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Sorry for the bad quality...(Part 1)

So, I used to record me spitting game on youtube. These were reviews, and I want to see them represented on, but I can't embed the video and meet the minimum character requirement. So here are a few "video" reviews.


Save data corruption.

So all my save data for the Xbox 360 just got destroyed, erased, and nuked. It's not that big of a deal to me for now because I can continue from where I left off on Halo: Reach, which was the main game I was playing. However, this got me thinking about saved games and how they affect how we play a video game. I guess I've got good enough games to show as examples, so here we go.


Quicksaving has been a staple of most PC FPS's for a long time. Pushing a key to save lets you inch your way through a difficult game without much difficulty, but is this cheating? I don't know, but I do know that I quicksaved in these games

Half Life, Opposing Force, Blue Shift

Hey do you remember the 'ole Freeman? I do, in fact I only played this game last year when it went on sale for its 10th anniversary, and man was that game tougher than I thought. It was made a whole lot harder by my ineptitude at finding/using the quicksave key. I started to use it more in the two expansions, Opposing Force and Blue Shift, to make for play-sessions that weren't very hard at all. However, it did make me play more of a trial-and-error style than I normally would have, although that may just have been the nature of the genre back then.


Halo: Reach

So yeah, Halo: Reach has autosaving or checkpointing if you will. Most of the time it works, but sometimes you can get caught in a rut. Unlike quicksaving you can't control where the game saves, so if it decides to save when you only have two health with a Wraith blast right above your head? You're screwed.

I'm not going to do this anymore

You know all this stuff anyway, so what data have lost that was dear to you?
My dear losses:
  • My level 61 Brick
  • My Mario and Luigi: Superstar Saga data like 50,000,000 freaking times
  • Metroid Zero mission about 25,000,000 freaking times
  • Wind Waker data got erased quite a bit too if I remember correctly
Probably, some others but what about you'se guys?
Oh, and what save systems have broken/ruined games?
Whether it be the Karma achievements in Fallout 3, to not being able to get where you need to go in Dead Rising 2, or going out of your way to save every 10 minutes in FFVII

Backlogs and the trouble they bring with them from the past......

So, I didn't s-rank CoD 2. I figured it was too much trouble, and so I sold it to GameStop. Yeah, that was a smart move. I also sold Crackdown and The Orange Box for 360, since I have most of the good stuff on PC now. Speaking of the PC I have a crap-ton of games that I have yet to finish, or even start for that matter. I bought Splinter Cell Chaos Theory a long time ago, and I got to the third mission and stopped playing it because I hate stealth-action, I think. Then there's a whole bunch more, and here's a can look at it or not....I don't....I've got chores to do...what's in your backlog, maybe? Bye.


MP trolls suck, but they're better than Borderlands randoms.

So, I was playing L4D on PC (if you want to play with me, Steam ID is colonelpopcorn) and some guy/gal whose name was " ". Seriously, he/she had no name, and it was late in the 4th map of the Dead Air campaign that he/she joined. Dude started shootin' me up, and I hated it, cause person killed us all and screwed me out of my complete the campaign achievement. Whatever, I'm not that mad, in fact it was a little amusing. I would much rather have people who are committed to being trolls rather than people who aren't committed to anything.
Yeah, this is where Borderlands randoms come in. Although, more a product of its design, it still is a glaring flaw for me. With no direction, order, or need for communication, things fall apart quickly. So what you end up with is four different people pursuing their own quests, showing off random guns (probably modded), or just trolling by moving to different areas all the time. So you have a disorganized, obnoxious, unable-to-kill-anything-much-less-Crawermax mess of a crackpot squad.
*sigh* What I'm trying to get at is: I don't mind teamkillers, griefers, ninjas, leechers, etc. if they're passionate about what they do. Oh, and I totally need someone to help me through the Secret Armory of General Knoxx. Oh, and developers shouldn't punish people for playing single-player. Oh, and if anyone wants to play L4D (1&2), you can add me on Steam.
GT: c0l0nelp0pc0rn1
Steam ID: colonelpopcorn


Haven't blogged in awhile...must be psychic powers and rad sales.

So, my birthday has come up and I plunged my hand into the Steaming waters, and came up with a few oddities I will tell you about here.

