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FFN in GTA IV : The Lost and Damned caused another controversy

Common Sense Media, a group who looks to review entertainment products for children, has spoken out against Rockstar’s latest offering The Lost and Damned. As many of you know the expansion pack for the ever-popular GTA IV includes a scene of full frontal male nudity.

"Heavy violence, strong language -- and now nudity," the group said. "Thought this M-rated game series couldn't go any lower? Think again."

Common Sense Media reviewer Marc Saltzman said that the game, developed by Rockstar Games and published by Take-Two Interactive Software, contains depictions of full-frontal male nudity. It also has graphically violent scenes, including one in which a gang member's face is pressed against the spinning wheel of a motorcycle.

The game, Saltzman said, "should be kept away -- far away -- from children."

Lawmakers from , and other states have tried to prevent minors from getting their hands on Mature-rated video games, but their efforts have met resistance from federal courts.

On Feb. 20, a three-judge panel of the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in San Francisco upheld a District Court ruling from 2007 that invalidated a California law banning the sale or rental of violent games to people younger than 18.

The appeals court agreed with the trial court that the law was a violation of the First Amendment, which protects free speech. Similar laws in , , , , and have been struck down by federal courts on First Amendment grounds.


Boost your memory by doodling !!!

You have got Physics exam tomorrow  , you have been playing Killzone 2 for 6 hours and unlocked multiple ribbons . You can only study for 2 hours before going to bed . After opening your notebook and looking at the first question , you desperately try to remember the Momentum formula , P= F/A  oh snap that is the pressure ;       P= W/t  Damn that is power and after a sneak peak you then realize Momentum’s formula is actually  P=mv .

Having trouble remembering is a common issue among all humans of all ages and it is directly related to state of memory . Many think a great memory is something that only genius people (aka geeks ) possess . The truth is , everyone can possess a better memory so long he/she wants it .

In nutshell , The more focused you are while learning /listening to / watching /reading something the easier you’ll remember it in future .

Unfortunately If someone is doing a task (specially a boring one ) , like listening to a dull telephone conversation, attending calculus class and …….  they may start to daydream .

Researchers in the UK  found that test subjects who doodled while listening to a recorded message had a 29 percent better recall of the message's details than those who didn't doodle. The findings were published in Applied Cognitive Psychology.
Study researcher Professor Jackie Andrade, said in a news release issued by the journal's publisher. "Daydreaming distracts them from the task, resulting in poorer performance. A simple task, like doodling, may be sufficient to stop daydreaming without affecting performance on the main task."

For the experiment, a two-and-a-half minute listing of several people's names and places was played for test subjects, who were charged with writing down only the names of the people said to be attending a party. During the recording, half the participants were asked to simultaneously shade in shapes on a piece of paper without attention to neatness. Participants were not told they were taking part in a memory test.

When the recording ended, all were asked for the eight names of those attending the party as well as eight place names mentioned in the audio. Those asked to doodle wrote down, on average, 7.5 names and places, while those who didn't doodle listed only 5.8.

"In psychology, tests of memory or attention will often use a second task to selectively block a particular mental process," Andrade said. "If that process is important for the main cognitive task, then performance will be impaired. My research shows that beneficial effects of secondary tasks, such as doodling, on concentration may offset the effects of selective blockade."

In everyday life, Andrade said, doodling "may be something we do because it helps to keep us on track with a boring task, rather than being an unnecessary distraction that we should try to resist doing."

Other tips for boosting memory

Taking a nap : People who take daytime naps outperform non-nappers on memory exercises. And, surprisingly, a mere 6 minutes of shut-eye is enough to refresh the mind.

Playing crosswords and puzzle games  : Yeah,this thing actually helps ; you should also remember that there are lots of crossword games on hand held consoles.


Cutting calories: I guess in a website that is powered by pancake and booze this option does not work at all ;)


Strong Connections :
In a study of 16,638 older adults, people who were married, active in volunteer groups, and in regular contact with friends, family, and neighbors had slower declines in memory than their less social counterparts. In fact, declines in the most socially active types were about half of those in the least social group .

Useful links regarding memory boost :


Interview with Resident evil 5 producer Jun Takeuchi

 Joystiq had an interview with Resident evil 5 producer Jun Takeuchi.


The interview does not reveal so much beyond what has already been announced ,but its is great to know things like Takeuchi 's attitude towards Shinji Mikami the series famous designer  !!! when he says  “So I am not really sure I want to know actually what he thinks of it. Probably, he is the last person whose opinion I want to ask about the game. “ .

