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I'm playing Toukiden 2 on the Vita. I could've chosen to play it on the PS4 or PC, but I deeply love my Vita and feel this may be the last big game I get for it. I'm loving the game so far. They've added a story mode to it that I feel is really engaging and there's a freedom to do the things you want to do in the game. Want to do quick missions against Oni? Go to the mission board. Want to just follow the main quest? Go ahead, there's lots to do there. Want to just roam the open world looking for things to do? Create a party of NPC's (or not) and just head out the front gate; checking your map you'll find side quests and plenty of large Oni just spawn in the open world. The action still feels mashy to me, and I don't feel this game would challenge more hard core gamers, but I do not play games for their challenge and the demon hand does add some interesting mechanics. I really can't recommend this game enough and I've chosen to play it over other games, like Horizon for example. At this point, the only thing I can see interrupting my Toukiden play time is Persona 5, so I'd better get through as much I can in the next couple of weeks.

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I love this first paragraph. Alex continuing to be the best staff writer.

I second that and will add that he's my favorite game reviewer period!

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The following are not worth reading. I just had to type these up to get them off my chest; think of it as therapy or anger management :).

Only comment I have about the music category is the crew (other than Jason) seemed to be more into giving Dan shit than actually listening to Stardew Valley tracks. Even if they had, and I love the soundtrack, can't imagine it having a chance with the others.

Don't care about mutliplayer games, but their choice seemed right, other than Chicken Horse losing out to overcooked; overcooked looks un-fun chaos.

Best xbox 360 backwards compatibility seems spot on, even though the only game I care about on the list is Red Dead Redemption (best game of last generation). I do love Mass Effect 2, but I can (and currently am) play(ing) Mass Effect 2 on my laptop.

Haven't played Witness, but that sounds like a cool moment. However, Titanfall 2's moments were 10,000,000 times better than the Doom one. Not sure why, but I keep bouncing off of Doom (attempting to play the single player for the 3rd time and don't get what all the fuss is about), and those first 5 minutes seemed to me like a predictable move for a reboot that wants to pay tribute to the original. Loved all of the Titanfall 2 campaign and it did things I didn't expect at all.

I increasingly think this crew has no business trying to rank anything. They're too small a crew to have all played a good chunk of each year's games and ranking something you've spent 0, or little time with, seems like madness to me.

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Getting 404 errors trying to access any Giantbomb content from the plex app on my laptop. Videos work fine on web page (i.e. but getting channel not responding from the plex web app. Anyone else having problems?

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I sorta can't imagine this game on gamepad at all? It seems like such a keyboard and mouse game.

Really?!? I've only played a couple of minutes on my Vita and watched various videos, but I don't see anything about that game that screams "mouse and keyboard". I'm guessing it has something to do with the hands on experience.

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My favorite part of E3 was the unveiling of the Xbox one S. That is one sexy piece of hardware, in my opinion. I'm tempted to buy one (don't have an Xbox one at this point).

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@e30bmw said:
@troy333 said:

IGN's Playstation post show called this the best press conference of all time......... This is why I pay 50 a year to Giant Bomb. I'm not looking for a fan's perspective, I want the truth. I love my Playstation 4 but I really expected more.

Pro-tip, no opinion is "the truth". I'm not sure why the guys were so down on it, there were some games that looked super interesting. And I liked that it was basically just a bunch of trailers/gameplay demos. I've watched years of press conferences with suits and devs standing on stage making awkward small talk and quite frankly it almost never does anything for me.

Exactly! Personally, I felt conference was between the two extremes; not as bad as the bomb crew seemed to think, not as great as others seemed to think. I pay 50 a year to Giant Bomb because I find the content entertaining; not because I think the crew's opinion on anything is relevant at all.

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Back in my day, UX was a proper abbreviation for Unix! You damn kids, stealing our acronyms!

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#9  Edited By DedBeet

So looking forward to Bravely Second. Please add me.

Name: JefC

Friend code: 0232 - 8994 - 2888

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Looks like the kind of character that you'd see at the start of an educational film. Love it.