but in Need for speed : Undercover it is just a start . 

You need a reason for winning ? hah ? I’ll give you one
You need a reason for winning ? hah ? I’ll give you one

Hopefully Need for speed Undercover , the latest installment of Need for speed Franchise will satisfy OUR NEED FOR SPEED .   we will experience an open world racing game with lots of kick ass Cut scene , cinematic handling , lots and lots of Cops to show skill to and laugh at , a worthy story line as a meal and a Nice Hot girl as SPICE

Do not worry you do not need to be vegetarian for enjoying the spice
Do not worry you do not need to be vegetarian for enjoying the spice

Faith VS Altair lol

Faith VS Altair
Faith VS Altair

Alright here is a running match between Altair and Faith , the winner of the match will be awarded with ……….will be awarded with ………with …….. our applause .  

the match takes place in modern     ( Altair 's hometown  )

Modern Dubai
Modern Dubai

modern Dubai
modern Dubai

Modern looks just like the fictional city in Mirror’s edge ,

Who can get from one side of the city to another faster ? who will win the match and why ?

My vote : I personally believe both are really good , Faith is a parkour pro and Altair is an skilled assassin , but I personally think Altair will cross the city faster for various reasons : he is more reckless than Faith  , he is a man , he kills whoever stands against him using his hidden blade and last but not least he is officially a citizen of Dubai and therefore knows the city , addresses , malls , restaurants and shortcuts better .  

Faith on the other hand is a girl , she does not like to use weapons , she can not bare humid weather of Dubai ,  she can not eat Chinese food before  the match , she can not speak Arabic and therefore can not ask the other civilians for a proper address or direction .  


Gears Of War 2 heading for 2.5 Millions opening week

As we all know Gears Of War 2 is one of the most anticipated game of this holiday season . but can this game beat GTAIV and Halo 3 in terms of sales ?

Previously Microsoft has announced Pre-sales for Epic's sequel Gears of War 2 have surpassed the total pre-sale orders for the original Gears of War.
So far the game has sold very well and Midnight sales alone have surpassed Fable 2's first week sales .
Also you should consider the fact that Gears Of War franchise has its own fan base right now and there are much more hype surrounding GOW2 compare to the first game .

this indicates GOW2 will definitely sell better than the first Gears . as a matter of fact GOW 1 sold more than 900,000 copies during its first week ; but remember that the first game was released in 2006 and now after 2 years so many Xbox360 consoles have been sold and the gamer population has grown significantly .
so far the best sellers of this generation are GTAIV with 3.3 million  and Halo 3 with  3.8 million unit sold during the first week .

considering the current economical crisis that affects not only US but also the whole world ,the gamers tend to buy games that keep them busy for longer amount of time and that is where Multi player components become the center of attentions .
Gears Of War 1 was always in the top multi player games list along with COD 4 and Halo 3 .  there is no doubt that Gears of War 2 will continue this tradition and captures Xbox Live more than ever  which means Gears Of War 2 is the safest choice for all the X360 users this holiday season .

Conclusion : based on the aforementioned facts Gears Of War 2 will easily sell  2 Millions the first week and at best I predict 2.5 to 3 millions of copy to be sold during the opening week  .                                                                                                                 

Will Marcus Fenix become richer than Master Chief ?!!!
Will Marcus Fenix become richer than Master Chief ?!!!


Finally finished Gears Of War 2 on Insane mode

I personally believe that Gears of War 2 is one of the best games ever and that is why I decided to appreciate this well done  game by unlocking all the achievements . the achievements in this game are tougher than the first Gears but I personally love challenge nevertheless  .


Speak of challenge ; I have finally managed to finish Gears of War 2 on Insane mode . I admit that it was really challenging and even frustrating at some points but all and all it was a memorable experience . actually playing this game on insane mode is the most thrilling experience I have ever had this year . taking cover , shooting a round and taking cover again , knowing that you will die with 3 bullets no matter what !!!!!!!!!!  you ‘d LOVE your safe position and reliable cover even more .

these are all awesome moments that could only be achieved on insane mode .


Silent Hill: Homecoming Review

Silent Hill: Homecoming Review


Silent hill Homecoming is a great installment in the series  

The Good : Fantastic story , Superb Music and sounds , improved control , a true silent hillY atmosphere and mood .

The Bad : occasional minor Glitches , Frame rate issue in some levels , lip-sync issue in some of the cinematics .

while I was playing the game the first thing that Took me away was music . the game has an spectacular start THAT resembles the Start of SH1 and SH3 . Everything starts with a Nightmare , then Alex Wakes Up and see everything was a bad Dream (BUT WAS IT REALLY A DREAM ???!!! )
Homecoming in short is sum of all past silent hill experiences yet with a brand new Story and a redefined Controls .
self-talking , foggy town , Dark past, Nurses , Pyramid head , Dogs Howling , Wheelchairs …… they are all here in this game .

the aforementioned start is only one part of it . the game (specially at the beginning) has a mood very similar To SH2 . everything is sad and decayed , Alex comes into Shepherd’s Glen Just to Find it a completely Different place without knowing what is going on .
the game’s undisputed shinning star is absolutely its Music and sound effects (specially in other world ). I was one of those people who had been frustrated a lot in past silent hill Games due to the clunky Controls , but now I am proud to say that controls in Homecoming are Simply Awesome . the 3D camera is perfect since it gives you an ability to examine the environment Very easily ; this feature Coupled with the fact the Alex Turns his face towards the objects of interest would guarantee that You won’t get stuck in the game just for an overlooked Item .