Takeuchi also mentioned that control scheme and level design will make more sense so long the player experience the whole game (not just a demo) .

Read the full interview here


Top 10 greatest video game heroines (Revised)

Edit : Because everyone started criticizing that Lightning and Sheva are not present characters  I have changed the list and the order a bit .  [ Actually I am sold , you guys are right and that is why I have revised it  ] :)

When it comes to female characters in video games we usually expect them to be helpless good looking beings waiting to be rescued by other protagonists . But this image that first was started with games such as Donkey Kong and Super Mario has changed through time and nowadays we see them as main characters (heroines) capable of assorted things . As you may know , the number of female heroines (playable ) is considerably less than non-playable female characters . The list bellow is the chosen top 10 greatest heroines that do not wait to be rescued !!! ( I know , Donkey Kong reference again ).

Note : This list is merely about playable heroines and NOT all female characters .

10-Faith (Mirror's Edge ): As a pro at Parkour Faith is really not into walking in the streets , this being said she is still a caring individual that despise harming the others (even her enemies )  . Faith's knack for running into and away from her problems at the same time makes it easy to get pulled along, breathlessly waiting to see what solution she finds along the way .


9-Chun-Li (Street Fighter, ) : Chun-Li was the Billie Jean King of video game characters. When the Street Fighter II arcade game came out, it was refreshing to see a character that was more than a hot young body and could mix it up with the guys. She returns with the new release Street Fighter IV .


8-Heather Mason (Silent hill 3  ) :  Unlike her fragile look , Heather is actually one of the strongest female heroines I have ever seen . As a girl with mysterious past , who has never seen her mother and is unable to sleep well , she has to experience the hell itself all alone . In the way to uncover the truth she stands against her fear , sinister monsters and most importantly the Satan in her womb . 


7-Jade (Beyond Good & Evil) : Armed with her reporter skills, a camera and quick moves with a dai jo stick, Jade investigates the corruption of the military force that was supposed to protect them from the marauding aliens, the DomZ. Tomboyish in nature, Jade was simply a regular gal caught in the middle of a conflict while running an orphanage for the injured children of Hillys.


6- Maria (Silent hill 2 ) : As a playable character in "Born from a Wish " scenario  Maria is a fictitious individual in Silent hill 2 created by James Sunderland 's disturbed mind (hybrid of a stripper called lady Maria and Mary)   . She suffers from and unknown illness . Her presence in the town of silent hill is just for the purpose of showing the ultimate truth to James .


5-Carla Valenti ( Fahrenheit / Indigo Prophecy ) :  Carla Valenti is  an NYPD Detective Inspector who is investigating the ritual murders occurring in Big apple . Carla is  a highly claustrophobic yet quite strong female who later determines the future of planet earth along with Lucas kane .


4-Ada Wong (Resident evil 4 ) :  This sexy mysterious agent is a spy for an unnamed organization seeking various samples of T-virus . Her combat abilities are remarkable but her deliberately hot appearance is even more astounding .


3-Victoria McPherson (Still life ) : An FBI agent who is the granddaughter of famous Gus McPherson (Post Mortem). While visiting her father, she learns of criminal cases in Europe that were investigated by her grandfather 75 years ago. The cases are similar to the serial murder she is investigating. Victoria  is known as a very smart and ambitious heroine , she is really good at investigating crime scenes  ,shooting , driving and of course cussing !!!   


2-Zoey (Left 4 Dead, ) : Not your typical horror movie gal - brunet, snarky and wielding dual pistols - she's more than capable of handling herself in a zombie party. Her best quote, upon seeing a wall filled with "God is dead" graffiti is :  "Oh no! The zombies killed God!" .
Zoey is voiced by Jen Taylor, who is also Cortana in the Halo series.



1-Lara Croft (Tomb Raider series  ) : Lara is the only female character [after Faith] good enough to compete with Prince of Persia in terms of acrobatic skills . She is also the most promoted female character through  TV-ads , Lara Croft tours , comic books, movies, animated shorts, and novels  . Guinness Book of World Records name her as the most successful human video game heroine .


Video games and political messages

At    the Terra future conference held in UK , Lord Puttnam,  chairman of the National Endowment for Science, Technology and the Arts issued a statement saying "Serious games based upon real-life geography should be vital tools in our fight against climate change . Educating people about the impact of prolonged changes to our climate in an accessible way is the best catalyst for action I know."

