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Really Bored...

...So I came up with a song

Jeff .... decided oh one day to build a giant crazy massive bomb
it turned out to be just what you were waiting for thoes days so long
he found Ryan and Dave and got them working on his massive plan
It ended with this website full of games and Brad and Vinny too.

Dur dur dur dur dur dur dur dur dur dur dur dur dur duuur

We all came flocking to this site to and caught them in their perfect light
but that sounds like I rather fancy all of them and quite I might
Indeed they are the pioneers of this website in all its might
But one thing will stop me it is their hate of lucozade and sprite

Dur dur dur dur dur dur dur dur dur dur dur dur dur duuur

The test then came with a-d-verts and us complaining of Gears two
but then it was five starred and we felt like we could have a good mood
Vinny made his videos and "lol" "rot-fl" all the way home
And now I'll end with videos of the week and Cobra Eleven...