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deactivated-5e69ed38bb90a's forum posts

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Wow i cant even post a blog every friday. Already missed a day after just 2 weeks haha. So A little of whats been down with me. NOTHING! i've just been working. i was working on friday and got out around 10pm, come home TIRED! just dieing. So yea, but i did buy a new game after i got my Tip share from work. Had enough to buy a awesome game. or fully pay Alan Wake. Stupidly i bought a game but was so worth it. Batman Arkham Asylum, just bought it and so glad i did. Game of the Year edition that comes with the DLC and a little extra, its in 3d! crazy.  
so yea pretty awesome game, it really pulled me in the Batman universe a lot. I dont read comics or anything or watch any of the t.v. shows but this game is amazine! I'm not sure how they can pull off Arkham Asylum 2. I have so many questions for the game, but dont wanna ask them here for spoiler reasons. Still i love the steal. I just beat it on Hard yesterday. Took me just one day, its not very long. Of course if you want to collect all the riddler stuff then yea thats going to take a little time, but hey thats what the walkthroughs are for me. To help me get the collecters stuff right? so anyways, yea Batman : AA GOTY GREAT game. love the stealth. i loved the game even more on hard, it really made me feel like i was Batman because i was kicking a$$ and doing all these combo moves without any help, like the indicator that tells you when you should counter. When that is disabled it really grabs you in with ever fight scene. The A.I. is great on Hard and rewardinly challenging. You would always want to be more stealth in Hard. Easy, if you get cought you can just go on those gargoles, and in 2 secs the A.I. would forget where you are. In hard mode though, you have to really plan out everything so percisly, Amazine game. If you haven't bought the game yet, this is a perfect time to do so.  
Alan Wake--- 
Alan wake comes out tomorrow, got a call from gamestop that says there is a midnight selling, for sure nobody is going to be there. i was at the gamestop where i reserved the game, and they just got there box shipment. Their was only one box, and i was the only one who got the Collector Edition ( so the manager of the store told me ) so apparently nobody who goes to my Gamestop is excited about Alan wake WHICH IS CRAZY. I'm pretty sure there more excited about Red Dead Redemption, which to me looks like a great game. a open world Wild west game from Rockstar, sounds fun. But Alan Wake seems a lot more story telling and exciting. I was never a big fan of Rockstars story telling it just seems so obvious most of the time. New guy comes, kills people to save other people. Pretty much the way i see it. Not saying they make bad games, not saying that at all but Alan Wake to me just seems like a better waste of my money then RDR. So yea i guess ill go to the midnight thing for Alan Wake but i'm going to be there around 11:55am, Just assuming that not many people are excited about it. The Collecter Edition just feels more worth it then just buying the game, im not sure why not everybody get it, especially just $20 more you get the first DLC, the soundtrack, and the book. Not sure if i should read the book first then play the. I wanna read teh book because it just seems like theres going to be more details in the book then whats going to be in the game, but at the same time i dont wanna read it because i wanna be surprsied when i play the game but again at the same time i wanna see how much the game and the book are so similar. Oh well ill figure that out once i actully get it.  
not sure what else to say, ill probably write a review of Alan Wake a week after i play it. Of course it will be more organaized then my blogs, no misspelled words and horrible grammer. unlike my blog i will actully look t what i write in my Reviews. So ill catch you all later.

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i was actully thinking about buying it just to see how bad the game is. I saw a few ER episodes of it maybe up to 12 where i missed a few episodes in a row and couldnt continue watching it anymore for it will take about 3 hours of my life to catch up which i do not have anymore. Anyways, i wouldnt mind buying this game just for the laughes. Im glad im not the only one who thought so.
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@End_Boss:  especially on the xbox. I understand why the PC is much better and thanks for the comment.
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First off, Wow i haven't wrote a blog in awhile, i was hoping that i will at lease keep this updated once every two days you know? but i guess i just got lazy.   

So i got Dragon Age for the longest, sometime in december, but i had a lot of other games i haven't played. I thought i would get 1000gs for all the game first and then i would play Dragon Age to end it all. Since i have yet not got all the Gamerscore for all those games i had before (i still have it) i thought i try Dragon Age. After playing it i was sucked in. Bioware really did out do themselfs for this game, no joke! I am alittle dissapointed due to the fact that the main character does not talk. I do on the other hand can accept the reason why the main character doesn't talk is because there is much more diologe in this game for the NPC. And there are muiltple voices for the Main character when he/she is in combat. They would mostly say "i got it" and little things like that but anyways. Im not really sure what i typed before this because for some reasons the blog box that im typing in is again really small. I hope they fix this.  

Anyways So i was listening to the newest Bombcast from whatever this blog was posted. AND they said Super Street Fighter 4 was only $40!! I KNOW! i really thought it was $60 but right when i heard $40. DEAL im in! i never played Street Fighter, i dont really like Japan games but this one has so much stuff to start off with right? So i played it and of course im not good, i dont get how the weird combos work in trils (is that what its called) im not sure what im doing wrong, but i know if i keep playing it ill get use to it right? well hopefully. Id probably be playing some online and get my butt kicked by the pros out there who've been playing this game forever. Well that has been my Game week. Ill write next friday, maybe keep this a weekly thing. I think i will.

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Why are people saying it looks cool and nice? Nobody has seen anything about it yet; no screenshots no videos. Lets see a Call of Duty game not in WWII and assuming not what MW2 took place. can we say America doesnt even need to be apart of it, but if theres anything left that Call of Duty hasnt looked at that was huge then its Civil War, but i dont think the Call of Duty franchise should take that direction.
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AHH! well it was still pretty fun :) i guess ill just have to wait till may 3rd. Hope they have a good time with it
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i freaking hope Acitivion doesnt screw bungie over. Making spin off Halo games for Nintendo Wii, Playstation 3, PSP and DS They better give them full support and all the time that bungie needs to make a perfect game. AHH WHY BUNGIE why couldnt you team up with somebody better! like EPIC or something. EPIC would have been a GREAT publishing team for Bungie. get that Halo franchise on the Unreal Engine    
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GB pretty much convinced me to try the game to see how bad it really is haha. I want the game now! haha
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Star wars The Force unleashed. it wasnt bad but out of the other games that i got 100% in, star wars was the hardest. the most borinest ( is that a word ) is bully! OMG i cant believe how much time i wasted riding a bike around everywhere untill i got an achievement.
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ill tell you what not to get. BLUE DRAGON that game is garbage. 
Best RPG, Mass Effect and Fable is okie but it gets pretty easy later in the game and Boarderland is a great game especially for co-op.