British politicians have been actively promoting various ways to control the effects of global warming and using video games as a way of spreading their messages in a more effective way .  

Although as you may know , this is not the first time that video games are being used to convey political messages.  Considering the ever growing popularity of video game industry that gets better and better despite the failures seen in almost every other industries ,  choosing video games as a means of political notes delivery does not seem odd whatsoever .


 If you recall,  during the 2008 presidential campaign, the Obama campaign placed political ads in 18 video games, including "Burnout Paradise".

So far 2 climate change-themed games has been released . One was developed in conjunction with the U.K. Department of the Environment and called Operation: Climate Control. The other, Climate Challenge, was developed by the BBC, Oxford University Environmental Change Institute and

So I guess  we should wait for more and more political contents in video games !


Valentine's Day and discounted flowers !!!

Valentine's day is arriving and we all know that there is no better gift than flowers . If you are a CNN podcast listener like me then you are already aware that has an special offer just for podcast listeners . get 15% off any flower bouquet plus a free glass vase . also I should mention that prices start from 19.99 so that is a fair deal . 

Not all of you may necessarily listen to CNN’s podcasts  but you listen to Giant Bomb Cast which is even better ;) .  all you have to do is to visit here and enter the password “podcast “ .  

This is something I have just become aware of and thought it would be good to share it with you bombers as well !!!


Video games and poetry

Most of the gamers consider video games as one of the purest form of entertainment thus try to play them in order to have fun . we enjoy seeing the tale of  fictional characters being written by our hands or more precisely by our controllers ;) .

Some of us establish a strong connection between the video games and ourselves that makes us believe the world of video games as a real one .
Such attitude towards video games result in emotional feelings and thefore forcing some of the gamers into writing a poem !!!
Yes ! writing poem is one of the best ways to express feelings about a video game in an emotional and unique way .

In fact in the poems we can describe events of a game from a fundamentally different perspective , things that most of the gamers ignore while playing become the subject of interest in writing poem . 

An empty room with nothing to loot and no item is of no value to the player while that exact room could be sign of loneliness or pain for a poet .

The poems bellow are some of the best video game poems I have ever found on the internet (be aware that all of these poems are written by regular gamers and NO!!!.. none of them are major in literature and whatnot )  

Poem regarding : Metal gear solid 

Poison of the patriots

Sado-amorous principalities
            Undulating soft underneath foreign soil dark
Dote on the men they feed to cannons:
Those hearts gorged with enzymes of patriots,
Evolving into conglomerates of drone psyches.
They prepare for a war of consumption
Of hidden truths
            Leaf and iron uniformly mask my existence
            I subsist and grow on the subjugated rats
            Whose teeth are bared against me

Of higher motives
Of hunger.
            I am the night that reveals the day to the slumbering bats
            Whose fly-lined bellies spew viscid toxin

Heraldic sirens declare the new world order
From Babel to New York, the
            Forfeit, however, their lives have become
            To the venom I cultivate from my soul
            To my silenced fangs that trickle honor soaked fatality

 Churches glow from
Candelabras gilded with consecrated plutonium,
Pews in domino-effected rows:
The opiate of the mass with refitted menorahs
To launch forth the nuclear Holocaust once more.
            Forked senses ameliorate truth and fiction
            Deception and subterfuge are my asylums
            Duty informs my steps as infiltration forms my modus
            I twist where others writhe.
            I stalk where others chase.

Annihilation reformed to glorious mobility!
Defamation liberated to complete autonomy!
Destruction shall rain from the sky as torrents of propelled atomic desecration sprung in wave after wave after wave after wave until the earth is enveloped in winter too cold to ever thaw and too gorged on death to ever surrender to us the souls of those we have loved and takes what we have left and dissolves it in a final image of our fate—
            Magnanimity is the glory of kings
            Not the blade of the assassin
            Nor the helmet of the soldier;
            I offer no quarter to the enemies of my people:
            The enemies of all people.

            I am the enemy of your enemy.
           the poison of the Patriots.
           the fate of Metal Gear.


Poem regarding: Hitman  

Eli, Eli

We are fused with a casing,
Souls bound to one another.
Injected into skin and flesh and bone and muscle,
Without alternative to our path.
Fixed motives fill our minds
As inherited blemish and fault is gifted
To each child, born farther from divinity
With less chance of a perfect soul being spawned
Into a perfect shell.

