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Average score of 8 user reviews

A Different Kind of Dismemberment 0

Dead Space 3 received a lot of criticism, and rightly so, for being an entirely different experience from its predecessors. The twist, then, is the realization as you play that Dead Space 3 isn't trying to be anything like Dead Space and Dead Space 2. Is this the best way to handle a franchise? No, probably not, but taking the game by itself, Visceral Games have done a great job of crafting a new spin on the series that is entirely enjoyable just the way it is.Isaac Clarke's troubled past is abo...

2 out of 2 found this review helpful.

A Worthy Rival to the Plumber 0

I'm glad to say that the consistently low quality of the main series Sonic the Hedgehog games does not come through in the awkwardly-titled Sonic & Sega All-Stars Racing (or, as the boxart for the Xbox 360 version seems to imply, the even awkwarder Sonic & Sega All-Stars Racing with Banjo-Kazooie).  It's about as unsubtle at copying the Mario Kart franchise as Saints Row was at copying Grand Theft Auto, but this is no mere rip-off. It do...

1 out of 2 found this review helpful.

A Hell of a Good Time 0

"Boss Fight". Get it? id Software's Doom came out in 1993, and it took the world by storm, more or less inventing the first person  shooter genre, and setting off a wave of baseless controversy over its violent content. It literally went on to become one of the most famous and influential video games of all time. The inevitable sequel, entitled Doom II: Hell on Earth, came out just a year later, adding on to the original with 32 new levels, as well as a variety of new monsters and a s...

2 out of 2 found this review helpful.

I throw up the horns and salute. 1

Brütal Legend is a great game, and I enjoyed it from start to finish. It's not perfect, but it has the quality you expect from a Double Fine game where it counts. Even if you're not a fan of heavy metal, there's lots to enjoy here.  Story: Everybody knows the basic plotline by now. Eddie Riggs is the greatest roadie in the world, but he's stuck working for the worst "metal" band in the world, Kabbage Boy, who completely dismiss the great...

3 out of 3 found this review helpful.

I just wish it rose a little higher 1

Dead Rising is a zombie-oriented game by Capcom, which automatically brings the Resident Evil series to mind. However the presence of zombies is the only thing these games have in common. Dead Rising is not at all scary, pure action from beginning to end, while all the Resident Evil games were designed from the ground up as horror experiences. Well, except 5 anyway. Dead Rising has an acceptable premise, satisfying gameplay, and nicely polished graphics. It's really too bad that seve...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

Familiar Faces and Familiar Places, but still Fun to Play 1

In 2001, Final Fantasy X came out and blew the world away. The first entry in the acclaimed series by Square on the PS2, it featured voice acting for the first time in the franchise, a brand-new battle engine, incredible graphics, and a surprisingly mature storyline about futility, sacrifice, and death, but also, and most importantly, hope. Fans of Final Fantasy theorized that because it was the tenth game, it would be the last game in the series, but the franchise continued to defy its...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

The Game that Killed the Series 4

The very first console RPG I ever played was Breath of Fire II on the Super Nintendo, made by Capcom. I realize now that it's not the best example of the genre, it's repetitive and somewhat poorly translated, but it will always hold a special place in my heart. Regardless of quality, however, I can honestly say that that SNES title is hands-down a much better game than the PS2 iteration of the series which was released nine ...

9 out of 14 found this review helpful.

An appropriately mindless good time 0

Stubbs the Zombie in: Rebel Without a Pulse is a pretty good game from the last generation that was a bad buy back in the day, but a good deal in the modern era. It consists entirely of a campaign you can play through by yourself or in two player co-op, but that's all it needs, really. I played the XBox Originals version, which is an emulated version of the original XBox game played on an XBox 360.Story: The game begins without any setup whatsoever - a well-dressed zombie pops out of the ground ...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.