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deactivated-5f9398c1300c7's forum posts

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Get rid of democracy and let corporations rule the world. That'll solve it!

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As a huge Witcher fan and replaying the first and second game countless times, the only good thing that came out of the Witcher 3 was the writing behind it. Everything else was very disappointing in terms of RPG mechanics, art style, and open world exploration.

Player progression is shallow, loot drops suck, every utility you're given is imbalanced by how weak they all are. Why the fuck is my sacrificing a perk point either going to give my quen a 5% chance to knock enemies down or a 5% increase in weapon damage? Why does the former exist? How come the developers were too fucking scared in making you feel stronger and ready for anything tough to overcome? Why does it take only one alcohol of any type to refill everything? Why is it so fucking easy to reach 99 dwarven alcohol in a measly five hours? Why did they remove preparation? How come weather and day-night conditions effect nothing about monster behavior unlike its predecessors? Why didn't they take advantage of their open world design by making the monster types they design dynamically create their own nests, infest certain pocks of land that perturb towns and villages, ect? Why did they take so many fucking steps back, causing their own game to be boring as fuck?

Seriously, if Witcher3's storytelling wasn't good this game would be appalling as hell. I wouldn't be able to finish this thing if I wasn't a Witcher fan. This game was a massive disappointment.

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Mei is my dream wife, and is officially my most used character in Overwatch.

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Yup, this game fucking rocks. The upgrade/RPG system actually opens up more combat potential instead of being this "perk/stat improvement" thing that I was expecting.

I turned off the compass, objective markers, and the glory kill highlights and the game is just fucking great. Exceeded my expectations.

However, I don't like how the melee combat is handled. Not the glory kills, mind you -- just the weapon bludgeoning stuff. They should have had a separate weapon slot for fists. What's more bad ass than punching fucking demons from hell with mortal hands? Bludgeoning a demon with the back of a gun like a pussy ass Spartan from Halo? Fuck that, bro. If they ever make a sequel (and they fucking should), bring back punching.

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Every time a game-based movie comes about, I hope--I always hope--it turns out good.

Please, god. Let this shit be good. Let Warcraft be good. Tell the mass audiences that my games are not that fucking stupid.

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I'm not digging the health and ammo pinatas from enemy deaths. It's too gamey and arcadey, something that Doom fought against in its amazing design decision to get rid of the atypical score accumulation that was common in games back then, in replacement of just the raw pleasure of killing your enemies. The slaughter was its own reward in Doom, and it was awesome. The only time you got an actual reward from an enemy was then it made sense; kill a weapon wielding zombie, you get a clip of ammunition or a shotgun. Anything else gave you nothing but another obstacle in your way, and it was the best design decision ever from a developer.

It seems like Doom 2016 is missing the point in this regard. Not only is there no inertia when you get hit or when enemies get hit by your damage output, their corpses don't stay, they easily gib, and they somehow for no reason give you life and man made ammunition for your man made guns. The demons in Doom 2016 seem to be designed as ciphers than actual, intimidating creatures with personality. That's what I'm getting from the video footage alone, and that's pretty disappointing.

But I guess with the visual fidelity that they were going for, they couldn't make levels big and seamless enough to place medpacks and ammo that were plentiful enough to be reachable after any gun fight. They can't make entire levels arenas, they have to have levels with "arenas" in between their hallways; arenas that you can skip or run out of. You can't backtrack out of these combat arenas to get more health and ammo, only to come back and see the very demons that spawned in that arena proceed to murder each other from their cross fire. It was awesome to see in the old school Doom just how chaotic entire levelscapes would become when you just left demons in their lonesome. Now, I don't expect demons to do that at all. How the hell can you do what old Doom did with Doom 2016's graphics, the poverty tier console hardware, and the majority of PC's out there whose hardware isn't up to snuff for anything but League of Legends?

You can't. You just have to accept the limitations of what hardware is capable of, and what the able bodies in your office are capable of. And so we have games complicated in graphics, but shallow in mechanics and overall design.

I guess Doom 2016 will be fun like Max Payne 3. That's the best I could hope. If not, we have another boring console shooter that doesn't understand why shooters are awesome: the shooting itself.

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I heard it's going to have arcadey hero and vehicle power ups like Battlefront. If that's true, I have lost all interest.

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If Valve makes a Team Fortress 3 to respond to Overwatch after not making a game for years, you know that they don't care anymore.

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I just want a console where developers don't have to drastically downgrade their engine's capabilities that hamper their art directions and tech. I don't mind a retexture or remodel here and there for the sake of performance, but something like The Witcher 3 or Watchdogs is unacceptable for a console generation this early.

That's why I hope they make Cyberpunk 2077 the way its intended.

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Entered the reactor to meet the wish granter?