Out of God's domain,
The gloved hand of science interfered
With righteous syringes and petrie dishes
Removing flaw and flaw and flaw
Imposing life where none was given.
The sins of man create a man to sin,
Outside the realm of the spirit's guidance
Where no eyes pierce as I load my gun
The holy Father must turn His head
My shot's Golgotha wisps burn his sight
For He knows I am not His son.


Poem regarding : Resident evil

I will hear it soon

I engulf the smell of rotting flesh, as I strain
to hear the slow slick tendrils lick the walls
there is a jagged rusted blade being dragged down the stairs
and I will hear it soon.

Across the room, there is my frantic laugh
carving its way through the noises that infect
the echo of my last bullet tearing away –
pinging on a windowpane and
missing the mouth that aches for my flesh

The echo brings the ping and the laugh and
I know I’ve fired another bullet.
barricaded another door.
typed another note.
lived another minute.
breathed another breath.

The shrapnel, glass and charred wood bleed me
the bandage holds them in, where every rabid scratch against my gut
reminds me I’m alive again.

Duty is the sane motivator of a world I can’t remember, so
the howling typewriter clicks me closer to where I’m going
where the gurgling gasps of the dead serve to me
the simple notes, singing that I’ve
lived another minute.


Poem regarding : Bioshock

Lot 192

Wailing and whispering sounds the same
Outside my window, riding the wind,
Underneath the sea there are echoes
Laughing and crying, awakening me before
Dreams remind me who I am.

Years pass and I grow
On the lands you left behind, while unable to
Uselessly, quietly protest my own thoughts.

Killing on your three words
Inside of your home, your curse, it leaves me
Now, as I close my eyes and see myself,
Doing what I please,
Letting your words mean nothing, and letting
Younger hearts prevail over ours.


Poem regarding: Super Mario bros

He didn't teach me how to jump

Tiny fingers grip a gray controller,
Gliding around glossy cherry buttons.
Eager eyes. Immersed pixels. Scripted dances.
I pound a direction, swerve my controller
And Mario jogs along the path obediently.

The scrolling screen reveals an opponent:
A cluster of white and brown, eyebrows slanted with hatred,
Resolute in his mindless march.
Fingers turn white – pressing harder, harder.

His charge met with flight
As the plumber is thrown to the air,
Then plummets off to the abyss.

Slain by the first enemy I’ve ever seen,
The title screen flashes mockingly.
I slump down and cast my controller aside.
Mourning the death of my playtime
I glare over at my father, daring him to do better,
To see where I made my blunder.

“Daddy’s turn to play Mario” he says
As he resumes his game play…
And I ignore the smile worn on his face.

If you are interested or even have a poem of your own  visit HERE


Beck is Back

 The week that past was a tremendously busy one for me , as a result I was away from Giant Bomb for that past 7-8 days .

At the moment I miss Giant Bomb so much that I want to grab the lovely bomb of the website ‘s logo and let it explode in my hands !!!! 


Unemployment is becoming more and more serious in America

Apparently job losses and unemployment among American people and due to the recession is causing more than expected troubles for not only their lives  but also their minds and souls  . 

CNN just posted the article bellow :

"LOS ANGELES, California (CNN) -- Elizabeth Gore, with a voice soaked in motherly calm, counsels her suicidal caller.

"You don't want to live if you can't find a job; I think we need to send you to an emergency room," Gore suggests through her headset.

Gore is among the counselors at the County Mental Heath ACCESS call-in center. Counselors there reckon with 's unemployment rate of 9.5 percent, among the worst in the nation.

"Well, it's a big deal when you tell me that you don't want to live if you don't find something," Gore stresses to her caller. "Do you realize what you're telling me? I am not trying to preach, but that's kind of frightening."

"'s of people don't have jobs," Gore continues with her caller. "You've applied for 200 jobs and only got one call back?"

"Well don't get too dismayed and too discouraged," Gore says. "We are going to get you some kind of counseling first."

Gore hangs in there with her caller like a bent nail. The suicidal woman agrees to go to a psychological evaluation set up by Gore, at a nearby clinic.

Callers reach the counselors at 800-854-7771 for free. It's the same number Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa firmly and clearly broadcasted, after the murder-suicide of seven people Tuesday in the working class neighborhood of .

Erwin Lupoe and his wife, Ana, had been fired from their jobs a week before the tragedy. But whether job loss stems from a firing or a layoff, the effects are traumatic.