  •  Left 4 Dead 2: This was among the first things I bought from this week's sale, and I gotta say its a whole lot better on PC than 360. I know a lot of you are shaking your heads now and saying "yup, I told you so", and its been duly noted, but I simply didn't have a good computer then and I did have a friend who owned it then. So I borrowed it from him and enjoyed myself immensely. However, you can't beat ten bucks vs. $29.99-$39.99 plus the price for The Passing. So my friend will have to continue playing without me.
  • Garry's Mod: Fun as all get out. That's really all I can say about this one....well except for the amazing physics engine, the laundry list of props and ragdolls, the comprehensive suite of tools and your disposal, and some kind of multiplayer, I tell you what! I bought this with L4D2
  • Machinarium: Watched the Quick Look, played the demo, haven't touched it, looking forward to it.
  • Psychonauts: I played the demo of it, 'twas awesome, and I heard so many good things about it. So I bought it, and I haven't played it a lot. I got past the demo's bit, but that's about it. Also the first mention of psychic powers...unless you count Garry's Mod.
  • Beyond Good and Evil: Same with Machinarium minus the Quick Look watching and demo playing. It's like Pokemon Snap right, but with Zelda?
  • Second Sight: I've played this one the most out of all my new games. I like it, but I wasn't expecting a Stealth-Action title. Regardless of the unexpected genre, its awesome and broken up into small enough sections for bite-sized play. It also apes Metal Gear in so many wonderful, optional ways. In particular, its confusing story and optional camera angle that is a Metal Gear camera angle. Although the story is confusing, its not because of an overload of information like Metal Gear, but a lack of it that is slowly being revealed to me. Oh, and the enemies are deaf, dumb, and legally blind. There's also psychic powers.
  • Left 4 Dead: Basically the same story with L4D2, but with Crash Course instead of The Passing.
  • Sam and Max 104 Abe Lincoln Must Die: While not technically part of the Steam sale I only noticed it when the sale was going on. It was worth the price I *ahem* paid to hear an evil Abe Lincoln say "I did not have sex with that woman." Needless to say, I was laughing it up so loud I woke the neighbors. Then they stuck me in their inter-dimensional fridge.
So while Steam has held most of my gaming pleasures this week, I haven't been ignoring my 360. Borderlands and COD2 aren't going to S-rank themselves, afte-
 "War is delightful to those who have not experienced it." - Erasmus

Ode to the Shotgun

 A man with a face is knocking at my door,
I turn around quickly,
He doesn't have a face anymore.

The crazy Voorhees knockoff with his machete runs
right directly at me,
good thing I've got bazillions of guns.

Most of them are shotguns,
but I've found the one that's best,
Its the one fires quickliest at other people's heads

Tediore, Maliwan, it doesn't matter much
as long as its got a magazine,
its so handy in the clutch.

You might be wondering now just what the heck is up
its about time for me to tell you all
my sick and twisted pups.

Auto-shotguns are the best,
whether semi or full auto,
yes nothing can compare to them
not even a cyan malo

Yeah, I'm done with these stupid rhymes. Automatic shotguns are the best guns in first-person shooters ever. MW2? AA-12 is the only secondary I need. Borderlands? Sweepers are so much better than any matador or shredder. L4D? Auto-SHOTTY!!! BF: BC? I haven't played the first one yet, does it have a good auto-shotgun?

Say, what shotguns stand out to you guys? Tell me in the comments below.

P.s. Also, tell me if Bad Company (1) is any good.


Xbox Live Sucks

I know everyone already knew this, but it goes deeper than everyone in adversarial multiplayer modes acting like jerks. No, I'm talking about cooperative game modes. You see whenever I join or start a multiplayer game in Borderlands, I'm guaranteed to run into people who do not use their mics. This wouldn't be so bad, if you weren't able to teleport around via the car. It really sucks when you're the host, because then you feel like the only guiding force behind this otherwise uncoordinated team. Which kind of means you go nowhere. Obviously, this could be alliviated by me getting some friends who actually play the game or not care so much. But then, why can't I make friends while playing Borderlands?
This extends far beyond Borderlands alone, public Horde rarely has anyone talking. I jumped into a game of Crackdown, and the other guy wasn't using his mic. I jumped into a game of Castle Crashers, and one kid was singing into his mic. You know that's one of many peoples pet peeves with "all the xbox live gamers" [1], is that they use it to annoy, harass, mock, cajole, taunt, boast, sing, yell, play music from a bad radio, filter their voice through auto-tune (well, that one can be funny if its not overdone), and generally abuse everyone who's name is not [insert mic-abusing twat's name here]. If they're not doing that, they're using it to talk to their friends or they're not using it at all.
So what I propose to you, O mighty, is that you start using your headset more. No, I'm not suggesting you strike up a conversation with an underage dude on Modern Warfare 2 , quite the opposite. I only wish that players would work as a team, and I'm sure there are true teams out there. However, they are so hard to find, that I am discouraged to even look for anyone on xbox live in a co-op game who will talk to me to discuss what he/she wants to do. You know what this whole blog is stupid. I just need to find some more people on xbox live to play with me. Sorry about that. Not writing about games, but writing about people. Nothing against you guys. Back to your regularly scheduled programming, I suppose.....*sigh*
[1]: Soulja Boy Tell 'Em in his xbox vid thing


Top Twenty Games of the Decade

Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2
Star Trek Voyager: Elite Force
Castlevania: Circle of the Moon
Super Smash Bros. Melee
The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind
Star War Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast
The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker
Tony Hawk's Underground
Half-Life 2
Ratchet and Clank: Up Your Arsenal
Mercenaries: Playground of Destruction
Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow
Marvel: Ultimate Alliance
Gears of War
Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare
Assassin's Creed
Ratchet and Clank: Size Matters
Fallout 3
Batman: Arkham Asylum
2010 (most anticipated):
Red Dead Redemption
Those are my faves.


What physics system do those dice rolls use anyway?

 Been playing a bunch of C&C RPG's lately. (C&C = Classic and on the Computer, and Choice and Consequence) And I was wondering what kind of physics system the dice rolls behind the scenes use? Examples are Fallout 2, and KOTOR. Seriously, who or what is actually determining these dice rolls? I was in the Klamath rat caves, and killed a certain rat at a certain corner. I died several times exploring this cave, but each time I loaded my save I killed that rat after on my last 5 action points. What gives? I thought this was supposed to be random.

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