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blog. bad grammer no spell check. boring. love is beautifulll

Today marks my fourth day at work and again my weekend was filled with semi-funness. After work on Friday I went home and showered and found myself to be very bored again. Throwing back some shots at a bar should most definitly subcede the boredom especially with a friend or two so i asked steve and christian if they wanted to join me. Christian decided to hit me up later so i went ahead and picked up steve, he suggested that we stopped by his friends house to see if he was home, when we arrived he was not there so we continued to the bar. We arrived at an older bar on kinderkamack road in river edge which we found out to our surprise it was evicted and closed forever, so we continued to the bar in hillsdale named Cornerstone, it kinda sucked so we left that place and went to mahwah to see baldan before she left work. upon our arrival turns out she was at the 711 amongst several of my allies. to keep this short we basically wanted to party and i asked this kid for ganja and a house to chill at and my request worked (wish i got kudos). party ensued and i got home later. saturday i ended up at dunkin donuts to wait for baldy wishing hard that we can spend time together either at a park or rio recreational center or a mall because its been a long time that we have, i had a feeling it wasnt going to happen because i started getting vibes from AIM and the way the weather was so i didnt keep my hopes up. when i picked her up i was pretty much correct, she wanted to be at dunkin donuts for 5 hours accompanied by semi-rude down in a hole type mood, i chose not to think of why she felt like this but rather how i should approach the mood and work around it in a safe way, which tends to be extremely challenging and resulted in some of my feelins gettin hurt but i shook it off and stood my ground. its very difficult to keep things interesting in a static enviroment like dunkin donuts so i was kinda playing with fire anyway. as dunkin closed we ended up going to the same waldwick party as the night prior, then baldy went home with mia and cassie for there sleep over. i wish her parents liked me or something. but thats all i can do at the moment and maybe forever.
did nothing sunday basically focused on moms birthday and brothers visiting plus my valentine planning, valentines day is going to be very interesting due to my lack of funds but ill try my best with everything. i want to discuss gaming related shit here but its hard when all my gaming equipment is unavailable. i dont bother with talking about news on the industry cause thats why we have those other blog sites. im at work and bored again. HOLLA!