"I don't think it's ever been this bad. Not in my tenure," Gore said. "Because the people that we're dealing with now, they have always had [money]. They went to school, they were able to get jobs. Now the jobs are not even out there."

Supervisors at the call-in center say many of these calls are not strictly about mental-health issues, but deal with lapsed medical insurance, foreclosure, bank problems and unemployment benefits.

Gore is 70, a mother of five, with a master's in Health Administration Management and eight years of handling callers over the phone.

Los Angeles County Mental Health executives say a rising number of people who make that 800 call speak only Spanish.

Maricela Velasquez takes many of the Spanish calls, talking and typing while a little figure of a guardian angel seems to watch over her keyboard.

The counselor says there are barriers, because a lot of Latino callers want help but need an education about therapy and mental health.

"They start telling me, 'no soy loco,' I am not crazy," Velasquez explains. "They argue they don't need to go to a home for crazy people.

"A lot of the [Spanish-speaking] families do call because they have lost their jobs, or they know a family member who has lost their job. We try to assure them that everything is going to be OK and that it is normal for them to feel depressed."

Velasquez tries to help her some of her callers find the resources that can improve their employment situation, at times referring them to specific job training or job search sites.

And she and every other worker at this center want people to know, no matter how desperate and broke, that they can afford therapy.

As Velasquez points a caller to psychological help, one therapist is listed as costing between zero and $30 a session, depending on need. Another psychologist costs from $25 to $90.

The screen reads out the list of issues the therapists at clinics deal with, "child abuse, divorce, adult survivors of incest, family violence."

Velasquez wishes Lupoe, the man who killed his family and himself in , had called her.

"We would have intervened," says Velasquez, who also has a masters' degree. "We would have sent a clinician out there right away, within an hour, even sooner. And we would have to contact law enforcement to help us. Especially if he's at the point of telling us at that time he would try to do something."


The phone rings again. Velasquez, Gore and others start their duty of soothing tortured souls.

Often it's as simple as getting someone to agree to lying down on a therapist's couch, so they won't soon lie down in a casket. "



NPD December 2008 , the year ended with glory

The year that past was indeed a glorious year for video game industry  . NPD group just released the December 2008 report .
The United States video game industry saw considerable growth in December 2008, with nearly all consoles achieves sales increases over the same period last year. In what appears to be a regular occurrence, Nintendo performed well as a company as the Wii moved 2.15 million units in the holiday month. Some analysts were expecting the Wii to break the PS2 sales record month of 2.7 million from December 2002, but it appears stock issues again hindered the Wii. The Nintendo DS picked up momentum and sold 3.04 million, an astonishing number for its fifth December.
In what can't be seen as good news for Sony, all three of its systems saw a decrease in sales from NPD December 2007. The PS2 dropped down by almost 700,000. Its Q3 sales earnings will be released in the coming weeks.

Call of Duty: World at War followed up its strong November showing by shifting 1.33 million on the Xbox 360 alone. Five titles in the top 10 belong to the Wii, all but Guitar Hero are first-party. Xbox 360 snatched up three spots, while the PlayStation 3's Call of Duty landed at #9. Strong sales of Guitar Hero and Rock Band show music-themed games are still very popular in the U.S.

In this regard Anita Frazier, NPD Group analyst, says "While industry growth has not continued at the blistering pace we saw during the second and third quarters, December's 9% increase over last December brings the year in 19% ahead of last year, and sets a new record for total industry sales. This month marks the first time that industry revenue has topped $5B in any single month. In 1997, annual revenues were $5.1B, and now a single month has realized that level of sales."

December 's top selling games 

1.  Wii Play w/ remote - Wii - Nintendo - 1.46 million
2. Call of Duty: World at War - Xbox 360 - Activision - 1.33 million*
3. Wii Fit w/ balance board - Wii - Nintendo - 999,000
4. Mario Kart Wii w/ wheel - Wii - Nintendo - 979,000
5. Guitar Hero: World Tour - Wii - Activision - 850,000
6. Gears of War 2 - Xbox 360 - Microsoft - 745,000
7. Left 4 Dead - Xbox 360 - Electronic Arts - 629,000
8. Mario Kart - DS - Nintendo - 540,000
9. Call of Duty: World at War - PS3 - Activision - 533,000
10. Animal Crossing: City Folk - Wii - Nintendo - 497,000

