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I just played five matches of the multiplayer beta. I hate to sound like a cynic as I was waiting to try this out for quite a while, but... it's pretty boring so far.

There seems to be the glaring issue that I wouldn't expect from a shooter called "Doom" where you can't explain how you went from 100 health to 34 during a firefight. There's just so little visual or sound indication that you took damage from anything that you just get fucking instakilled for no explainable reason because it just fucking happens out of nowhere. Id Software games always did a great job telling you how screwed you were when it came to damage input; from differently toned screams depending on your health, to feeling the force of impact from enemy projectiles. There's just no game feel in that regard, and I can't believe I have to make a critique like that to a game developer that made goddamn FPSs what they are. Different employees and teams from 1993, I know, but they could have at least tried here.

I despised naysayers calling this game "slow" from simple gameplay footage alone, but now I have to agree, at least in terms of the multiplayer. This feels like a half-assed attempt to bring old school multiplayer shooters to the consoles. It may feel fast for those who were born after the halcyon days of PC first-person shooters, but for someone who is still playing those kinds of games to this day on an on-and-off basis, being sick of the CoD/Halo trends that have been ingrained in shooters these past couple of years, 2016 Doom is lethargic as hell. There's just not enough speed here to make any tactical maneuvers to outwit opponent expectations. If you encounter enemies, you just have to let things slide: Either you have less health or he does, or you have more buddies by your side than he does; individual skill just does not matter here it seems, even with quad damage. It's just luck based, and that's probably from a lack of depth from the overall mechanics. A clunky double jump does not help, either.

I don't know, guys. I really want to like what I'm playing so far, but I end up either bored or frustrated with it. I'll give it a few more matches, see if my mind changes. Hell, though it's unlikely, maybe things will improve after the beta. The single-player looks promising, as well as the Doom snapmap feature. We'll see.

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Very Trent Reznor-ish.

I fucking love it.

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It's could be the fault of the gamer, but the human brain isn't very good at self-control so you've got to have some empathy when it comes to cases like addiction.

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It was fucking great. It was touching, funny, and charming in so many ways. My biggest issue was the pacifist ending - way too schmaltzy and "anime" for my tastes. But everything else was good enough to make me wish I never left that world and its characters, and that's a sign of a good piece of entertainment in my eyes.

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Here's the site.

According to the top right, it's being developed by Otherside Entertainment which has a bunch of people from Looking Glass Studios, one of which is the founder Paul Neurath who also founded Blue Sky entertainment which ended up becoming the dev team which we all speak highly of, Looking Glass itself.

If this is real, duders, I am fucking excited. I loved System Shock 2 enough to be sorely disappointed in Bioshock when it first came out. The lack of Warren Spector has me skeptical, though.

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As someone who's played Kingdom Hearts and FFVII, I can say with authority that the people who want the ATB system should probably go back and play through some of FFVII.

When you do, you'll realize that slogging through menus and waiting for bars to fill is not a system that can nor should work in 2015 because it's not fun. You should realize that you're here to crossdress Cloud, not play Crusader Kings lite. It's good that Square Enix isn't bringing it back. Your nostalgia goggles are too thick. Embrace the future.

This post makes me not want to replay FFVII, but goddamn it, after watching that trailer, I JUST WANT TO.

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It's a bummer that Bloodborne didn't win a single thing, though. But it did have to stiff competition, so you can't blame the judges.

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Thank fucking god they made it. It would suck if they didn't.

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Yeah, it really sucks. I quite liked the rebooted Tomb Raider and if I had an Xbox One, I would buy the sequel in an instant.

I think what made the game's sales suck so much was the fact that it was on one console, it had no advertisements to speak of, and it came out right next to two well known and anticipated game titles. I actually didn't know that this game was coming out until I saw its release date three days before, and that's some awful work on the publisher's part.

The decision to make it a timed exclusive, AND release it next to other big games, were dumb fucking moves and I hope the long term sales, after the other versions come out, tell the developers that people do want these games.