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deactivated-5e69ed38bb90a's forum posts

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i support this no manual. its not like people atually read it right? IF ANYTHING though, i do support that they should still have the developers names and the credits in a paper somewhere in the game case
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        I'm not sure what's going on with the blog thing because as of right now, while i write this, i can only see four words and it skids to the next line and i can only see two lines. so... this doesn't really look good for me but im still ganna write something because i didn't blog yesterday. So a little of what i did yesterday. I went to a baby shower for my brother, was taking care of my grandpa, he insist on paying me to take care of him as my job for now, so every saturday i go over and take care of him and he gives me $50. After the shower i went right to sleep. When i woke up i found out a lot of people were over just drinking so i thought i joined in a play a few beer pong games, it was nice. 
      So today i went to gamestop. As i was at gamestop, i looked at the list of which games they are taking reservations. Theres just so much games i want, so i thought i break it down a bit you know? i asked questions like which games has the "special" items that comes with the reservation. They told me a couple (can't remember them right now) that i didn't really care for. Like the one for Blue. If you reserve it then you can download the arena and play it earlier then everybody else. They told me you need to be a level 5 or something to play in the arena and im thinking, " well i played the beta and it wasn't that hard at all to get to level 5 so forget that" So forget about the special offers, i asked which games had Limited or Collectors edition because you only get such a few weeks to pick that kind of stuff up you know? might as well get a limited edition game then a regual one. I asked how the Alan Wake limited edition was, what kind of stuff is in it because im very very interested in this game. They didn't know what came with it so i thought i looked it up on my phone. The book that the game is based on, soundtrack, a code for the first DLC, some other thing, Avatar items. and all that for just $20 i was like Oh my god, OF COURSE ILL GET IT! it sounded like such a great deal. so for right now i put $40 on Alan Wake cant wait for 5/18. 
         I saw the quick look video of Again, it looked halarious, and bad at the same time. So bad that i kinda wanna try it out. I hate to say it but i download DS games, NOT ALL OF THEM. if its a GOOD ds game ill buy it but i mean bad ds games why not just download it right? well whatevers. even if i get bad comments about it, it's not like im going to stop. so ANYWAYS, i downloaded it and im going to try to see how bad this game really is. 
          I downloaded Skate 3 as i said in my status. Didn't really try it much but you can tell theres a huge differnce, i like how they show you how you moved the thumb stick. It really does help a lot of what i am doing wrong, or how the game is reading it. Countless times have i wondered what i was doing wrong on some tricks in Skate and Sakte 2. Didn't really try much of the new features in the game, i hope you can darkslide in it. Thats the most antipated thing i wanna do, maybe i should have reserved that game. Oh well. So tomorrow maybe i would actully PLAY a game, so afar all i've been playing is DDO with my friend ( Dungeons & Deagons Online ) So ill check you people else were, im out. Ganna play some DS games. LAters and thanks for reading.

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I love bowling haha
and yea that doesnt sound so safe, ALTHOUGH interesting.
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I agree online does have better pricing. but there is just something about being able to go into the store get a good relationship with the workers talk about games and maybe even getting "under the table" deals if its a strong relationship. Also there are awesome Midnight events for the big games if you buy at stores :) 
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Didn't really play anything today, woke up around 3pm actully and just jumped right into Dungeons and Dragons Online. Sure it has the "Free To Play" but i wished everything was free. I understand not most MMO games are like that, but i do wish this game was. I almost did everything i can in this game and i am berrly a level 4. I'm not to sure how big this world is but from what i can tell, i can't really do much in it. I ussualy play with my "real life" friend. It makes everything so much better. I do like how the game lets you use Mics. Most free MMO games dont let you do that. 
So my friend and i decided to invite a bunch of people for the next quest we were about to do. Personally i dont really like to play with other people in my party, as weird as that must sound for a MMO, but in this case i need more people. So my friend and I invited a couple of people. They didnt have mics but of course i dont mind typing i mean im blogging on this site for three days in a row what do i care if i type to communicate with people. Anyways, im getting off track, i still kept the mic plugged in because i want to talk to my friend with the mic. Out of no where, one of the guy in are party says in the party chat room " how do i mute people." after i saw that i was like, " awww thats mean." the player replays saying, "yea whatevers." kinda of a attutude but i ignored it. So my friend and i kept talking about the game and other stuff going on with us. Again out of no where the player types (censored) "@%# how to i &($% mute this guy" i was like wow thats pretty uncalled for." which it is so i thought i started being a d!ck and responded saying "Its called turning off the speakers" he says "no its called shutting the &@*( up!" after typing that my friend right away kicked the player off. I guess my friend doesn't like it when somebody else curses to her bff :) i have an awesome friend. 
 So what other MMOs that are actully free good? i really like to try some out.
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thats kind of sad to know. I agree im not sure what the "due to age" means as well, i dont think the art work is that bad, but if its a licensing issue thats differnt. It's pretty sad though. makes my Konami room look like garbage.  Thanks for getting this question, answered.
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@wh1terav3n thanks for the info. I wasn't planning to post random videos, I record my own videos with my own commentary, but i should probably just avoid it completly haha 
and thanks everybody :) 
and again WOW its still up? maybe i should play some of my Crimson skies haha
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not sure if your hobbie is games but what other things do all of you like to do?  i myself like to : 
play the piano 
play the guitar 
play basketball with friends 
make videos 
watch a lot of movies 
and learn how to make video games.

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So its about my second day with an account on this website. So far i've already gotten use to how everything works. i put my collection of video games in the list and even a sepret list for the Game Room games. Soon ill make more list like Xbox 360, and Xbox Live Arcade games that i have. Ill be getting more into how i can use this Blog stuff as well. maybe even post videos on my youtube and send it on here so other people can check it out if i bother to write little mini reviews on my blogs. 
So the Original Xbox Live servers are shutting down or probably have shut down since i posted this video. Its a really sad day i remember getting my Xbox Live account the year it came out at 2002. My first Xbox Live game was Unreal Championship and Mechassault. I remember getting a demo disc with the games MotoGP and Wack. Wack was defintaly a weird game that i for some reasons enjoyed. i did eventually buy it and played the game with random people who soon became friends. Wow i cant believe it i was only 11 years old. Xbox Live has been in my life for almost half of my life now (im 19 the day i wrote this.) yea its a sad day. My favorite game on Xbox was Crimson Skies, and Doom 3. Those were really great games to play online. Even though in Doom 3 it only supported 4 players deathmatch, i loved to do the co-op.  So yea Sad day for the servers shutting down. It will be missed.
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OMG I felt so stupid haha #1183 -_- all late but whatevers i still did it :)