December's hardware sales figure

1- Wii - 2.15 million
2- Nintendo DS - 3.04 million
3- X360 - 1.44 million
4- PS3 - 726,000
5- PSP - 1.02 million
 6- PS2 - 410,000
All consoles (including hand-held ) except for PS2 and PS3 saw increase in sales compare to the year before
All consoles (including hand-held ) except for PS2 and PS3 saw increase in sales compare to the year before














 The industry's top 4 selling games of 2008 were: Wii Play  at No. 1, Mario Kart  Wii at No. 2, Wii Fit at No.3, and Super Smash Brothers  Brawl, at No.4. Industry annual revenues jumped 19% in 2008 over 2007, and Nintendo products were responsible for 99% of those additional retail dollars.
Nintendo DS set another industry record for system sales in any month, with 3.04 million units sold in December. Wii broke its own monthly record, set in December 2007, by selling 2.14 million units last month.

In December, Nintendo titles filled 20 of the top 30 spots on the best-seller list. Six games made for Nintendo systems placed in the top 10, including Wii Music  for Wii (No. 9), which has now sold 865,000 units following its launch in October 2008, and Mario Kart DS for the Nintendo DS (No. 7), which has sold a total of 4.3 million units 38 months after launch.
Activision's Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock and Guitar Hero World Tour, and MTV Games/EA's Rock Band Special Edition Bundle all sold more units on Nintendo platforms than any other platforms in 2008.
More 3rd party units were sold for Wii than any other home consoles in December for the 2nd consecutive month.
For the year, more than 132 million games were sold in America for play on Nintendo systems.

We are winners, F'ing winners !!! Style baby , we are Ice cold Yeaaaaaaaaaaaah!!!
We are winners, F'ing winners !!! Style baby , we are Ice cold Yeaaaaaaaaaaaah!!!

According to Microsoft 's latest announcement December '08 was the biggest month for Xbox 360 in history . Xbox 360 sold more consoles, games and online entertainment experiences in 2008 than any previous year,also in holiday quarter,Xbox 360 outsold PS3 by more than 2 to 1.
Despite a decline in overall consumer spending during the holidays, video games continued to shine as a bright spot, with Xbox 360 registering record-setting numbers in December, selling 1.4 million consoles in the U.S. (December NPD data).
Not only did the Xbox 360 see its weekly sales run rate increase 38 percent compared to November, it also continued to outperform the PS3 by two-to-one for the third month in a row (December NPD data).

With third-party game sales for Xbox 360 increasing from $298 million in November to $504 million in December, it's no surprise that Xbox 360 has generated more life-to-date dollars at retail for third-party publishers than the PS3 and Wii combined. "Gears of War 2," "Call of Duty: World at War," "Grand Theft Auto IV," "Madden NFL 09," "Left 4 Dead" and the critically acclaimed "Fable II" were some of the hottest Xbox 360 games in 2008. Three Xbox 360 games appeared on the top 10 list in December, including "Call of Duty: World at War," "Left 4 Dead" and "Gears of War 2." (December NPD data)

"Our goal for 2008 was to reach new audiences by bringing ground-breaking games and entertainment to Xbox 360," said Don Mattrick, senior vice president of the Interactive Entertainment Business at Microsoft. "Looking forward, new waves of innovation will extend our position as the global leader in interactive entertainment."
As announced by Microsoft last week, Xbox LIVE continues to experience rapid growth; online transactions over Xbox LIVE grew 84 percent in 2008 over 2007. More than 40 million downloads took place through the LIVE Marketplace in December alone (Microsoft internal data). With consumer appetite for immediate online entertainment growing exponentially, Xbox LIVE is poised for another great year in 2009

Peter Dille
Peter Dille

Apparently Sony was not satisfied with NPD's results and thus released a review of its products itself , here is Sony's Peter Dille 's statement :

PlayStation Brand Staged for Continued Momentum in 2009

Total 2008 PS3 Hardware Sales Up 40% and PS3 Software Sales Up 115% in the U.S.
The PlayStation® brand delivered continued sales momentum throughout 2008 with a total of 3.6 million PLAYSTATION®3 (PS3™) units sold in the U.S. by the end of 2008, an increase of 40% from the previous year. In December, 726,005 PS3 hardware units were sold, representing an increase of 92% from November.
PS3 also generated one of its strongest months in software unit sales in the U.S., with almost 6 million units sold in December. For the calendar year, PS3 software unit sales increased 116%.
Top-selling games for PS3 in December included exclusive hits Resistance 2 and LittleBigPlanet, as well as third-party blockbusters, such as Activision's Call of Duty: World at War, Midway Games' Mortal Kombat vs. DC Universe, and Ubisoft's Price of Persia.
Top-selling games for PS3 in 2008 included Grand Theft Auto IV, Call of Duty: World at War and the exclusive Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots.