remember that Homecoming is full of Contents that will be ignored by many gamers . this 3D camera help the gamer to See walls and objects easier .take your time and examine all the walls , photos , articles, signs…… , you’ll see such details in the game’s storyline that You would not normally see if you try to Rush in the game (something that IGN Guys missed) . many of these details are not related to game’s progression But just like past silent hills contain lots of information about the Game (Do you remember SH2 ? can you recall the meaning of walls in Doorman Boss fight ? )

in so many scenes the Game forces you to press an specific Key rapidly in order to proceed . this mechanism unlike what the other reviewers believe is really intense and thrilling .
have I mentioned the Journal ? the new Journal Consists of all the clues , Images , Memos and Alex’s opinion about the recent Events. it is an invaluable feature that is necessary for both Progression and story Digestion . just like past silent hill games you will constantly refer to your map for so many reasons but unlike past games you will see less locked doors and also you can easily break some of them (Wooden Doors) By swinging your axe.
Over all in comparison with past games Homecoming is easier in terms of puzzle and riddle and a little harder in terms of Combat (though it is significantly smoother ) .

the game has Decent amount of real time cut-scenes , but I could easily say one forth of the story Could only be understood via Memos and Images scattered around and also the Dialogue-tree scenes .
the cut-scenes varies from very realistic to Not So Realistic at times . but it is safe to say that most of the cut-scenes are beautifully rendered and you can finally experience this story with power of current generation consoles .
Homecoming offers gamers with the best Boss fights in series so far . the boss fights are really challenging and thrilling .
the PS3 version has a glitch that prevent gamers from inverting the Controller’s settings and I assume we will Find a patch sooner or later on PSN .
in some occasions the frame rate falls down significantly though none of those scenes are critical and You won’t lose the game because of them , however you’ll lose the game frequently towards end of the game unless you master Dodging .
Dodging , blocking and Ammo saving in this game are keys to survive .
This time around nowhere is safe , like Resident Evil 4 the doors are nothing more than a Door and almost all the enemies in Homecoming can break the doors and hunt you down .

Havok physics engine Does a nice Job but there are sometimes in the game that You feel the environments are not that interactive and unlike games like Star wars : the force unleashed Havok does not play a major Role in the game play . Bumping into objects , firing your Gun , your Flash light… they all attract the enemies in the vicinity but in Homecoming You’ll find yourself killing the enemies instead of avoiding them most of the times . You’d better face your enemies and kill them rather than playing hide and seek ; in other word this game is meant to be more action oriented (though you should engage in battles with your Melee weapons mostly becasue the ammo is scarce ) .
Fortunately The game’s loading times are short and also they do not happen too frequently , also many of them are hidden in cut-scenes .
Visually Silent hill homecoming looks really Good , forget about the photos and So called HD videos . the game looks Good to me and everything is dark and dreadful , in fact Homecoming is the darkest SH ever . most of textures (specially in other world ) are of high quality and look great . However character models are Not The best out there . Alex himself and Bosses look Surprisingly Detailed however the other Characters could have been a little better .

The game is the longest Silent hill Journey so far and will take you somewhere around 10 to 14 hours . unlike what IGN said , story in Homecoming is absolutely amazing and In my opinion is the best story after SH2 So I assume that you already know there is something wrong with Alex and he is not a perfect man .
The pyramid Head’s presence got its own meaning , it is totally related to plot but his role is not as important as it was in SH2 , thus most of the story is focused around Alex , the Cult , Josh and Adam .
over all Silent hill Homecoming is what All the fans expected . I loved this game and I believe 2008 was the best Gaming year for me since I experienced Two of the best Titles ever (GTAIV and SH : Homecoming ) .
important Notes :
1-I strictly recommend you to play this game with Vibration , in some scenes this is a must .
2- play this game with loud volume . this makes you way more frightened (guaranteed)
3- the game is very dark in some parts , so I recommend you to add up the Brightness or simply play this game in a dark room (I did the latter and it worked ) .

Graphics : 3/5 [ while not as great as titles like MGS4 , it really looks Good ]
Game play : 4/5 [the new redefined combat system , Dialogue- tree , interactive cinematics , Faster pace ……all get the Job Done ]
Music and sound : 5/5 [Akira Yamaoka Presented us with yet another Masterpiece ]
Replay value : 3/5 [has the most replay value in series since SH3 . lots of costume , tons of collectable ,special weapons , Alternate Endings and dialogues ]
Over all : 4/5 [the best silent hill game since SH2 ]



The man

Well I wanted to describe a cold fall in this surreal poem , the color of this song is a combination of orange and yellow . I wanted to feel  coldness despite the orange dusk . also I wanted the environment to be so silent that hurts ears of the character . the poem is short in order to show the short time between the character’s first-impression and his disappearance .  

The man

the shallow man filled with sorrow

regretting  the past ,no hope for tomorrow

the elegant birds have flown

left the displeased man alone

he was lost and of no abode

forgot about things he once bestowed

the orange tint of the grass

as if they were made of brass

the bare branches of fall trees

the silent stones were the only attendees

everywhere was cold , the wind blowing

feet were frozen , the dark bird crowing

the man kept walking on the unsettling ground

without a destination , was weak and downed

the man was thirsty and tired

the only spring was expired

the man kept walking on the unsettling ground

the old companion was nowhere to be found

deadly silence of the field was so loud

he was thinking about the peace in a burial shroud

No one ever seen or heard the man again

he was only a lonely man among men

But they never knew that the man kept walking on the unsettling ground

He found his ultimate place , a place called  silent mound