PlayStation Network
With more than 17 million PlayStation®Network users worldwide and a total of 330 million pieces of content downloaded to date, the PlayStation Network continued to be a destination of choice during the holidays for interactive entertainment content.
Top three most downloaded games in December included Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix, Soldner-X: Himmelssturmer and Linger in Shadows.
Top three most downloaded movies in Decemberincluded The Dark Knight, Step Brothers, and GetSmart.

PlayStation Portable
PSP® (PlayStation®Portable) and the Ratchet & Clank: Size Matters PSP Entertainment Pack continued to be popular choices in the U.S. for on-the-go entertainment in December, with more than 1 million hardware units sold, an increase of 143% from November. In December, more than 3.7 million software units were sold for PSP, including popular hits such as Madden NFL 09, WWE Smackdown vs. Raw 2009 and Lego Batman: The Videogame.
The PSP exclusive titles Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII and God of War: Chains of Olympus, which both launched in March, were the top two most popular titles of 2008 and sold a combined 1,313,893 units in 2008.

PlayStation 2
PlayStation®2 (PS2) and the LEGO Batman: The Videogame PS2 Entertainment Pack delivered another month of solid sales in December, with a 99% increase in hardware units and 124% lift in software units from the previous month.
The Guitar Hero franchise sold over 3 million units on the PS2 in 2008.
Power of the PlayStation Portfolio
In 2008, the PlayStation brand generated more than $6.4 billion in revenue in the U.S.
PlayStation's hardware unit revenue generated more than $2.5 billion in 2008.
PlayStation's software unit revenue totaled more than $3.2 billion in 2008.
Executive Perspective

"The PlayStation brand has had a solid calendar year with total PS3 hardware sales up 40% and total PS3 software sales up 115%. We remain confident in our momentum into 2009 as we continue to deliver to our consumers the best entertainment content and technology out there. And we delivered on that promise this past year with one of the best software line-ups in the industry, a dramatically expanded PlayStation Network with the launch of the video delivery service and the beta of PlayStation Home, as well as extended hardware offerings with the PSP 3000 and Uncharted 160GB PS3 bundle. We also hit a remarkable milestone for the PlayStation 2 platform in North America with 50 million units sold. It's truly an amazing testament to the power and legacy of our brand."

NPD 's 2008 in review

The key story for 2008 was the increased competition between the PlayStation 3 and the Xbox 360. Starting in January, the PS3 outsold the Xbox 360 by approximately 40,000 units. However, Microsoft said they misjudged demand and struggled to produce supply until late February.
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For the entire year, the PS3 outsold the 360 five out of the twelve months, with two more months within 5,000 of each other. However, the Xbox 360 scored the pivotal holiday months in November and December. Overall, the PS3 experienced substantial growth from 2007. The Wii and Nintendo DS were the top two sellers. Wii, still suffering from supply issues, shifted record-breaking units month after month. The 803,000 October sales mark was a record for a non-holiday month and November's 2 million was that month's largest total.
For the first half of 2008, revenue was at $8.3 billion, up from $6.1 billion for the same period in 2007 and $4.3 billion in 2006
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Calendar year

(Top selling games throughout the year 2008 )

   1. Wii Play w/ remote - Wii - Nintendo - 5.28 million
   2. Mario Kart Wii w/ wheel - Wii - Nintendo - 5.00 million
   3. Wii Fit w/ balance board - Wii - Nintendo - 4.53 million
   4. Super Smash Bros. Brawl - Wii - Nintendo - 4.17 million
   5. Grand Theft Auto IV - Xbox 360 - Take-Two - 3.29 million
   6. Call of Duty: World at War - Xbox 360 - Activision - 2.75 million
   7. Gears of War 2 - Xbox 360 - Microsoft - 2.31 million
   8. Grand Theft Auto IV - PS3 - Take-Two - 1.89 million
   9. Madden NFL '09 - Xbox 360 - Electronic Arts - 1.87 million
  10. Mario Kart - DS - Nintendo - 1.65 million

Let us hope that 2009 will be as prosperous as the year before for video game industry